Sunday, October 17, 2010

Michigan Monday: Things I learned on Saturday

When I sat down on my couch on Saturday, I had Christmas like thoughts running through my head.  The weather was warm and it felt like a great day for upsets.  I turned on the Illinois - Michigan State game on the BTN and this thought danced through my head:  Could Michigan State, Iowa, and Ohio State all get upset today?

Well, we know only Ohio State went down in a football game that I hope all the Wolverines watched.   Why you ask?  Not because both teams remain on Michigan's schedule (that is a good enough reason to watch) but Wisconsin gave us all a text book example on how to upset a highly ranked team at home.   The young Wolverines need to take that class and read that book a couple of times.

Back to my list of things I learned on Saturday that was strangely educational:
  • For the young Wolverines, the more things change the more they stay the same.
  • Illinois is an improving team and out played Michigan State for close to 3 quarters but couldn't score touchdowns.
  • Michigan State seems to be a team dedicated to not beating themselves.  They just wait for the other team to make a mistake and then win the game. 
  • The Minnesota Golden Gophers Athletic Department has a crystal ball.  They started writing a press release firing Tim Brewster on Friday if he lost on Saturday.  They did and he got fired.
  • Michigan for the second straight year made Indiana look much better then they really are. 
  • Purdue always seems to play better after their first string QB goes out with an injury.
  • Kenny Demens is the answer at middle linebacker for Michigan.
  • Watching Michigan play this year is not good for my blood pressure
  • The Michigan coaches need to spend more time at practice - the soccer team's practice.
  • I'm still really upset about Devin not redshirting
  • Michigan needs both Denard and Tate this year  
  • David Molk might be just as important to the Michigan offense as Denard is
  • This ABC/ESPN mirror thing is strange.  I had the Michigan game on both ABC and ESPN channels.  I can't get Texas and Nebraska?
  • Speaking of Nebraska, I was real worried about them joining the Big Ten last week, now I feel better.
  • I would like to see a replay of the Auburn - Arkansas game. 
  • The Big Ten champ this year might have 1 or 2 losses.
  • My lucky shirt from week 1-5 isn't lucky anymore.
  • Those new Tech Fit jersey's didn't look any different
  • Michigan's defense can make an average offense look good.
  • Greg Robinson might not be the answer at DC.  Even I knew the draw was coming on 3rd -16 and the whole Ezeh - Demens thing is mystifying. 
  • Michigan should put their starting offense line in for field goals.  Big Will blocking?  I know he was an offensive lineman in high school but come on.  Iowa had their first team defense line in.