Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Wolverines MIA

It's been a few days since the Michigan State game and Michigan is in full preparation mode for Iowa on Saturday.   There has been plenty of talk of new players at linebacker, running back, cornerback, and the defensive line.   We need to remember the Wolverines are 5-1 not 1-5 so wholesale changes are not needed, but I think we all agree that some changes do need to be made.  

RR even said on Monday that Avery, Christian, and Talbott would all be redshirting if they had depth in the defensive backfield.   They all are playing and redshriting is now out of the question.  We don't need to re-cap all the DB's that are no longer on the team or down with injury.

I always get texts or emails that says, "what ever happened to this guy?" or "why isn't Big Will playing more?".   So I will tell you what I know or have heard, I'm not at practice, so some of this is speculation but here it goes:

"Big" Will Campbell, DT:  No surprise this guy makes the list.  Here is a 5 star guy that hasn't been able to pop into the starting lineup and has been #3 on the depth chart.  He is still early in his sophomore year but has lost his redshirt ability.   The knocks on Big Will has been his conditioning and his technique.  In High School he just man handled kids at Michigan you have to learn the correct technique for the position.  That is why some recruiting services had projected him on the O Line instead of the D Line in college.

Look for Big Will to get a lot more time this week if Mike Martin can't go.  I would like Big Will to be in regular rotation just so he can be a big run stopper.  Mostly if and when Michigan goes to a 4 man defensive fronts.

Je'Ron Stokes, WR: A 4 star Army All American guy coming out of high school.  Same as Big Will, he is a true sophomore without a redshirt year.   Je'Ron actually got a lot of playing time when Junior was out with an injury, he just didn't get a lot of looks.   With Junior healthy he might only get spot duty but I still think this guy has talent and may have a big game still in him this year.  He reminds me of Darryl Stonum.

Michael Cox, RB:  I have no idea what is going on here.  This is a big, athletic running back.  The "word" from practice is that he might be the best athlete on the team.  Maybe it's a passion or running style issue, but I'm guessing this could be one of those guys that practices poorly and plays well on game day.  If that is the case, I don't think he will get much playing time with Stephen Hopkins a true freshman beating him out already. 

Kenny Demens, LB:  I have given up on Obi Ezeh.  I'm sorry I just have.  I know he is a 5th year guy but watching State's first long run when Obi was chasing the offensive line and Baker ran right through Ezeh's gap/shadow for a 61 yard touchdown, I was done for good.  He was a running back in high school and this 4 year linebacker experiment has failed.   Kenny or JB Fitzgerald might not have his experience but they can't be any worse.  I would rather have a young guy in there making mistakes then a 5th year guy making the same ones.

Isaiah Bell, LB:  Remember this guy?  A safety from Ohio that ESPN loved?  Well he is now at linebacker at 6'1 245 and has out grown the safety position.  He is a guy that was able to redshirt last year and probably falls into the "not quite ready" camp.   It would be nice to see him at LB or Safety but lets hope his future is bright at linebacker.  (he is not listed on the 3 deep)

Marvin Robinson, SS: a true freshman who seems to be playing special teams.  He has also been beat up this year.    I know Kovacs is probably one of our best players on defense.  He is a smart kid plays and makes up for his lack of foot speed with heady play.   I just would like to see Marvin get some spot time, maybe on pass plays.  If he is that good of an athlete we need to find away to get him on the field.

Who will replace Odoms, who is out with a broken foot at SR?  I'm betting on Jeremy Gallon over Terrence Robinson.  I think TRob is still having some "catching" issues (the entire WR unit had them last weekend) but I think RR has more confidence in Jeremy.