Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some Reactions to the Day

Mike Martin:  "It's something not in my control or our control as players," Martin said. "It's just something we have to deal with as a team. It's really hard on all of us. "He's my coach and he's been here since I've been here. I've built a relationship with him off the field as well as on the field so I'm always going to be with coach (Rodriguez)."

Thomas Gordon:  "Definitely I'm surprised," said Gordon. "I have a lot of love for Coach Rod. He's the guy who brought me here. He's a guy I definitely respected and I loved him as a coach."When asked what his future plans are, Gordon replied, "I'm here. I came to school for Michigan."Said Gordon: "Yes it is surprising, but it is what it is. You've just got to move on."

Denard's HS Coach Art Taylor:  "It just happened, so I haven't had time to talk to him," Taylor said. "I would advise him to wait and see who's coming in (as head coach)."

2011 recruit Dallas Crawford:  “(Michigan) is still number one right now, but I have to open back up and explore my options,” Crawford said.“Officially I haven’t talked to the coaches yet,” Crawford said. “In my mind, I am decommitted.”

Army All American Wayne Lyons:  "I'm still considering them because you have to pick the school and not the coach and Michigan is still a great school and a great program," Lyons said. "They're still in it. (The firing) is not a surprise. I kind of expected it. It's a great learning lesson because a lot of top schools for me like Stanford might get a new coach, Florida has a new coach and Michigan is getting a new coach so it goes to show the school is more important than the coach."

Army All American Kris Frost:  "It has a big impact," Frost said. "With him being fired of course it's going to make me think twice about it but at the same time people go to colleges for colleges. "I love Rich Rod and I love what he did offensively and defensively with the defensive coordinator. I feel like given another chance, they had so many young players, it would have helped out more to give him another chance. It's a business and we understand that."

"I'm going to rethink some stuff but at the same time the ultimate decision won't change on where I've been thinking about going or where I was planning on going with Auburn, LSU and Michigan," Frost said. "I have to reevaluate things when my mom and dad get here (Wednesday) and I'll make my decision from there.

Army All American and Verbal Commit Blake Countness "Right now I'm worried about winning this game, I'm going to focus on this game and then go back home and talk to my parents and see how things go but right now I'm sticking with Michigan," Countess said.

"I fell in love with the school so right now I'm staying with Michigan because of the school but hopefully I can build a relationship with the new coach. I'm just going to focus on this game and then evaluate what's best for me and my family."

"I don't eliminate them. Just the bond I had with the school, not the program, I don't eliminate them but you have to think about that kind of thing because it is about college and the education at Michigan is going to be great. At the same time, I don't want to waste four years of my football career."

Army All American LB Lamar Dawson: "It just eliminates them," Dawson said of the Wolverines. "I was going to take my official up there but since he's not up there I'm not going to do that anymore. "If he got fired I wasn't going to consider them. If he stayed I was going to consider them and take my visit up there."

How can a bad day get worse for RR and family?  Today they were notified they are being sued over the sale of their home in West Virgina.  I guess one room has a water leak and Rich Rod's boat wasn't included in the deal.   Well maybe they now can just move back in to the $1.3M home.  I would fix the water leak with his new check from U of M.