Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Clarifies Medical Redshirts

This is game week and after a week off it's hard to find news worthy stuff out of the Wolverines.  So I will do my best today on getting you the most interesting "stuff" out there.

Funny Quotes from the Michigan Press Conference Yesterday:

-A camera man asked a question to Coach Rod about facing JoPa head to head.  RR responded jokingly: “Joe and I aren’t going against each other, I might be able to take him, if it is just me and him."

-Stephen Schilling on Big Will Campbell playing on the Offensive line:  Sometimes he played the defensive line like an offensive lineman.  He was more interested in finishing blocks then making the tackle.

  • The Daily Gopher profiles a "Michigan Man" Brady Hoke for their open head coaching position.  I didn't realize the job he has done at San Diego State.  He is currently 5-2 with a win over Air Force and played Missouri within 3 points and was leading in the 4th quarter. 

  • Kelvin Grady was interviewed  for ESPN's GameDay on Monday for his twitter use.
  • Denard is a semi-finalist for Davey O'Brien National Quarterback Award.  There are 15 other semi-finalists as well.

  • I know many of you have questions on what qualifies for a medical redshirt for Devin Gardner.  #1 he can't play more then 30% of the games in a season, with all participation being in the first half of the season.  His last snaps were in the Bowling Green game.  #2 He also has to have a documented injury.  Currently, he has a documented back injury.   At the end of the year, they have to file paperwork to the NCAA requesting a medical redshirt.  I fully expect Michigan to file for the medical redshirt also commonly known as a medical hardship at the end of the season.

  • The other situation is that it seems Ricardo Miller played on special teams for the UMASS game this year.  Let's hope that stat is a mistake.  You lose your redshirt eligibility if you play one play. 

  • Yes, Michigan is recruiting a place kicker.  They were looking at guys in California and Maryland last week.