Thursday, January 6, 2011

Michigan Thursday: Gives my $.02 on the Next Head Coach at Michigan

I'm sure all of you like me have been taking a lot of time thinking about who the next Michigan head coach might/should be. 

I would like to get a few things out of the way first:
  1. Jimmy is not coming here.  The Dolphins owner is willing to pay him the highest contact in the NFL and the 49ers are probably will get close to that number as well.
  2. Kurt Herstreit is not to be trusted with any Michigan coaching rumors.  He still would be "shocked" if Harbaugh isn't Michigan's next coach.
  3. I'm betting that Desmond Howard will be giving David Brandon a lot of advice on this hire.  He was the only person that was in contact with David Brandon between the two RR meetings this week.
  4. I don't see a viable "Michigan Man" option.  IMO you don't fire Rich Rod and hire Brady Hoke.   That would be going from a Cadillac (ok one that didn't run great all the time) to a Taurus when you are willing to spend more money on a car above the Cadillac.   They are both good cars but not in the same class. 
  5. I'm basing this decision on guys who I think would consider the job and willing to take it.  Also someone that would be willing to be announced as the next head coach by this weekend.  
Here are my top two candidates:

#1 Pat Fitzgerald: Pat is the best young coach in the Big Ten.  He has Big Ten experience and has a great relationship with his players.  He has learned to be a HC on Northwesterns dime and will continue to be a great HC.  He is young and runs the spread, which would keep Denard happy.  He also was a good Big Ten linebacker and would make sure Michigan's re-built it's defense.   Northwestern is his school and I'm not sure he would want to leave for another Big Ten school that has competed against.  Michigan would probably could double his salary.  His current DC also played under Bo at Michigan.

#1A Kyle Wittingham:  Kyle has been the head coach of Utah for 6 years.  A couple of years ago he had an undefeated team that beat both Michigan and Alabama.  He has been able to keep Utah a ranked program after Urban Meyer left for Florida.  He is 51 and has a lot of coaching years left.  He is a hard nose guy that could really re-build the toughness this team has been lacking.   He also runs the spread and would be a good fit with the current Michigan personnel.   Would he be willing to move to the Big 10 with Utah set to move t#o the PAC 12 next year?  Michigan would be able to more then double his $1.2M salary.   He is also an Urban Meyer disciple.

If I'm David Brandon, those are two phone calls that I make for sure.