Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: The New Defensive Boss is the Same as the Old Boss

Well, sort of.  Greg Mattison was the DC for Michigan from 1995-1996 and was U of M's DLine coach from 1992-1995. 
We also know he was the DC at Notre Dame and the last 3 seasons with one of the best defenses in the NFL, the Baltimore Ravens. So why would one of the best DC's in the country leave one of the best defenses in the NFL to coach one of the worst defenses in college football?

"The biggest reason is Brady," Mattison told The News on Tuesday night. "I know he's going to win. Michigan is a special place. The longer you're away from it, even when you're in the NFL, it's still Michigan. Every Saturday when we're in our rooms relaxing before the Sunday games, I always watched Michigan. That doesn't leave you."

"When Brady got the job (at Michigan last Tuesday), I said to myself, 'If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this with Brady,'" Mattison said. "I wouldn't have gone to any other college team. I wouldn't have changed what I was doing for anybody but Brady.

"When he called and said, 'I want you to be my defensive coordinator,' I told my wife, 'Oh boy, we made this career change and I may not coach 10 more years. It's not like I'm going to coach forever.' But you know what? He's special. What he's going to do at Michigan, my gut feeling is I want to be there with him when he does it. I want to do whatever I can to help him do that."

I have also heard that Greg's daughter lives in Ann Arbor and expecting a child.  Which really worked well in Michigan's favor.  It feels really good to get some positive news.

  • Michigan coach Darrell Funk was out to see Jake Fisher on Monday and he said the meeting went well.  Jake has talked to coach Hoke and the next step is for Jake to come down to Ann Arbor or Brady will make it up to Traverse City.  Jake visited MSU last weekend and is planning a trips to Oregon and Florida.

  • Blake Countess is expected to have the Michigan coaches in home today.  Having Greg Mattison on board has to help him stay committed to the Wolverines, even though he took a visit to PSU last weekend.

  • It seems Michigan has a good shot at landing the Kicker in the All American game who Brady has been recruiting for a couple of years.
  • I stand corrected it seems Michigan has a good shot at landing SC WR Hakeem Flowers on Sunday.