Saturday, October 30, 2010

This Defense is a Nightmare

I'm at a loss for words when it comes to this defense.  I didn't think this defense could get any worse after the bye week, but it has.  Mike Martin is clearly the only player on Michigan's defense and when he is out, so are the Wolverines. 

I am done with excuses and whatever we have been saying that gives us reasons for hope for this defense.  It's terrible and yes this is a replay of 2009.  Michigan might have one more win on the schedule and that's Purdue, but guess what?  Purdue has a decent defensive line.  Illinois is a well balanced team and will do the exact same thing to Michigan that MSU, Iowa, and now Penn State has done.

Penn State's offense is not good, they are one dimensional with a walk-on first time starter picking them apart.  The Michigan defense was not prepared to stop the run or the short passing game.   Can someone please explain to me how Michigan could not pressure this kid at all?  What kind of strategy is that?  I've been willing to give Greg Robinson the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this defense.  I no longer feel that way and believe he should be fired and maybe fired this week.  

The Michigan defense could not stop this weak offense and Rich Rodriguez is 4-16 in the Big Ten since he has gotten to Ann Arbor.  This game was an embarrassment to the Michigan Program.  Penn State is a terrible offensive team and they beat Michigan by running basic running plays and screens.  If the Michigan defense can't stop that they can't stop any offense.  

I know the call for a late hit on the kickoff was a bad call but that is not the reason Michigan lost.  The reason Michigan lost is because they have one of the worst defenses in D1.  One of the worst defenses in Michigan history.  I don't want to hear about youth anymore, Michigan should be able to put 11 true freshman on the field and play better then this unit.  Enough F'ing excuses! 

RR now has to get a huge upset to keep his job IMO.  That means a win over Wisconsin or Ohio State.   I also believe that Illinois looks like a loss right now and Purdue should be a win, but at this point, who the hell knows. 

What a terrible game which out shadowed a wonderful performance by Denard.  The offense is doing their job and the defense clearly isn't.   BTW: The call on the first drive to go under center in the I for the 3rd and 1 was a terrible call.  All that does is bring more defenders into the box.  I thought RR clearly understood they can't give away possessions and I thought he did exactly that to start the game. 

The Michigan offense didn't turn the ball over and the defense got what 2 stops all night?  That makes me sick!
Want to know the difference between Michigan and Auburn or Oregon?  Some Defensive Stops!  Neither one of those teams has a strong defense but they get some stops.

I'm tired and that's enough ranting for tonight. 

Game Day Video: Michigan at Penn State 1997

1997 a Special Year and a special game at Penn State.  Got to love Keith Jackson, what a great intro. 

You know the story and the ending............................

Friday, October 29, 2010

New Looks On Defense for the Wolverines Against PSU?

Rich Rod said there would be some new positions switches for this weeks game against Penn State.  Some are news worthy, some are not.  I hope all are effective.

  • Big Will and Q Washington are sticking with the positions switches for right now.  The rumor mill has been saying Q is a beast on defense so far.  Maybe not ready to play right away but that is a good first impression.

  • Marvin Robinson to Linebacker - I expect him to back up Jonas Mouton. 

  • Defensive lineman on the move - I expect them maybe to move Martin from nose tackle to DE where he can pressure the QB.  Expect Banks or Sagesse at NT.

  • Safety - There has been some rumbling that Cam Gordon would move more to the LB/Safety Hybrid role currently held by Thomas Gordon and Carvin Johnson.  The rumor mill is saying that freshman Ray Vinopal might see more time at deep and free safety positions.  Also look for Carvin Johnson to maybe play some deep as well.

Here's  RR's Take from the Radio show.

Also more playing time for some other running backs: 

On offense, Rodriguez said he plans to use freshman tailback Stephen Hopkins, who is 6-feet, 227 pounds, more often, and also said sophomore Teric Jones, who moved to running back from defense before camp, has practiced well.

"He's progressed to the point you'll see Teric Jones probably play some tailback for us on Saturday," Rodriguez said.

Michigan - Penn State Preview

Date: Halloween Eve
Location: Happy Valley
Time: 8:00 EST
Weather:  High 54, Low 37 Partly Cloudy
Line: Michigan -3

Michigan is coming off a bye week after 2 losses in a row.  Penn State got a win over the coach less Minnesota Golden Gophers last week where they gave up 433 total yards. So what do you make of that?  I think neither team is where they want to be and that is competing for a Big Ten Championship.   Both have two losses in the Big Ten and holding on for a Bowl game. 

There are other similarities between the two:
  • They both have a first year starting QB's. 
  • Both are injured (it seems Robert Bolden will be out, while Denard will play)
  • Both defenses have struggled
  • Both teams have lost to Iowa
  • PSU is 4-3
  • Michigan is 5-2
  • There are questions if both coaches will be there next year.
  • Michigan has Michael Shaw that de-committed from Penn State to go to Michigan.   Penn State has Anthony Fera and Kevin Newsome who de-committed from Michigan.
Who wants it more?  That is the most important question on Saturday.  Both teams have the opportunity for their seasons to go bad in a hurry.   Michigan is sitting at 5-2 with 3 winnable games in a row in the Big Ten before Wisconsin and Ohio State.   Penn State is barley over .500 and needs wins to get to a bowl game. 

The reason Michigan is favored in this game is due to their top five offense against Penn State's banged up defense.   Michigan is expected to run the ball effectively with Denard and their host of running backs.  Michigan can also stretch the field with their wide receivers if JoPa over commits to the run.

Penn State on the other hand is really banged up at QB where the true freshman starter Robert Bolden is most likely out with a concussion he suffered against Minnesota.  Which leaves Matt McGloin a walk-on sophomore.  When Michigan's defense has played well this year it has been against teams with young/in-experienced quarterbacks.  It's the upperclassmen that have picked the Wolverines apart.   With that said, Penn State does have a talent running back in Evan Royster.  I expect Evan to get a lot of carries this week against Michigan's defense that has given up some big plays in the running game. 

Tale of the Tape

Michigan Offense vs PSU D =  Go Blue

Penn State Offense vs Michigan's D = A real ugly push

Special Teams = Penn State (better place kicking, punting is a push, return game who knows?)

Intangibles = Push (both need a win, night game at home favors PSU but talent favors Mich)

I think the Michigan faithful is much more confident in this game then they were at the beginning of the year.  With that said, this is not an easy win for the Wolverines, no matter who is playing QB for JoPa.  Michigan will have to stop the run and make that young QB beat them with his arm.  The Michigan CB's will have to show improvements over the past two games in letting WR's run free.

Sing Hail to the Victors if..........
  • Denard is week 1-5 Denard
  • Michigan doesn't turnover the ball
  • The young PSU QB looks young and confused
  • Denard has 150 on the ground and so does two Michigan RB's
  • The Michigan D gets stops against the young PSU offense
Shout I hate saying Go Blue when Penn State is wearing blue jersey's if..........
  • Evan Royster is finding huge holes in the Michigan D
  • Matt McGloin is the next Troy Aikman
  • Michigan is sloppy and confused after the bye week
  • Michigan's LB's keep losing contain
  • Michigan beats themselves

I expect the Wolverines to have renewed focus and rest after the bye week and play a very good game.   I hope Michigan fixed things on defense and worked in a few new looks on offense.  A win = Bowl Game which they haven't had in two years.  With the game on prime time national TV they should be ready to play.  

If Michigan doesn't make the same mistakes they made against MSU and Iowa they should win the game even if the defense shows up for only part of the time.  With that said, I expect Michigan's D to get a lot of stops against young Penn State's offense. (examples UConn and ND first half)   If Michigan can pressure the young QB and not let Royster beat them, they should be in good shape.    Michigan 38 Penn State 24


Sparty Goes Sparty Again

Michigan State could be on a special run.  They beat both Michigan and Wisconsin already, they don't have the Buckeyes on the schedule and play Iowa for a very realistic shot at a Big Ten Championship and even a shot at the BCS Championship on Saturday. 

Then Sparty decides it can't get out of it's way.   The situation is Chris L. Rucker who was in jail 24 hours ago due to violating his probation for a misdemeanor assault and battery charge by getting arrested for driving while intoxicated the night after the Michigan victory. 

When Michigan State hired Mark Dantonio from Cincinnati, I thought it was a good hire.  A tough coach that would take the un-disciplined Spartans and turn them around into a competitive Big Ten Football Team.   Or just the opposite of the person they fired, John L. Smith that was more known for being a clown then a leader of young men.    

Then we started to see a few clinks in the armour of Mr. Dantonio after State struggled against Michigan.  The first sign was a verbal comeback against Mike Hart's "little brother" comment.  Dantonio didn't just dismiss it, he decided to get into a childish classless "war of the words".

