Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Right now the Pizza business must be looking pretty good.  Fighting Little Caesars or Papa Johns seems like a pretty good gig compared to this cluster.  David, I'm sorry but you have painted yourself into a corner where now it's going to be very difficult to get out of.

Let me be very clear, You don't fire Rich Rodriguez to hire Brady Hoke.  You just don't.  But what options do you have left?  The chips are on the table and it's time to lay down your cards.

I'm now officially concerned that David is not a closer.  Which shouldn't be a big surprise, since a number of executives are groomed from the ground up and never had a real sales job.  Sometimes they did have a sales job but forget what life was life in mahogany row or while they are traveling to their vacation homes on their private jets.

Well, Dave the folks that ride coach are pretty pissed off right now.  You have gone 0-2 with Michigan Men for this opening and your only prospect right now looks like Brady Hoke.   The latest flight tracker has David flying to California but hasn't left yet.   Who is planning to run that players meeting at 4:00 today?  Why the hell isn't David going to Dallas?   Who is your next target Cam Cameron?

Maybe David is heading to California to play some golf?

You know what, I'm starting to give a lot of blame to Bill Martin and David Brandon for the current state of this Michigan program.