Saturday, January 8, 2011

Brandon's Process = FAIL

I have been a big supporter of David Brandon since he got the AD job at Michigan.  How many people do you know would take millions in a pay cut to come lead an athletic department?  As much as I love Michigan, I would stick with the big green and the free pizza. 

I thought David was smooth in handling the NCAA investigation and findings.  I thought he was really the perfect candidate to lead the Wolverines through this rebuilding period.  Now, I'm questioning everything. 

His "process" in evaluating Rich Rodriguez and his firing has been a complete failure.  Today was just another example of that fact as Michigan went 0-3 in the Army All American commitment battle.  Frost, Lyons, and Hart all picked other schools.  Hell, Lyons picked a school without a head coach as he committed to Stanford.

Let me ask you this.  If Brandon made a coaching change on 12/1 do you think Harbaugh would have accepted his $5M offer?  That 2 of the 3 Army All American above would have picked the Wolverines?

The reason he waited was because he felt the current Wolverines deserved to play and be coached by the current coaching staff in the bowl game.  How did that work out?  I'm not sure if the current players played or were coached in the Gator Bowl.

We are now sitting a couple of weeks from signing day and Michigan's 2011 class is getting smaller by the minute.  All available candidates are not Jim Harbaugh.   RR is investing his $2.5M and David is probably flying around the country talking to candidates about this Michigan job.   Will this end well?  It doesn't look like it right now.

Get the pitchforks and torches ready.

Current rumor mill seems to be saying that Les is More.  I disagree but we will see what happens.  Joe Schad from ESPN is reporting that as of this afternoon Michigan has not contacted LSU and that LSU will do whatever it takes to keep him.