Monday, January 10, 2011

A+B+C+D = Les?

A: The Domino's Pizza plane or the one that David Brandon has been using left Dallas this afternoon and landed in Baton Rouge.

B: The LSU message boards are saying that Les has signed a new $5M - 5 year contract with Michigan.

C: There is a players team meeting that was just scheduled for 4:00 on Tuesday.

D: The Pizza plane is scheduled to leave Baton Rouge in a few minutes to Willow Run. 

You be the judge, but that seems like a lot of evidence that Les will only have to travel a few more air "Miles" before he is the new Michigan coach.

Update:  This guy says he reviewed airport video that Les was not on the plane back to Michigan.  Les is scheduled to talk at the coaching conference in Dallas on Tuesday.   So I guess we continue to wait to see what happens.

11:00: Pizza Plane has landed in Willow Run.  It seems that David Brandon was on the flight.