Then came the disaster before the Alamo Bowl game last year where it seemed his entire team was in a dorm fight.  Some players got to come back to the team, others didn't.  After that event, he declared a ""zero tolerance" policy.   Then Chris goes out and has a couple of drinks, gets behind the wheel and gets arrested again.   Spends 8 days in jail and as soon as he gets out he walks right into practice.  Dantonio then says it will be up to Chris if he makes the trip to Iowa. 

I was sorry to hear about Dantonio's heart condition early this year and he certainly surprised me by his new found "river boat" gambler profile by faking field goals and punts to win games.  (BTW:  Those were very high risk decisions that came out positive that could have easily gone the other way.)

What head coaches are missing is they are responsible for everything.  They are the CEO of the Football Program.   Rich Rodriguez has learned that hard lesson over the past 3 years.  Brian Kelly is learning it right now with the tragedy at Notre Dame.   He was responsible for that young man being in the tower under those conditions and he needs to realize that.  Dantonio needs to understand that as well, which he clearly doesn't.  He thinks he is a football coach trying to win a game.  It's not that simple and he has enough experience to understand that, "this isn't his first rodeo".

Let me ask you this:

Doesn't Chris have a few classes to catch up on while he was in jail for 8 days?

Does winning at all costs mean you go from jail to field?    

What happened to the "zero tolerance" policy?

I don't know Mark Dantonio personally and it's very hard to judge someones integrity when you don't know them but, Mark is the wrong person to lead the Michigan State Football Program.   The above examples are enough proof for me.  He is not Tom Izzo.  IMO,  Dantonio is soft of discipline and took a potential magical journey this year and just turned it into a car crash.  If you think about it, John L. Smith is much less dangerous to MSU then Mr. Dantonio.   Isn't it funny how one decision can get you fired when your team is 8-0?  Go ask Mike Leach or Jim Leavitt? 

Detroit News Bob Wojnowski takes Dantonio to the woodshed. 

So does ESPN's Adam Rittenberg.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Michigan Thursday: Could 2 De-commits have Saved Rich Rodriguez Job at Michigan?

For those of you that don't care for RR you have a laundry list of reasons why: 

  • Weird new offense
  • Really bad defense
  • Not a Michigan Man
  • Paying him too much money
  • Stretching too long before practice which lead to NCAA Violations
  • A bad record
  • Recruiting kids that are borderline academically
  • Piped in music at the Big House
  • Transfers
  • De-commitments
I'm sure you can list many more.  What's strange is maybe two QB de-commits could have saved his job.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?  The time is August 2008.  Michigan will be starting a season where a walk-on and a non-mobile red shirt freshman are Michigan's only options at QB.   Though help was on the way through recruiting for the 2009 class.  Michigan had two 4 star QB's verbally committed to that class:  Shavodrick Beaver a 6'3, 180 pound QB out of Wichita Falls, Texas and Kevin Newsome a 6'2 225 pound QB from Portsmouth, Virgina. 

Both of these guys had solved Michigan's future QB depth problems and now the Michigan coaching staff could focus on recruiting Offensive Line and Defense.  Well, that good feeling at QB didn't last long as Kevin decided to de-commit from Michigan on August 19th and Shavodrick did the same in December.  From a comfortable feeling to a really bad feeling. 

Michigan went 0-2 on their QB recruits for 2009 but help was on the way, Tate Forcier a long time Michigan fan gave his verbal during the season and things were back on track.    Michigan still had only one QB recruit until signing day when Denard Robinson signed up.   So you could say that Shavordrick and Kevin's decision to not join the Wolverines gave the opportunities for Tate and Denard to.

So that is one interesting point.  The other is what has happened to all four players since then. 
  • Shavodrick Beaver is a back up at Tulsa and in two years has completed 5-9 passes for a total of 41 yards.
  • Kevin Newsome is 3rd string at Penn State and 14-24 in two years for 144 yards.
  • Tate was 165-281 for 2050 yards in 2009 and 30-39 for 349 yards in 2010
  • Denard was 14-31 for 188 yards in 2009 and 97-143 for 1319 yards in 2010
Ironically, Michigan on Saturday could face (he is questionable due to a concussion) Robert Bolden a true freshman QB from the State of Michigan that picked Penn State after Devin Gardner verbally committed to the University of Michigan in the 2010 class.  My understanding is that Kevin Newsome is third string behind walk-on redshirt sophomore Matt McGloin.  Tulsa on the other hand plays Notre Dame this weekend and "The Beaver" might see a few snaps.

It was clear that RR and staff did a great job in recruiting both Tate and Denard.  Will that recruitment save his job?  I think the next 3 weeks will go a long way in answering that question.

Big Ten Weekend Preview Week #9

Wow, nine weeks sure do fly bye when your having fun.   When I previewed the season, I got a couple of things right like Iowa losing at Arizona and Wisconsin beating Ohio State.  I also go a lot wrong like saying MSU would go .500 this year.   I thought they would lose to Michigan and Wisconsin but they have gotten through both games. So how will they do this week?

Big Ten Game of Week:

Michigan State at Iowa:  The Hawkeyes had it's table set for a Big Ten Championship with it's win in Ann Arbor and home games against: Wisconsin, MSU, and OSU.  Well, something strange happened on the way to dinner table and Kirk Ferentz went Les Miles and miss managed the clock and cost his team at a shot at least overtime.  After the Michigan game, MSU has struggled against Illinois and Northwestern before pulling both games out late.  The BCS has MSU ranked #5 but some folks are still not buying the Spartans.  You can put "Vegas" in that category and has the Spartans all most a touchdown underdog (6.5) in this game.    This is a put up or shut up game for the Spartans.  If they win this game they will win the Big Ten and go un-defeated this year.  Could Sparty really play for the BCS Championship?  Nope.   Iowa 31  MSU 21

The other games:

Northwestern at Indiana:  I think Northwestern is a decent Big Ten football team and should of had a win over Sparty last week.  Every year Michigan makes IU look really good and then they fall apart.  I was very surprised how they laid down at Illinois last week.  I am off the IU band wagon. NW is a 3 point favorite.  Northwestern 42 IU 28

Purdue at Illinois:  At the beginning of the year, I expected Purdue to be playing pretty good football by now and Illinois heading for a last place finish in the Big Ten.  Well, they have reserved roles and Purdue doesn't have any healthy QB's and Ron Zook is saving his job at Illinois, who has been the surprise of the Big Ten this year (outside of Sparty).  Ron's boys are a 17 point favorite in this game.   This game won't be close either.  Illinois 28 Purdue 7

Ohio State at Minnesota:  How is this a prime time game?  The TV executives whiffed on this one.   This is a match up between the most talented team in the Big Ten vs the least talented team in the Big Ten.  It won't be close.  OSU is favored by 25 points.   OSU 42 Minnesota 10

Wisconsin has a bye week.

I will preview the Michigan at Penn State game on Friday.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wolverine Wednesday: Thinks Rabbit Tastes Like Chicken

  • Ft. Myers teammates Sammy Watkins and Dallas Crawford have Michigan listed as their top school.  I think Michigan has a very good chance for both, but if I was a betting man I would put my chips on Dallas for sure.  Sammy is rated one of the top WR's in the country and will get a lot of pressure to stay in-state.

  • Santonio Holmes, Fred Taylor, Anquan Boldin and Vincent Smith like to catch rabbits when they are back home in Pahokee, Florida.  "The first time, I caught, like, three rabbits," Smith said. "It's pretty difficult, running in the mud and having to catch them and keep your balance."  "Every time I get a chance to go home when it's rabbit season time, I got out in the fields and test my luck again," said Smith, a 5-foot-6, 180-pound back who has run a 4.4-second 40-yard dash. "We kill 'em, sell 'em and eat 'em. They taste like chicken."  I'm pretty sure Vincent isn't running a 4.4 after his ACL, but we have high hopes he can get back to that speed.

  • It seems Michigan has offered a new Michigan LB named Desmond Morgan out of Holland.  He is 6'1, 225 pounds and ranked with 3 stars from Rivals. 

  • TomVH from Mgoblog gives us an update on 2012 QB recruiting.  Nick Patti and Mauty Mauk are the top 2 targets IMO.

  • Former Michigan verbal commit DeQuinta Jones got arrested on a "Pot" charge this morning while driving.   He is playing for Arkansas and 9th on the team in tackles.  If I had to guess he was probably headed to a Taco Bell. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Clarifies Medical Redshirts

This is game week and after a week off it's hard to find news worthy stuff out of the Wolverines.  So I will do my best today on getting you the most interesting "stuff" out there.

Funny Quotes from the Michigan Press Conference Yesterday:

-A camera man asked a question to Coach Rod about facing JoPa head to head.  RR responded jokingly: “Joe and I aren’t going against each other, I might be able to take him, if it is just me and him."

