Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brady Hoke Day 2: Time to Get to Work!

I was surprised by Brady Hoke yesterday.  Like David Brandon (before his search started), I didn't know Brady Hoke.  He wasn't a high profile coach during his time in Ann Arbor and really only knew him as the guy that all most ruined Michigan's undefeated season in 2006, Ball State's 12-1 season, and the guy that coached San Diego State in a Bowl Game.  Never heard him speak or understood his love for Michigan.  Make no mistake, this guy has passion and love for Michigan.  This is the same love or passion that Bo had, Gary had, and Lloyd had.   For all the fans that didn't like RR, I assume this is what you were looking for.  A man that "would have walked to Michigan".

The current players couldn't believe all the former players that came back to the program and were in the building.  They also liked Brady's National Championship ring!

Brady has also made Denard the #1 priority by spending time with him yesterday and meeting again today.  All reports seem to be that Denard is staying at Michigan.  Nothing is official until Denard says it, but the players believe he is staying.  Denard's high school coach is taking a ton of calls from other coaches asking if Denard is available.  Memo to other coaches:  STOP MOWING OUR LAWN!

With that said, Tate is out.  (another reason it's important for Denard to stay).   The rumors at the Gator Bowl were that Tate wasn't going to class at all which if true, probably means he has been thrown out of school.   The reports yesterday were saying that he is planning to enroll at a CC to get back to Michigan.  I wish Tate all the luck and hope he gets his head on straight and gets back to Michigan.  Devin has been clear in saying he is a Wolverine.   So we are good for next year with Denard #1 and Devin #2.

Recruiting doesn't look as dire as we thought:  TomVH reports that recruits just want to make sure their scholarships are good.  Here is a run down of some of our commits and guys still on the market:

  • Kellen Jones is still strong with Michigan.  He is going to take a visit to Colorado for fun.  He just wants to talk with BH to make sure they still want him.

  • Kris Frost hasn't heard from Auburn yet.  As you might have heard, he picked Auburn at the Army All American game.  The buzz after that was that Auburn was full and didn't have room for him.   If I'm BH, I get on the phone with Kris and family ASAP.   I want Kris at Michigan.

  • K Matt Goudis and CB, Dallas Crawford are starting to look around.  They both will visit Miami this weekend.  Both are important to this class and hopefully Brady can sell them on his staff and Michigan.

  • Justice Hayes is still strong with Michigan.  (need to make sure Fred Jackson is on the staff)

  • Jake Fisher will take some visits but I think he is another guy that needs to hear from coach and will be ok.  Even if he takes a couple visits.

  • Blake Countess seems to be strong with Michigan but needs some contact from the coaches and has a few questions.

  • California 4 star WR Devin Lucien is being recruited by SDSU and Michigan.  So Brady should know him well.  Devin would like to visit and I think we have a great chance in landing him.

  • I'm sure the ship has sailed with Dee Hart.  I guess that is what it is.  Which is too bad.  

  • Update: reports are that the "ship as sailed with Michigan" (his words) in Dallas Crawford's recruitment.  I have a hard time believe that when he probably hasn't spoken to BH or a DC or DB hasn't even been hired yet.

Brady has to work pretty much 24/7 over the next 3 weeks to secure this class.  They just can't whiff on this class which needs to be 18-20 strong.  When I say strong a top 20 class.   Sam Webb does his thing in the Detroit News today, talking about what a good recruiter Brady is and that he does a lot of the recruiting himself.  There are a couple of high profile DT that Brady was recruiting to SDSU.  Interesting............

Things I'm not real happy about:  Is the current status of Mike Barwis who is under contract at U of M.  The reports are the Brady is planning on bringing his S&C coach with him.  I understand that but I think keeping Mike Barwis makes a lot of sense on a lot of different levels.  #1 - He seems like one of the best in the nation.  #2 - The players would be comfortable in the off season work outs, #3 - It would help with any player wanting to stay with the program.  #4 - (probably should be #1) Brock Mealer.   I hope they keep Barwis and Brady's S&C guy can stay on the West Coast or will work with Barwis.

Les Miles also falls under this category for me.  I don't know any of the private conversations between Brandon and Miles.  I also don't know if there was or wasn't talks about the job with him.  David Brandon is on record saying he didn't offer the job to him.   There was a 100 reason for Michigan not to hire Les Miles, there was 2 reason to hire him (he played and coached at Michigan). 

He never answers the question about if he was offered the job but he leads everyone to believe at LSU and in the media that Michigan was doing all it could to land him and he works that into contract extension.  Which is now the second time he has done that.   I'm sure you have your opinion of Les Miles but he really seems like a snake in the grass to me.   Any time he wants a raise he should invite the Michigan AD to have dinner with him.   (don't get me wrong, he had legit reason to stay at LSU, I'm just saying what my gut feelings on the situation is).

Enjoy the below videos.  Please note who was working hard when coach got to see the new indoor practice field.