Saturday, October 16, 2010

Michigan - Iowa Post Game

Sad Panda/Groundhog Day 2009.  We have seen this movie, it doesn't end well for the Wolverines. 

That's how I feel hours after this defeat.  No moral victories, we are not UMass.  Bottom line, Michigan can not win games turning the ball over, the defense can't hold anybody and can't afford extra possessions.  The Michigan defense can't get stops or turnovers to even out the mistakes.

I have a number of random thoughts that I need to get out:

The penalties are just ridiculous and un-disciplined football

I believe football games are won and loss on talent, coaching, and momentum.  Taylor Lewan is clearly a future star on this team but his 20 yards in penalties in the first half were drive killers that maybe game killers.

Did anyone notice as soon as Ezeh was put back into the game, Iowa started moving the ball on the ground?  I thought Kenny Demens played pretty well today.

I'm so tired about hearing this defense is too young, some of the upperclassman on defense are the worst players.

The 3-3-5 does not seem to be working at all.    If your facing Michigan and don't have a good RB, just move your second string cornerback or something and he can go for 200 yards and 3 TD's.

Don't fool yourself about the comeback.  This game was over when Vincent Smith put the ball on the ground in the 3rd quarter.   Michigan's offense can score but you lose too many opportunities when you turn the ball over.

Both Denard and Molk are out with injuries, not good.

This Iowa team was primed to be beat today and Michigan let them off the hook with turnovers and penalties. 

These are going to be two very long weeks for the Wolverines.  They better dig deep and see if they can get some wins before they face Wisconsin and Ohio State.  Greg Robinson needs to figure a way to get some stops and RR needs to find a way to hold on to the damn ball.