-Stephen Schilling on Big Will Campbell playing on the Offensive line:  Sometimes he played the defensive line like an offensive lineman.  He was more interested in finishing blocks then making the tackle.

  • The Daily Gopher profiles a "Michigan Man" Brady Hoke for their open head coaching position.  I didn't realize the job he has done at San Diego State.  He is currently 5-2 with a win over Air Force and played Missouri within 3 points and was leading in the 4th quarter. 

  • Kelvin Grady was interviewed  for ESPN's GameDay on Monday for his twitter use.
  • Denard is a semi-finalist for Davey O'Brien National Quarterback Award.  There are 15 other semi-finalists as well.

  • I know many of you have questions on what qualifies for a medical redshirt for Devin Gardner.  #1 he can't play more then 30% of the games in a season, with all participation being in the first half of the season.  His last snaps were in the Bowling Green game.  #2 He also has to have a documented injury.  Currently, he has a documented back injury.   At the end of the year, they have to file paperwork to the NCAA requesting a medical redshirt.  I fully expect Michigan to file for the medical redshirt also commonly known as a medical hardship at the end of the season.

  • The other situation is that it seems Ricardo Miller played on special teams for the UMASS game this year.  Let's hope that stat is a mistake.  You lose your redshirt eligibility if you play one play. 

  • Yes, Michigan is recruiting a place kicker.  They were looking at guys in California and Maryland last week.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rich Rod's Press Conference Notes - Now with Denard Updates..........

Excited about the night game.  It's a fun experience at Happy Valley.

Big Will is working on the offensive line and Quinton Washington is now on the defensive lines, the moves are permanent yet. 

Fitz Toussaint should be ready to play this week, not sure if he will contribute or not.

Denard is the starter, Tate has played well but Denard will continue to play.  Not expecting to play both QB's.

Denard just needs to minimize the major mistakes.

Devin has a back issue and it might lead to a medical redshirt (really didn't answer the question).   He is learning the offense and picking up more each week.

Watching games on TV is not as good as watching the tape, you don't pick up enough of the play on TV.

Saw Auburn QB Cam Newton at Florida when Tebow was there, knew he was a special player then.

Mike Martin and David Molk did a little bit last week and should be ready to go this week.  Same with Shaw.

JoPa is a great coach with a great staff.

The Penn State fans will be jacked up and they have really good players that are ready to execute. 

Every game we play is critical.  Everyone puts a little more importance on a league game.

You can't press the issue and let the game come to you.  The times we have pressed the issue we have gotten in trouble.

Denard's shoulder needed some rest and he got that last weekend.

Craig Roh:

A week to heal is great looking forward to this weekend. 

He feels refresh.

They have been working on fundamentals the past week.

Just watched the Penn State game.

He gets more out of watching film but he can get stuff from watching the game on TV.

Defense has been improving and it's slowly showing on the field.

Thought Quinton Washington should have been playing defense weeks ago.  Just has the right mentality for defense.

Mike Martin is an amazing athlete and can take on 3 blockers.

Loves night games.  You feed off the excitement from the crowd.

Team is looking forward and staying positive.

Vincent Smith 

Didn't watch any football on TV this week.

Trying to get his body right this week.

This bye week got us back on track.

Saw that Hopkins was special at the end of camp, a good down hill runner.

The team is hungry and been correcting mistakes the past week.

He likes being in space and doesn't mind playing wide receiver.

He is 100% healthy.

Denard Robinson

Feeling good and it feels great having a week off. 

Hung out, slept a lot during the week.

Treating the shoulder everyday last week

Team came together during the week and learned from the mistakes.

Didn't like sitting out practice.

Trainers kept him out of Iowa game, he couldn't go. 

Cam Newton played a great game.

More as a team this year.

The turnovers were preventable.

(about his speech to the team after the MSU game) He rather lead by actions then words but didn't want the season to go the way it did last year and felt he needed to say something.  Didn't want anyone to be down.

Big Will is going to be a good offensive guard.

You don't hear the fans when your on the field.  Just focused on the game.

Steve Schilling

Big Will is going to be a good offensive lineman when he figures out what he is doing.  He almost played D line like an offensive lineman. 

When Quinton hits someone it's going to hurt.  They always joked about the two changing positions.

Team is excited about the trip to Happy Valley. 

Recharged the batteries and watched some football last weekend. 

Jibreel Black will have a great career here.

Taylor gets amped up and Steve tries to calm him down a bit.

Only going to run through the tunnel 2 more times.  Looking forward to the last 5 games to end the season right.

Michigan Monday: Asks For Help From Dr. Fix it

The Michigan Wolverines had a much needed bye last weekend where the Wolverines had time to focus internally to fix a few things on both sides of the ball.

Michigan has 3 winnable games in a row and they need to win all 3 before they face Wisconsin and Ohio State back to back.  Don't get me wrong, those winnable games are also lose-able for these young Wolverines.  So this week was about getting re-focused and getting ready for the home stretch.   

When something in your house breaks, you can either fix it yourself or call a handyman aka Dr. Fix it.  Since I'm allergic to fixing things, I usually call a Mr. Fix it.  Since the young Wolverines need some work I called Dr. Fix it for some help.   Here is what he said:

Michigan Defense
  • Protect the young secondary.  In the off week, I hope Michigan found away to protect the young CB's.  There are a few ways to do that including zone coverages and putting pressure on the QB.  Did Greg Robinson find something this week?  Let's hope so.   My vote would be to pressure the QB.

  • Where is my Ball Hawk?  Every good defense has a ball hawk.  Michigan doesn't seem to have one.  Sure, you can make a case for Kovacs but Michigan really needs another.  There are rumors floating around that true freshman Vinopal might start at safety this week and Cam Gordon could move to the Carvin Johnson/Thomas Gordon hybrid role.  I don't know if that is the answer, but I'm willing to take that risk at this point. 

  • Stop the Run!  Coming into the season, the Michigan defense was expected to be poor against the pass but decent against the run.  Well, they haven't been good at stopping either.  The way the running backs are getting through the defensive line and linebackers is much too easy.  I expect that Kenny Demens has replaced Obi Ezeh permanently at middle linebacker but having Cam Gordon closer to line of scrimmage could also be a positive in the run game.

  • Get some turnovers!  Through the first 5 games, Michigan was getting fumbles and interceptions.  In their 2 losses Michigan was giving those things to their opponents and not getting any back.   Denard and Tate will throw some picks, the Michigan defense needs to create some of their own.

  • Healing Powers:  Let's hope Mike Martin is 100% after the bye week. 
This is a key two weeks of practice for the defense.  They need time to work out the issues.  On a side note, Michigan really needs a 6th win so they can have the extra bowl game practices.  Having those two weeks are so important to a young team.   Let's hope Greg Robinson mixed up some "mad formulas" these past two weeks for the defense.


  • Protect the Ball!  Michigan is not good enough on defense to give their opponents extra possessions.  Picks and fumbles have to stop if Michigan is going to win ball games. 

  • Two headed QB?  Denard is the starter but is also a bit banged up.  I expect that Tate will see some more time in the second half of the season.  I'm not calling for QB controversy, I'm just saying if Denard struggles with his health, we will see more of Tate. 

  • A Running Back needs to step up:  Michigan needs another threat on the ground outside of Denard.  I expect that Shaw is the guy but if he can't go due to injury, someone needs to step up and get some yards from that position.

  • Penalties: Are killing drives and need to stop.  Play discipline football!

  • Healing Powers: Let's hope Denard's shoulder is a 100% and that David Molk is ready to come back.   Those are probably the 2 most important guys on offense.  

The offense is still explosive but can't play from behind to be effective.  Michigan needs to take advantage of all the possibilities to score since the defense will be giving up a lot of points.  Protect the ball and do your thing and they will be fine.  

I can't tell you how important the next three weeks are for the the Michigan Program.  I hope the Michigan coaches were able to figure a few things out during the break.

More News and Notes:
  • Karlos Williams the #7 ranked safety in the country who committed to Florida State has now become a "soft" commit and has USC and Michigan in his top 3. 

  •  VA WR Quinta Funderburk who visited to Ann Arbor for the Iowa game has committed to Arkansas.

  • RR will have his weekly press conference today at 12:15.  Look for questions on Big Will on offense? Ray Vinopal at safety?  Kenny Demens at LB?  Penn State's QB situation.  Denard's Shoulder.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What I learned this Weekend

I think we all know there is a curse on being the #1 team in the nation.  3 weeks in a row the #1 team in the nation goes down.  Besides that here is what I learned this weekend.

Put a Tent on that Team?  Can someone explain to me what is going on with Michigan State this year?  They are winning games on fake field goals in overtime, going down 17-0 and faking punts, juggling catches for touchdowns.   What's next?  Statue of Liberty? They are expected to be #5 in the BCS standings later today.  I don't know if they are BCS contenders (they did beat Wisconsin) or Barnum and Bailey.  If State beats Iowa next week it's all downhill  from there.

