Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: More News on Michigan's New Coach

I have been surprised to hear from a number of sources that Brady Hoke is a strong recruiter.  Sam Webb even mentioned on the radio today that some high schools that are normally Ohio State feeder schools have a lot of respect for Brady.  So that is good news. 

Here is some information to a source close to the players on the Mgoblog message board:
  • Denard was seen smiling when he heard that components of the spread would be used in the new offense. 
  • The Michigan players seemed very happy when it was announced.
  • Brandon told the players that he interviewed "big names" from every conference and all of them were more concerned about themselves (rather then the players or the program).
  • Steve Hutchinson said that Brady was the best coach he ever had.
  • The players started "chatting" Nike at the end of the meeting.  DB laughed and said he can't break the contract.
  • Many of the people he spoke to recommended Brady Hoke.
  • I am really starting to get the feeling that David and Les just spoke this week and that he never offered the job.
There is a 1:00 press conference today and then I expect Brady to be introduced to the Michigan faithful at tonight's Michigan - OSU basketball game. 

Clearly, Brady needs to save this recruiting class, keep the "key" current Wolverines and hire a very good DC, a very good DC.