Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: Keeps an Eye on the Clock

First the latest news: The Freep (which I wouldn't even trust with a weather forecast) is saying that Harbaugh is not likely to go to Michigan.  ESPN and Chris Mortinson also confirmed that was the buzz before and after the game.  That Jimmy is more interested in going to the NFL and competing with his brother.

RR and DB are meeting this afternoon at 2:00: Will a decision be made?  There is also a meeting today with the players scheduled at 7:00 PM.  This meeting was set up before the Gator Bowl.

The Miami Dolphins might be looking for a Michigan man?  The Miami Dolphins are owned by Michigan man Stephen Ross (whose name is on Michigan's Business School).  It seems they might have put a horse in the Harbaugh race.  Michigan owner, coach, QB, and #1 draft pick Jake Long.  Ann Arbor South?

Recruiting Decisions and Visits:

As you know there are only a few more official weekends left in the 2011 recruiting class.  Michigan could be expecting these visitors this weekend:     S Sheldon Royster, ATH Raymon Taylor, WR Devin Lucien, DT Darian, Cooper, WR Shane Wynn (tentative) QB Cardale Jones (tentative), TE Frank Clark DE Deion Barnes, TE Tanner McEvoy.

Army All American Game Decisions from Kris Frost and Wayne Lyons.  Dee Hart and Avery Walls are also playing in this game who were both high on Michigan at one point in their respective recruitment's.
Michigan does not have a lot of prospect is the Under Armour Game.