Les Miles Timex Award:  Goes to Iowa's Kirk Ferentz when he called his last timeout with 12 seconds left down by 3, in field goal range, after they had a first down.  The play was to spike the ball and try one shot to win the game in the end zone.  The next play the ball was completed in bounds and the game was over.

Iowa's D is a bit Over-rated:  After giving up 500+ yards to the Wolverines a week ago, Iowa struggled at stopping Wisconsin yesterday and gave up 347 total yards.

Wisconsin's Defensive Backs:  Are physical but not really fast.  When Michigan plays them they should focus on passing the ball and trying to beat those DB's deep.  Wisconsin's D is pretty good against the run.

Demar Dorsey Trivia Question:  What does Demar and UConn have in common?  Both teams he signed with this year have wins over UConn (Michigan and Louisville).

What's Michigan's best win this year? I'm not sure.  This weekend: ND got beat by Navy, UConn gets shut out by Syracuse, UMass loses 39-13 to New Hampshire, IU gets embarrassed by Illinois, Bowling Green lost 30-6 to Kent State.   Every team Michigan beat this year lost this weekend.  

Illinois is for real:  One thing I really hate is that we make IU look good every year and they they just implode.  Happen last year, happening again this year.   Illinois beat IU yesterday 43-13.   Michigan will have to play well to beat Illinois when they come to the Big House.  Looks like Zook has saved his job.

Purdue isn't:  If RR can't beat Purdue this year, he should resign.  Going 0-3 vs Purdue the last 3 years would be criminal in my book.  I know it's at Purdue this year but Michigan should and needs to win this game by a lot!

Who will Michigan see at QB for Penn State?  Michigan high school star Robert Bolden suffered a concussion (we believe) against Minnesota on Saturday.  His status for next week is still unclear.  Kevin Newsome a former Michigan verbal commitment is also on Penn State but maybe 3rd string at this point with
Matt McGloin coming in for the injured Bolden.

Oregon is good.  Real Good.  If they don't make the NC game I'm afraid what they would do to a Big Ten team in the Rose and yes, I understand Ohio State beat them in the Rose Bowl last year.    Honestly, does State really want to play Oregon in the Rose?  I'm guessing no.

Isn't it strange that both Iowa and Michigan have two losses?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Non-Game Day Video: Michigan - Minnesota 2003

Since we don't have a game today, I thought I would find a game against a team we don't play this year.  That's right the Minnesota Golden Gophers for the "Little Brown Jug" in 2003.   

I was at a wedding when this game was being played and for those of you that remember, it was played on a Friday night due to the baseball playoffs.  We were watching the Wolverines just collapse in the first half and make an incredible comeback in the second half at the bar.

BTW: How come Michigan has a tradition of not playing the worst team in the Big Ten.  It seems when teams are way down Michigan doesn't play them.  I guess that is just the way it works. 

Enjoy a Wolverine day off!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Michigan Friday: Forgets to Pay Rent

So we all have wondered why Kenny Demens hasn't been the starter at MLB for the first 6 games of the season when he seemed like he is a big upgrade from Obi Ezeh.   Well, that got answered today as it was un-covered that Kenny and Boubacar failed to pay rent, hardly any rent to an Ann Arbor Apartment complex for a year and is now getting sued.  Now it's starting to make sense.   Not good Kenny, not good.

  • Did anyone see the Oregon - UCLA game last night?  Wow, Oregon played well.  I would like to see Michigan move that fast on offense sometimes. 

  • WoJo interviews Coach Rod:  Same Questions, Same Answers. 

  • Maize and Brew previews Michigan's game against the Bye this weekend!  Hey, I hear we are favored!

  • Fred Jackson is the Michigan coach watching DeAnthony Arnett's game this weekend.

  • Michigan summer visitor Cyrus Hobbi seems very interested in Nebraska.

  • Two 2010 recruits that are on de-commitment watch are Florida QB Kevin Sousa and Ohio CB Greg Brown.  Kevin plays on a terrible team so his numbers aren't too impressive and Greg hasn't improved like many predicted.  Could Michigan being cooling on them?  Maybe.  Greg has visited Syracuse and Kevin is visiting Middle Tennessee State, Wake Forrest, and Louisville. 

  • WR Quinta Funderburk has his list down to four schools, Michigan, Florida, Arkansas and West Virginia.  Funderburk was a visitor for the Iowa game.

  • Michigan will also be at DT Kevin McReynolds game today.  He is a 4 star DT out of Washington DC.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Michigan Thursday: Recruiting Blitz

This is like a" run" recruiting blitz update today but with some tasty nuggets in there for you that follow the recruiting trail. 

  • The #1 Safety in the country and current Alabama commit Hasean Clinton-Dix will be making another visit to Ann Arbor for the Illinois game with Dee and the Dr. Phillips crew (Chris Gallon WR, Darryl Monroe LB, Roderick Ryles S, 2012 QB Nick Patti) .  If I had to guess, Michigan is trying to put together a Miami Heat like package (no not money!) for the Dr. Phillips guys that would include them all playing together next year.  Dee Hart is already verbally committed and now Clinton-Dix could be re-considering his verbal to Bama.   There are a number of other Dr. Phillips prospects that Michigan is looking at as well.  There were Michigan coaches at their high school just this week.  It seems Michigan would be one of the only schools that could take 3 or 4 Dr. Phillips players.  Let me tell you that with a lot of certainty that Clinton-Dix would be starting right now for the Wolverines.

  • Offensive Lineman from Chicago Chris Bryant will be visiting Ann Arbor again in December. 

  • TomVH from Mgoblog says that some Michigan coaches will be at Anthony Arnett's football game on Saturday.  Anthony is a State of Michigan player who dropped U of M from his list a number of months ago.   Maybe the young man is reconsidering Michigan and his future with Dee and Denard?

  • There is a lot of Michigan negative recruiting going on in the recruitment of Anthony Zettel.  Michigan still remains the leader but State and PSU are a close second.

  • Sam Webb has an update on the 2012 Chris Wormley Michigan offer.

  • It seems Michigan might be slow playing QB Kevin Sousa from Florida.  Kevin is setting up other visits this Fall.   Michigan had QB Marquise Williams in for an official visit as well (who is currently verballed to NC)

  • Iowa visitor Tim Jernigan is one of the top DT in the 2011 class and will be seriously considering Michigan.  The rumor that he is a lock to Florida is not correct.  He will be visiting Florida, FSU and LSU as well. 

  • Dallas Crawford and Sammy Watkins have both Miami and Michigan very high on their list.  We know Michigan leads for Dallas and most insiders expect that Clemson leads for Sammy.

  • Like we expected AJ Jordan committed to Wisconsin on Wednesday.   It seems Michigan feels confident with some of the WR's that are still in the fold.

Big Ten Preview: Week #8

Michigan is off this week and for Michigan fans a weekend without a Big Ten loss is a good one.  There are some good games this weekend and one that might determine the Big Ten champion. 

There is also a game with a very interesting line.  Any upsets?  

So let's get on with the show.....................

Big Ten Game of the Week

Wisconsin at Iowa: Is clearly the Big Ten game of the week. Iowa comes in after a win in Ann Arbor where they gave up over 500 yards of offense to the Wolverines and Wisconsin had a win over someone like the #1 team in the nation or the Ohio State Buckeyes. Could the Big Ten Title be on the line in this one? It might. Wisky can’t afford a loss and Iowa still hosts the Buckeyes and Spartans. Wisconsin will try to run the football into the strength of the Iowa defense.  Whichever team flinches first will win.  Iowa is favored by 5.5 points. Wisconsin struggles on the road for some reason. Iowa 21 Wisconsin 20

Michigan State at Northwestern: Someone alert the media, The Spartans are un-defeated and ranked #7 in the country. I thought basketball practice just started, I didn’t realize they were playing Big Ten games already. I really think State’s guard play will be the key to victory in this one. Sorry, this is football and State comes in with a win over Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois already and they don’t play Ohio State this year. They have Iowa next week. This is the definition of a trap game. MSU historically has struggled against Northwestern for some reason. Vegas has State only favored by 5: Upset Special of the Week: NW 27 MSU 21

Purdue at Ohio State: Purdue has more starters on the IR list then they do on the field but that hasn’t kept them from winning lately. I’m not sure how they are doing it these days but the backups are playing very well. Purdue upset Pryor and Company the last time they met but this game is in C-Bus where there will be many points scored by the Buckeyes. It will be a payback game after last year and last week.  Ohio State is a 23.5 favorite. OSU 42 Purdue 14

Penn State at Minnesota: Could both of these teams be looking for a new head coach at the end of the year? Minnesota will be for sure and has already started the process. Mike Leach would like it. Which is ok, if you lock all your closets and don’t give Mike the keys. Both of these teams are struggling, Penn State has dropped two in a row in the Big Ten and Minnesota only has one win this year. Penn State will get back their winning ways before Michigan comes to town to play a night game. JoPa is favored by 9.5. Penn State 28 Minnesota 10

Indiana at Illinois: At first glance, this line is very strange to me. Vegas seems to be buying Zook and Company who played pretty well the last three weeks against OSU, PSU, and MSU. IU on the other hand, started the year 4-0 and lost to Michigan at home before getting killed at Ohio State and playing an FCS opponent close. Still IU can score points, even though they can’t stop anyone on defense. Illinois offense has struggled when they get close to the goal line which should be interesting. Is this a sucker bet? Illinois is favored by almost two touchdowns at 13.5 points. That really doesn’t make sense to me, I fully understand that Indiana is on their regular Big Ten downturn but they still can score points! Indiana 31 Illinois 27

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wolverine Wednesday: Trying to Win with Freshman

Being a freshman is hard.  Your away from home for the first time, you have to figure out where your classes are, you have to meet a bunch of new people, your classes are much more difficult then high school, and by the way you have a new full time job - Michigan football.   That is a lot to take on for an 18 year old kid.

