Monday, January 17, 2011

Michigan Monday: Recruiting Blitz

This is the time of the year where young men make decisions on where they want to go to school and play football for the next 4-5 years.  Before Rich Rodriguez was asked to hit the Railroad, Michigan was building a top 15 2011 recruiting class .

Most of the Wolverines fans were concerned with David Brandon's timetable for evaluating the old coach and hiring a new coach and how it might effect recruiting.  Both took too long and now the football program is starting seeing the effects of that process.

Going, Going, Gone?  

Kicker Matt Goudis - If you remember he was committed to Boise State and then changed to Michigan before Christmas.  He visited Miami this weekend and changed his mind again and is now committed to the Hurricanes.  A kicker that has been committed to 3 different schools?  Ok. This is Miami's second kicker in this class, which is also strange.

CB - Dallas Crawford:  Most recruiting insiders are saying that it's over with Michigan and Dallas.  Which is too bad.  Dallas seemed to love the former coaches too much.

OL - Jake Fisher: Has re-opened his recruitment.  He visited MSU last weekend and thinking about trips to Oregon, Florida, or Notre Dame.  Michigan was in early on Jake and he committed right away.  Now he has blown up and with the Michigan staff blowning up, he is going to take some visits.  Not looking good here either.

You put your left foot in you put your left foot out........

Tony Posada:  Took a visit to Mississippi State this past weekend and will be in Ann Arbor next weekend. 

Blake Countess: Visited Penn State this weekend.

Kellen Jones:  Visited Colorado.

All three guys seem to love Michigan and just need some love from the the current Wolverine coaches.   Let's hope that the current staff can lock them down.  The rumor mill is saying that the coaches will be down to Houston to see Kellen, Blake has already talked to the coaches, and Tony will be in Ann Arbor this weekend.

Ok, with the current class a mess, is there any new guys Michigan can get?

Yes, Michigan has two official visitor weekends left and this class will come down to the last second.  

LB/WR Kris Frost - still hasn't heard from Auburn (which seems like a bad sign for him).  Michigan has been in contact with him with the new staff.  Everybody and their brother is probably knocking down his door.  He will not be enrolling early and will graduate with his senior class this spring.

WR Hakeen Flowers - per TomVH at Mgoblog was planning to talk to Brady Hoke on Sunday.  He is planning to announce next Sunday.  Many believe Michigan has a great shot at landing him.  I'm not in that camp, I think he is leaning towards NC State or UCLA. We will see.

WR Devin Lucien - seems very interested in visiting Ann Arbor but the coaches haven't contacted him yet.  He visited UCLA this past weekend.  This is a 4 star guy and I hope the Michigan coaches call him soon to set up a visit to Ann Arbor. 

OL Chris Bryant - Chris has been on "commitment watch" for months, he really seems to love the school and the Michigan program.  Chris took a visit to Pitt this past weekend (many former Michigan coaches are now at Pitt).  He stopped by Ann Arbor on the way back to Chicago and met with Brady.  Chris and his father stayed the night in Ann Arbor, which we hope is a good sign.   Update from TomVH with an interview with Chris this morning: 

TOM: Did you and your parents come away comfortable with the coaches after the meeting?

CHRIS: My parents are both comfortable, and so am I. They asked their questions and said it was a great conversation overall. I feel comfortable with him too. He was a funny guy, he's a player's coach. He's someone that you would want to coach you.

TOM: Feeling comfortable with the coaching staff now, do you still feel the same way about Michigan overall?

CHRIS: I had a good relationship with the coaches there before, but coaching is a business. It's just an adjustment and you need to go on with it. Michigan is Michigan, and they're not going to just bring anyone in. I still really like Michigan.

DB Floyd Raven- Another 4 star guy and was just offered this weekend.  He might visit Ann Arbor in the next two weeks.  

Coming in this Weekend:
  • Frank Clark TE from Glenville.  Michigan needs a TE in this class could it be Frank? 3 Star Prospect
  • CB Raymon Taylor, a local Michigan prospect who was committed to Indiana.  Raymon has been a Michigan fan growing up and really has wanted to take a visit for a few weeks now.  He is a 4 star prospect.
  • Tony Posada - mentioned above
  • DB Stefan McClure is a new offer and will be visiting this week.  McClure is a 4 star DB and Army All American.  Great to see new 4 star guys in the loop.
  • A new kicker offered and will visit:  Matt Wile from California.  He is a 2 star prospect like Goudis and another Army All American.
Getting guys on campus and securing all of the current verbals will be very important for Brady and Staff.  Speaking of staff, Michigan needs to really finish off their defensive staff.   A high profile defensive coordinator wouldn't hurt. 

It seems Michigan's recruitment of Zettel and Arnett seem to be a lost cause at this point.  Things also don't look real good for a QB in this class, with the loss of Forcier is now a big need.