Sunday, October 3, 2010

Michigan - Indiana Post Game

photo courtesy of John T. Greilick / The Detroit News

I went to a football game in Bloomington, Indiana yesterday and a track meet broke out.  Denard is clearly the most exciting football player in the country and he continues to impress everyone, whether it was the second play of the day or the final one. 

Michigan's offense accounted for 574 yards on offense on Saturday with their quick strike offense.  The problem lies with Michigan's defense that gave up 568 yards of total offense as well.   The Michigan offense is explosive and they will have to be to keep up with their young defense.  This is a crazy stat:  Michigan finished the game with 18:13 it total time of possession, IU 41:37.  The Michigan defense was on the field more then twice as long as the Indiana D and still won the game!   You have to give a tip of the hat to Mike Barwis and staff.  If you would see a stat like that in the box score you would think it was a 42-7 win for the team with 41:37 of possession time. 

Most of you watched the game, so I will just quickly move to the cheers and jeers:

  • Denard = Unbelievable.  The IU crowd would cheer when he was stopped for a 5 yard gain.
  • Junior Hemingway had a great day and a big catch on the final drive. 
  • The Michigan offense line.  Was strong in pass protection and run blocking.
  • Mike Martin = Beast
  • Offensive play calling in the second half.   When the D got stops, I thought Michigan was much too conservative in playing calling.   IMO, Michigan had a chance to put the game away and was too predictable on the read option hand offs to Smith instead of mixing up the plays. 
  • Michigan's bend but don't break defense will hurt Michigan against teams with a better defense.  IU could throw that WR screen every play for 8-12 yards each time.  I know why Michigan's DB's play off the line so much, but at some point you have to stop that play.  
  • Pass rush was hot and cold all day.  You can't let a senior QB stand back there and pick apart your defense.  Michigan needs to pressure the QB to protect it's young secondary. 
Like all Michigan fans, I have big concerns regarding Michigan's defense.  I don't like the "prevent" style that Greg Robinson is playing.  Yes, at times that is a good strategy other times it gives up a lot of first downs.    At some point you have to put Michigan's young cornerbacks in bump and run.  Those WR screens were killing Michigan all day and I didn't see Michigan do anything to stop it.   At some point you have to see if these kids can make some plays.   

I am happy to be 5-0 and heading into a big game against MSU next week.   The defense needs a better strategy on getting stops.  Michigan can't keep it's defense on the field for 40+ minutes and think they will win to many more games this year.  Next week will the best defense Michigan has seen all year, so it should be interesting.