That is why if coaches had the option they would hardly ever play a freshman.  They need time to get used to college life, the Michigan football program, the weight room, their position, the schemes and the plays.  It's like getting to college and starting a job where millions of fans are counting on you.  That is a lot to put on anyone, mostly a kid that just got to campus in July or August.  Kids that enrolled in January do have an advantage because they can join the program at a much less hectic time before spring ball starts.

I get that, but why are some freshman more successful then others?

Sure some kids are just naturally talented and make a "better on the field" transition then others.  The best example this year is Marcus Lattimore from South Carolina.  He was clearly one of the best football players in the country last year in the class of 2010.  A Michigan example is Chad Henne.  Chad came to Ann Arbor in Early August as the QB of the future but was pretty much going to be second string as a freshman.  The week of the first game, Michigan's starter hurts his throwing shoulder and Chad is now the starter on opening day.  With a veteran WR core and a good running game, Chad leads the Wolverines to the Rose Bowl and never gives up the starting gig for 4 years.

Those are great stories but I wouldn't consider them the norm.  Running Back is probably one of the quickest ways to get on to the field right away.  You just need to teach them the plays and then let their natural talent take over.  The biggest things freshman running backs struggle with is blocking assignments and blitz pick ups. 

Justin Turner is another example of a talented kid out of high school (5 star recruit).  Who struggled with the transition to college football on and off the field.  He didn't play his freshman year and only made it through two days of fall practice in his sophomore year before he left the team   The rumors were he was having some programs in his personal life and couldn't focus on football at Michigan.

Most kids that are recruited to Michigan are the best athletes on their high school team, the best athlete in the county, or maybe even the best player in the entire state where they grew up.   High school coaches aren't dumb and when you have a special player on your team you put them at a position where they can touch the ball a lot, like QB  Which is exactly the example I want to use.

Courtney Avery is a talented smart athlete.  He played QB for Lexington High School in Mansfield, OH and broke a number of records, passing and running with the ball.  He had offers from a number of programs including Stanford and Florida but picked the Wolverines last year.  The key is that Courtney's ticket to Michigan or any other top programs was as a defensive back not as a QB.  His 5'11 167 pound frame just wasn't what these programs were looking for in a QB.  Courtney knew the value of a Stanford or Michigan education and decided that DB was the place for him.

In Courtney's case it would have been prefect if Michigan could have him 3rd or 4th on the depth chart so he could learn the position, learn the defensive schemes, understand the different WR routes he was going to see and make the proper transition from quarterback to cornerback.  As we know, something happened on the way to redshirtville and Courtney finds himself in the below situation. 

This was a miss tackle on one of the drives where Michigan was starting to muster up a comeback attempt late in the 4th quarter.  When all of sudden Michigan's CB depth goes "Boom" due to injuries, transfers, non-enrollments and crime/prison.   You have a freshman/former QB trying to make a tackle on a running back to save a game. 

Anyway you slice it that is not a good position for Michigan or the Michigan coaches to be in.

Who's to blame? Everyone.

Lloyd Carr is on the list for not recruiting defense for a number of years. 
Rich Rodriguez is on the list for recruiting kids that were borderline in getting in to Michigan.
Michigan's 3 defensive coordinators over the past 4 years.
It's everyone.

Every D1 prospect in the 2011 class wants to start as soon as they get to college.  A better approach would be to take a redshirt or work you way up the depth chart and get some spot play.  This "trial by fire" is causing way too many burns in the Wolverine family right now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Covers Most Everything

RR 's Press Conference Notes:

Denard sprained something in his rotator cuff; it gets aggravated or sore when you fall on it. Worried about the big guys falling on him more than anything. He's not as hurt as Tate was last year, and should be good with a week off. "Hypothetically, we won't talk," but Denard would probably be good to start if there was a game this weekend. He's still the team's starter, despite Tate's solid play on Saturday.

  • Fitz should practice this week, Mike Martin and David Molk should be ready for PSU, both need the week off to heal.   Shaw has been limited but hopes to ready to play as well.
  • No practice on Monday and Tuesday while the kids are on Fall Break.  Team needs the rest and the freshman might have hit a bit of a "wall"
"Kenny Demens we thought played pretty well... He's played well enough that Obi will have to beat him out in practice over the next week and a half."

"Carvin Johnson we thought did some good things at Spur." With Mike Martin's injury, Adam Patterson got a chance to step up and he did well.

On offense, they need to fix execution issues that lead to turnovers. "On defense, certainly the same thing. The same issues with execution and making sure we do that." On ST, kicking and returns have been bad, other units solid. "We've got a couple guys I think could be pretty good returners, we just haven't given them a chance."

The defensive staff all knows the issues, "I think they've talked about it at length, I know they have because I've talked with them." The players still believe in it. The team is close to playing good defense outside of a couple plays a game "but those two plays count." Need to work on some basics defensively, tackling, getting off blocks, etc. Will work on understanding scheme, which helps guys play faster. At times, tackling has been OK.

More from Tim at Mgoblog at the above link.................

  • Michigan loses a big basketball recruit to St. Johns:  Report: Dominick Pointer to St. Johns.  The "word" was that Dominick's family wanted him to go to Michigan.  I guess he didn't. 

  • Update: Looks like Big Will maybe headed to the offensive side of the ball:  "He could possibly (move), he's not playing much on defense," Rodriguez said Tuesday. "He's got a couple pretty good guys in front of him (Martin and Patterson). I don't know if it's possible to switch and learn the position from one side of the ball to the other that quickly. That's hard to do. We'll probably talk about him tomorrow."
    "He's got to get better technique-wise (on defense) and getting off blocks," Rodriguez said. "He may be better suited to play offensive guard, we don't know yet, but we're going to talk about it. He's got a great attitude and he's willing to work and do whatever to help the team."   This is not a good update on Big Will who has struggled since becoming a Wolverine over a year ago.  He clearly is having trouble on the defensive line and Michigan is deep on the offensive side of the ball.  He also gave up a field goal block as the Iowa defender pushed him back on special teams.   For those that are wondering, 2010 defensive lineman Jonathan Hankins who picked Ohio State over Michigan last year, is getting a lot of playing time for the Buckeyes.
  • TomVH comes in with his weekly recruiting update:  Dallas Crawford still has Michigan listed #1 after his visit this week but keep an eye on Miami.  2012 prospect  from Toledo, Chris Wormley got his Michigan offer last weekend.  He is going to be highly ranked in the 2012 class and comes in at 6'4", 255 lbs at DE.  The Illinois game  now looks like the big Dr. Phillips visit weekend.  DT Kevin McReynolds (6'2", 280 lbs, 4 Star) is now interested in Michigan.

  • Michigan transfer Vlad Emilien has decided to enroll at  Colorado.  I wish him luck and hope his knee is better.   Maybe he can room with Toney Clemons.

  • Ray Ball a Michigan offensive line recruit has committed to Wisconsin.

  • Brian at Mgoblog looks at Michigan's important next few games against: PSU, Illinois, and Purdue.  Please win at least two but Michigan really needs all 3.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Michigan Monday: Things I learned on Saturday

When I sat down on my couch on Saturday, I had Christmas like thoughts running through my head.  The weather was warm and it felt like a great day for upsets.  I turned on the Illinois - Michigan State game on the BTN and this thought danced through my head:  Could Michigan State, Iowa, and Ohio State all get upset today?

Well, we know only Ohio State went down in a football game that I hope all the Wolverines watched.   Why you ask?  Not because both teams remain on Michigan's schedule (that is a good enough reason to watch) but Wisconsin gave us all a text book example on how to upset a highly ranked team at home.   The young Wolverines need to take that class and read that book a couple of times.

