Saturday, October 30, 2010

This Defense is a Nightmare

I'm at a loss for words when it comes to this defense.  I didn't think this defense could get any worse after the bye week, but it has.  Mike Martin is clearly the only player on Michigan's defense and when he is out, so are the Wolverines. 

I am done with excuses and whatever we have been saying that gives us reasons for hope for this defense.  It's terrible and yes this is a replay of 2009.  Michigan might have one more win on the schedule and that's Purdue, but guess what?  Purdue has a decent defensive line.  Illinois is a well balanced team and will do the exact same thing to Michigan that MSU, Iowa, and now Penn State has done.

Penn State's offense is not good, they are one dimensional with a walk-on first time starter picking them apart.  The Michigan defense was not prepared to stop the run or the short passing game.   Can someone please explain to me how Michigan could not pressure this kid at all?  What kind of strategy is that?  I've been willing to give Greg Robinson the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this defense.  I no longer feel that way and believe he should be fired and maybe fired this week.  

The Michigan defense could not stop this weak offense and Rich Rodriguez is 4-16 in the Big Ten since he has gotten to Ann Arbor.  This game was an embarrassment to the Michigan Program.  Penn State is a terrible offensive team and they beat Michigan by running basic running plays and screens.  If the Michigan defense can't stop that they can't stop any offense.  

I know the call for a late hit on the kickoff was a bad call but that is not the reason Michigan lost.  The reason Michigan lost is because they have one of the worst defenses in D1.  One of the worst defenses in Michigan history.  I don't want to hear about youth anymore, Michigan should be able to put 11 true freshman on the field and play better then this unit.  Enough F'ing excuses! 

RR now has to get a huge upset to keep his job IMO.  That means a win over Wisconsin or Ohio State.   I also believe that Illinois looks like a loss right now and Purdue should be a win, but at this point, who the hell knows. 

What a terrible game which out shadowed a wonderful performance by Denard.  The offense is doing their job and the defense clearly isn't.   BTW: The call on the first drive to go under center in the I for the 3rd and 1 was a terrible call.  All that does is bring more defenders into the box.  I thought RR clearly understood they can't give away possessions and I thought he did exactly that to start the game. 

The Michigan offense didn't turn the ball over and the defense got what 2 stops all night?  That makes me sick!
Want to know the difference between Michigan and Auburn or Oregon?  Some Defensive Stops!  Neither one of those teams has a strong defense but they get some stops.

I'm tired and that's enough ranting for tonight.