Back to my list of things I learned on Saturday that was strangely educational:
  • For the young Wolverines, the more things change the more they stay the same.
  • Illinois is an improving team and out played Michigan State for close to 3 quarters but couldn't score touchdowns.
  • Michigan State seems to be a team dedicated to not beating themselves.  They just wait for the other team to make a mistake and then win the game. 
  • The Minnesota Golden Gophers Athletic Department has a crystal ball.  They started writing a press release firing Tim Brewster on Friday if he lost on Saturday.  They did and he got fired.
  • Michigan for the second straight year made Indiana look much better then they really are. 
  • Purdue always seems to play better after their first string QB goes out with an injury.
  • Kenny Demens is the answer at middle linebacker for Michigan.
  • Watching Michigan play this year is not good for my blood pressure
  • The Michigan coaches need to spend more time at practice - the soccer team's practice.
  • I'm still really upset about Devin not redshirting
  • Michigan needs both Denard and Tate this year  
  • David Molk might be just as important to the Michigan offense as Denard is
  • This ABC/ESPN mirror thing is strange.  I had the Michigan game on both ABC and ESPN channels.  I can't get Texas and Nebraska?
  • Speaking of Nebraska, I was real worried about them joining the Big Ten last week, now I feel better.
  • I would like to see a replay of the Auburn - Arkansas game. 
  • The Big Ten champ this year might have 1 or 2 losses.
  • My lucky shirt from week 1-5 isn't lucky anymore.
  • Those new Tech Fit jersey's didn't look any different
  • Michigan's defense can make an average offense look good.
  • Greg Robinson might not be the answer at DC.  Even I knew the draw was coming on 3rd -16 and the whole Ezeh - Demens thing is mystifying. 
  • Michigan should put their starting offense line in for field goals.  Big Will blocking?  I know he was an offensive lineman in high school but come on.  Iowa had their first team defense line in.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Michigan - Iowa Post Game

Sad Panda/Groundhog Day 2009.  We have seen this movie, it doesn't end well for the Wolverines. 

That's how I feel hours after this defeat.  No moral victories, we are not UMass.  Bottom line, Michigan can not win games turning the ball over, the defense can't hold anybody and can't afford extra possessions.  The Michigan defense can't get stops or turnovers to even out the mistakes.

I have a number of random thoughts that I need to get out:

The penalties are just ridiculous and un-disciplined football

I believe football games are won and loss on talent, coaching, and momentum.  Taylor Lewan is clearly a future star on this team but his 20 yards in penalties in the first half were drive killers that maybe game killers.

Did anyone notice as soon as Ezeh was put back into the game, Iowa started moving the ball on the ground?  I thought Kenny Demens played pretty well today.

I'm so tired about hearing this defense is too young, some of the upperclassman on defense are the worst players.

The 3-3-5 does not seem to be working at all.    If your facing Michigan and don't have a good RB, just move your second string cornerback or something and he can go for 200 yards and 3 TD's.

Don't fool yourself about the comeback.  This game was over when Vincent Smith put the ball on the ground in the 3rd quarter.   Michigan's offense can score but you lose too many opportunities when you turn the ball over.

Both Denard and Molk are out with injuries, not good.

This Iowa team was primed to be beat today and Michigan let them off the hook with turnovers and penalties. 

These are going to be two very long weeks for the Wolverines.  They better dig deep and see if they can get some wins before they face Wisconsin and Ohio State.  Greg Robinson needs to figure a way to get some stops and RR needs to find a way to hold on to the damn ball.

Game Day Video: Michigan vs Iowa 1994

How about some Todd Collins, Mercury Hayes, Amani Toomer, Wheatley, Timmy B. and some terrible Iowa uniforms?  How do you stop a backfield of Wheatly and Biakabutuka?

You can watch a time when we had really good linebackers.  Morrison was everywhere!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Michigan vs Iowa Preview

Date: October 16, 2010
Time: 3:30 EST
Location: Big House
Line: Iowa -3
Weather: 64 and Sunny

Both Iowa and Michigan were off last weekend.  One team earned a Big Ten loss the other didn't.   This picture on Michigan's last drive pretty much sums up the Michigan State game for the Wolverines:

I hope the Wolverines have had a good week of practice and were able to fix some issues on defense.  The linebacker play has to improve and the defensive ends have to be better.  If you watched the West Virgina - South Florida game last night you saw the 3-3-5 defense be effective.  The key difference in my mind is that the front 3 have to be able to get pressure on the QB.  Michigan's front 3 (outside of Martin) are not playing well or getting pressure or hitting the running backs.

Iowa has had health issues with their running backs and will try to trick the Wolverines linebackers and young secondary with some play action fakes.   Iowa saw State run through some big holes and will try to run the ball but Ricky Stanzi will for sure try to attack the Michigan secondary.   Can Michigan get one of Ricky's famous pick 6's?  Let's hope so.  Maybe Donovan Warren can come back for a game.   Iowa is not as explosive as State in the running game but they do have 3 strong WR's.  

The only thing Michigan needed to fix on offense was some decision making.  MSU didn't do anything special on defense they just got the balls thrown to them.  Iowa on the other hand does have a "special" defense and has the #1 scoring defense in the country only giving up 10 points a game.   Michigan's high powered offense vs Iowa's defense.  Can Michigan's offensive line handle Adrian Clayborn and Iowa's defensive line?  Iowa is a better version of Michigan State on defense.

Tale of The Tape:

Michigan Offense vs Iowa's Defense =  Push

Iowa's Offense vs Michigan's Defense = Iowa

Special Teams = Push (both teams are pretty poor)

Intangibles = Push  (Iowa was off and Michigan at home)

It's homecoming for the Wolverines so expect that guy doing the locomotive Michigan cheer.   I think teams coming off a loss are pretty dangerous and sometimes a team coming off a bye can be rusty.  Since 2002 Big Ten teams are 17-32 coming off a bye week which is a .347 winning percentage.

Iowa has lost a game when they traveled West to take on Arizona this year.  Iowa got behind quickly and fought their way back to only lose at the end.   Iowa gave up 34 in that game.  I thought Michigan played well at Iowa last year and all most won when Denard came in late and drove the team for a TD but then threw a pick on the last drive.

Sing Hail to the Victors if......
  • Denard makes decisions like he did in the first 5 games
  • There is a new starting middle linebacker
  • Michigan can move the ball and score on Iowa
  • Michigan doesn't play tight and really focused after the State loss
  • Shaw is healthy and getting yards on the ground
  • Michigan gets points out of special teams
Spit out your corn if..............
  • The Michigan wide receivers still have the "dropsy"
  • The Iowa defensive line looks like they could take the hand offs in the Michigan backfield
  • The Michigan D continues their bend and break defense
  • Michigan loses the turnover battle
I expect Iowa to shut down Michigan's running game as much as possible and Denard will have to beat them through the air.  The Michigan defense HAS to play better and get some turnovers against a QB that is prone to throw a few picks.  The key for Michigan on defense is to pressure Stanzi, if Michigan can get some sacks and some pressures which will force some mistakes and get some stops.

I am torn on this game.  Michigan plays well against Iowa but Iowa has a really good defense.  I think Michigan can get a few stops on defense but can they score on Iowa?  Denard went "Tebow" in the Wolverine locker room after the loss against State.  Will that have an effect on the Wolverines?  Michigan is a better team then they were last year when they met Iowa, I think Iowa was better last year. 

I didn't like anything I saw from the Wolverines last week, they played tight, they made mistakes on offense and gave up big plays on defense.  This game is a turning point for the Wolverines in 2010.  If they win they are back on Sportscenter,  if they lose they are trending towards the 2009 collapse.   I think one of the biggest questions on Saturday: will the Wolverines be hungry and really try to get bowl eligible? I don't like the match ups in this game and I hope I'm wrong.  Iowa 24 Michigan 14

Go Blue!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Michigan Thursday:Agrees with Alvarez's Sarcasm

Barry Alvarez was asked what he thinks the Big Ten should name the two football conferences: "Let's say you call (the divisions) Bo and Woody," he said, referring to football coaching greats Schembechler at Michigan and Hayes at Ohio State, respectively. "If I'm Ohio State, I'm saying, ‘This league's about us.' If I'm Michigan, this league's about us. I don't want to identify (them) with another school. They can call (the divisions) A and B as far as I'm concerned." I agree Barry, Bo and Woody makes the most sense. Good idea.  He wouldn't have gone for two against Minnesota either.

  • Dhani Jones has designed a new bow tie to support Mott Children's Hospital.  The Bow Ties will be sold at Moe Sports Shops and Underground Printing for $55 per bow tie (his number at U of M).  He will also be at Underground Printing this weekend for those of you in A2. 
Want to hear from RR on Big Will and a change at LB?  Here are some quotes from the Detroit News:

Rodriguez said he expects to see Kenny Demens, J.B. Fitzgerald and Mark Moundros in the mix a bit more against the Hawkeyes. "Particularly if they have a good week in practice," Rodriguez said. "Kenny Demens in particular has had some real good practices and has shown some pretty good things when he's had an opportunity out there. So it looks like they've warranted the opportunity to see what they can do in the game."

Big Will:  "I think he's a better player than he was a year ago," Rodriguez said. "He'll continue to get better because I think the game is important to him.
"He still has to work on some things to be an every-down player for us and be able to help us in our base situations, and he knows that and he knows the things he has to work through. He's still a young player. He's got a good attitude and he's working to get better. There's another level he can get to, and we're hoping he can get there quickly."

  • Brian at Mgoblog, tracks all the plays on offense and defense of the State game.   The defensive players that had the worst day were:  Ezeh, Banks at DE (also Black but he is a true freshman looking to hit the QB), true freshman CB's, and Cam Gordon (mostly for poor tackling).  Wrap up Cam!  Wrap up!

TV Tonight:  2 Thursday games: Kansas vs Kansas State and South Florida vs West Virgina. 

Big Ten Preview and Picks Week 7

This week there are 2 Big Ten Teams with a bye (Penn State and Northwestern) and another one playing an out of conference game.   A pretty strange week for the Big Ten that does have some headline games.

Big Ten Game of the Week

#1 Ohio State at #18 Wisconsin:  In my pre-season prediction I picked Wisconsin in this match up, they dominated the game in Columbus last year but gave up 3 non-traditional touchdowns on pick 6 and 2 touchdowns on special teams.  (Can you really dominate a game that you were blown out in?  Probably not).  The Wisconsin crowd will be "jumping all around" and we be ready for a 7:00 EST kick off.  Pryor struggled the last time he was in Madison but did lead a last minute drive for the win.  Like, I mentioned before I liked Wisconsin before their trip to East Lansing.   OSU did struggle on the road against a all of a sudden not terrible Illinois team.    The Buckeyes are a 3.5 favorite on the road.  This is a coin flip game for me and one that "the Vest" doesn't seem to lose.  OSU 24  Wisc 21

The Rest of the Big 10...............

Arkansas State at Indiana:  IU got brought back to earth last Saturday with their trip to C-BUS.  IU's quick start now as 2 loses in a row.  Well time to relax, sit back and watch IU beat Arkansas State on Saturday.   Well, Arkansas State can play a little bit of football and played Louisville with in 10 points a couple of weeks ago.  IU is only a 11.5 favorite.  Still IU will throw and throw often:  IU 32  Ark State 17

Minnesota at Purdue:  Somehow Purdue won last week when their official mascot got changed from a Train or a Big Drum to Perry. 
I guess Perry can play some football and Purdue beat a decent Northwestern team last week.  I didn't see the game and not sure how that happened.  Minnesota comes to town with the title of the worst team in the Big Ten with an overall record of 1-5.  If Perry comes to play, I think Purdue can win this game.  If Perry is out with a second ACL, Tim Brewster and crew can finally get a Big Ten win.   Purdue is favored by 5.5 this week (what is with all the 1/2 points this week?).   Purdue 21 Minnesota 20

Illinois at Michigan State:  Who are these teams?  The Spartans are talking Rose Bowl after wins over Wisconsin and Michigan.  Illinois is talking Pizza Bowl after playing well against Ohio State and beating Penn State on the road.  To quote Lombardi, "What the hell is going on out there?"  The Spartans are projected to be #10 in the BCS ranking when they come out on Sunday.   So 2 of Michigan rivals could be in the top 10 of the BCS rankings.  Sorry, I need to use the rest room for a second.  My breakfast bagel isn't sitting well after writing that.  How about Purdue's new Mascot - Perry?

Sorry, where were we?  Got ya, thanks.  Michigan State historically has had a let down after playing Michigan.  Usually it's against Northwestern.  I have a weird feeling about this game (maybe it's the breakfast bagel?) that maybe Illinois could pretend they are in the Big House and upset the Spartans.  MSU is only favored by a touchdown so Vegas isn't sold that the Spartans will run away with this game either.  Are these the new Spartans?  MSU 27 Illinois 17

Thought for the day:  You could make a case for either team in all the "conference" games this week.  All the lines in the head to head Big Ten match ups are under a touchdown.  Could be an interesting weekend. 

I will of course preview the Michigan - Iowa game on Friday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Michigan Injury Updates

Odoms will have surgery today or Thursday on his broken foot.  There is a slight chance he could make it back by the end of the year.

Mike Martin practiced on Tuesday and moved around well.  Should be ready to go on Saturday. (photo to the right showing that he has M close to his heart)

Fitz Toussaint is out for Iowa but should be back after the bye week. 

Mike Williams is still out with a concussion and continues to work with the doctors on whether he should continue playing football.  He has had multiple concussions. 

Wolverine Wednesday: Recruiting Blitz and Other News

Before we get to recruiting news, I have a couple sports related business topics for Wolverines and football fans. 
  • More Jersey News:  Nike has bought the NFL contract away from Reebok/Adidas.  Which could mean layoffs in a plant in Indianapolis that produces replica jerseys for NFL teams and of course teams like the University of Michigan.  Maybe Adidas can open up the plant to Michigan fans so they can get a "special" jersey's when Michigan is in Indy next year for the Big Ten Championship game.

  • If your interested and why wouldn't you be? :) I am again the guest on the Michigan Man Podcast this week, re-capping the MSU loss and previewing the Iowa game.  You can find the podcast here or download it on ITunes.  

  • Fanvision: If you haven't heard, Fanvision is a new held device that you can watch the game, replays, or different camera angles from your seat at the game.  Michigan is the only NCAA team that has these devices available.  Over 12 NFL teams are piloting them this year.  The devices are from a company that Dolphins owner and Michigan grad Stephen Ross owns.   The cost is $200 for the device and $5 per game and this guy is a fan.   Part of their marketing plan was to send a bunch of these devices out for free to season ticket holders.  I wasn't one of the lucky ones.  Talking to some of the fans at the Big House, they like it for tailgating before, during, and after the games.

  • Chris L. Rucker celebrated his team's win over the Wolverines on Saturday by going out getting drunk and then driving on Sunday morning.   He was of course arrested and will be suspended but the MSU coaches expect to have him back playing this year.  Chris was charged and is on probation for last years Dorm fight as well.  I guess this is strike 2 for Mr. Rucker.

Now on to the Blitz:

-TomVH gives us an update on recruiting visitors expected to attend the Iowa game:  

DT Timmy Jernigan - 6'2", 275 lbs, 4 Star, Lake City, Florida

TE Drew Owens - 6'5", 225 lbs, 3 Star, Charlotte, North Carolina

DB Dallas Crawford - 5'10", 185 lbs, 3 Star, Fort Myers, Florida

WR Sammy Watkins - 6'1", 180 lbs, 4 Star, Fort Myers, Florida

WR Hakeem Flowers - 6'2", 175 lbs, 3 Star, Greenville, South Carolina

WR Quinta Funderburk - 6'5", 204 lbs, 3 Star, Chesapeake, Virginia


DE Chris Wormley - 6'4", 255 lbs, Toledo, Ohio

RB Will Mahone - 5'11", 205 lbs, Austintown, Ohio (He confirmed he will be there)

DB Luc Haupt - 6'0", 180 lbs, Austintown, Ohio

DB Chris Davis - 5'10", 183 lbs, Austintown, Ohio

QB Demitrious Davis - 5'10", 183 lbs, Austintown, Ohio

-Avery Walls, a CB that Michigan fans are high on for the 2011 class has recently been to Oregon and CAL and he now tells TomVH this: "I'm going to go to Michigan State, South Carolina, Virginia, and U Conn. Once all my visits are done then I'll decide from there. I don't have a leader right now, because I haven't seen all the schools yet. I'm still evaluating different things about each school."  That doesn't sound like the best news for Wolverine fans.

-Dee Hart talks more about Michigan with ESPN"The Michigan fans are such friendly people, they make you feel comfortable and calm," Hart added. "They want you to enjoy the Michigan experience and take it all in. And the coaches are the same way. They wanted us to be around the team and experience everything first hand."

On RR: "I liked Michigan either way and if he were to leave it wouldn't affect me because I think I can play in any offensive system," Hart said. "So it really wasn't my concern.

"That being said I wanted to make sure everything came together. He's winning ball games right now and the future looks good, so it's coming together."

On Denard: "First of all he's a great person; he's the leading candidate for the Heisman," Hart said. "And he can throw first, he's not limited to just running. They have to check the other guys, like Martavious Odoms and Vincent Smith. The offense tries to get everyone in space, and with him and me in the same backfield it's going to be very fast. Speed kills."

Being sold on the Wolverines: "I was always sold on Michigan because I love what they offer from an educational standpoint," Hart said. "My field of study is going to be business management and I have a great opportunity to see first-hand how everything functions in that program.

"Just getting a four-year degree from a school like Michigan is going to help me have success over a long-term period. Long after football is finished."

As you can tell, Iowa is going to be a big visit game for the Wolverines.  The next big game is clearly Wisconsin, which could include Dee Hart and many of his Dr. Phillips teammates, Kris Frost, and 5 star DB Karlos Williams (who could do an un-official and might do his official after the season).  Karlos is currently committed to Florida State.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Wolverines MIA

It's been a few days since the Michigan State game and Michigan is in full preparation mode for Iowa on Saturday.   There has been plenty of talk of new players at linebacker, running back, cornerback, and the defensive line.   We need to remember the Wolverines are 5-1 not 1-5 so wholesale changes are not needed, but I think we all agree that some changes do need to be made.  

RR even said on Monday that Avery, Christian, and Talbott would all be redshirting if they had depth in the defensive backfield.   They all are playing and redshriting is now out of the question.  We don't need to re-cap all the DB's that are no longer on the team or down with injury.

I always get texts or emails that says, "what ever happened to this guy?" or "why isn't Big Will playing more?".   So I will tell you what I know or have heard, I'm not at practice, so some of this is speculation but here it goes:

"Big" Will Campbell, DT:  No surprise this guy makes the list.  Here is a 5 star guy that hasn't been able to pop into the starting lineup and has been #3 on the depth chart.  He is still early in his sophomore year but has lost his redshirt ability.   The knocks on Big Will has been his conditioning and his technique.  In High School he just man handled kids at Michigan you have to learn the correct technique for the position.  That is why some recruiting services had projected him on the O Line instead of the D Line in college.

Look for Big Will to get a lot more time this week if Mike Martin can't go.  I would like Big Will to be in regular rotation just so he can be a big run stopper.  Mostly if and when Michigan goes to a 4 man defensive fronts.

Je'Ron Stokes, WR: A 4 star Army All American guy coming out of high school.  Same as Big Will, he is a true sophomore without a redshirt year.   Je'Ron actually got a lot of playing time when Junior was out with an injury, he just didn't get a lot of looks.   With Junior healthy he might only get spot duty but I still think this guy has talent and may have a big game still in him this year.  He reminds me of Darryl Stonum.

Michael Cox, RB:  I have no idea what is going on here.  This is a big, athletic running back.  The "word" from practice is that he might be the best athlete on the team.  Maybe it's a passion or running style issue, but I'm guessing this could be one of those guys that practices poorly and plays well on game day.  If that is the case, I don't think he will get much playing time with Stephen Hopkins a true freshman beating him out already. 

Kenny Demens, LB:  I have given up on Obi Ezeh.  I'm sorry I just have.  I know he is a 5th year guy but watching State's first long run when Obi was chasing the offensive line and Baker ran right through Ezeh's gap/shadow for a 61 yard touchdown, I was done for good.  He was a running back in high school and this 4 year linebacker experiment has failed.   Kenny or JB Fitzgerald might not have his experience but they can't be any worse.  I would rather have a young guy in there making mistakes then a 5th year guy making the same ones.

Isaiah Bell, LB:  Remember this guy?  A safety from Ohio that ESPN loved?  Well he is now at linebacker at 6'1 245 and has out grown the safety position.  He is a guy that was able to redshirt last year and probably falls into the "not quite ready" camp.   It would be nice to see him at LB or Safety but lets hope his future is bright at linebacker.  (he is not listed on the 3 deep)

Marvin Robinson, SS: a true freshman who seems to be playing special teams.  He has also been beat up this year.    I know Kovacs is probably one of our best players on defense.  He is a smart kid plays and makes up for his lack of foot speed with heady play.   I just would like to see Marvin get some spot time, maybe on pass plays.  If he is that good of an athlete we need to find away to get him on the field.

Who will replace Odoms, who is out with a broken foot at SR?  I'm betting on Jeremy Gallon over Terrence Robinson.  I think TRob is still having some "catching" issues (the entire WR unit had them last weekend) but I think RR has more confidence in Jeremy. 

Michigan to Wear New Adidas Techfit Jersey

It seems Michigan will be wearing a new type of jersey this weekend against Iowa.  It's called the Adidas Techfit which Adidas has been developing over the past 4 years.  This announcement did not come from U of M, so it hasn't been validated that the Maize and Blue will be in these jerseys this week.  Here is the article that stated 7 teams including Michigan will wear them this weekend:

"This is all about making the athlete faster," said Mark Daniels, director of football and team sports for Adidas.

Adidas employees specializing in kinesiology, biomechanics, materials, design, wear testing, sports marketing and brand development contributed to the product, called "Techfit," Daniels said.

"Every department that touches the football category was involved," Daniels said.

With no seams on the torso, only the shoulder area, the jersey fits like a tight-fitting tube. Whereas jerseys typically are fitted with a numerical system similar to that for suits, the Techfit comes in four body sizes -- all of them tight.

Though he did not have before and after jersey weights available, Daniels said the Techfit product had been made lighter through the use of a proprietary fabric, reduced seams, and a name and numbering system. The jersey are also designed to keep players cooler with an improved ventilation system.

Besides UCLA, other Adidas-branded collegiate teams that will use the jerseys initially include Michigan, Notre Dame, Tennessee, Cincinnati, Texas A&M and Louisville.

What will the players think of this new jersey?  University of Cincinnati quarterback Zach Collaros tried on the new jersey this summer and told head coach Butch Jones, "we gotta have this."

Here is another quote from the press release“The new TECHFIT jersey design will make old jerseys obsolete,” said Mark Daniels, director of football and team sports for adidas. “adidas is changing the game with this revolutionary jersey construction and compression fit because we know the right gear can make a difference during a split second play. Less material and a tighter fit means the jersey is harder to grab and you can’t tackle what you can’t grab. College football is more competitive than ever before and teams need every advantage they can get on the field.”

Sounds good to me.  I hope the players are excited about wearing them this weekend.  (if they actually wear them this weekend?)

Denard + a jersey that could make him even faster has to be a good thing.

Monday, October 11, 2010

RR Monday Press Conference Notes

Mike Martin and David Molk have ankle sprains, expected to play on Saturday limited this week.
#9 WR Tay Odoms is out with a broken foot
James Rodgers had cramps and will be back against Iowa.


Not worried about team bouncing back.  The young guys seem to be able to put a loss behind them quicker then some of the upper classman.  But he is worried about the team bouncing back.  He is more concerned about fixing the mistakes.

Poor execution was the reason that  the running yards were down.

Stonum has a slight hamstring and that is why he didn't return too many kicks

Need to be better on kick returns

Kenny Demens and Moundros might get more playing time at LB

Can't run any delays against Iowa's defensive front.  They are too good.

Doesn't look like Fitz is going to play.  Rotator cuff type of injury.  Had some tough luck with injuries, might be back after the bye week.

Shaw should be 100% this week

More info from Tim at Mgoblog before RR took the mike. 

Greg Banks:

Going into this week with the same type of focus.

Losing is losing, every game is a big game.  Trying to make improvements.

Seniors stand up in leadership roles and all the guys could do better.

When he was a freshman, the play book was large and the speed of the game were the two biggest things that took some time getting used to.

Need to get better each week. 

Ryan Van Bergen:

First team meeting this afternoon.  Stay focused on Iowa.

Young players can get better week to week.  All they need to do is find something that "clicks" and then keep doing it.

Wants the team to prepare harder this week.

This team has a good leadership core there is not going to be a letdown this season. 

DT things happen quicker, DE is a more athletic position. 

Strongest leaders on offense:  Molk, Schilling, and Roundtree

Confident in game plan.  The plays they ran for touchdowns is the ones they practiced all week.   Didn't get it done in the game.

Patrick Omameh

The running game was something they wanted to focus on against MSU.  It worked early and State made some changes and the line didn't execute the way they wanted.

Expecting the team to bounce back well. 

Iowa has a talented front 4 and talent defense. 

Big strong dudes on the interior.  Real good all around.

Denard was clearly upset after the game. 

Kelvin Grady

WR were frustrated with the drops, don't want it to happen again.  Will catch a few more balls this week.

All mistakes are fixable.

Had high expectations, had more mistakes against MSU then they had in 5 weeks.

Iowa has a great defense and we know what we need to do.  We are 5-1 were not 1-5, we are going to bounce back.

Denard spoke out after the game and showed emotion.  It was the first time he did that and he gained a lot of respect from the players.  He took another step at being a leader.

You could see it in his eyes, he is (Denard) hungry.  You can feel it.