Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: I always feel like somebody is watching me...........

News is pretty slow today, unless your connected with the University of Miami.  After reading the Yahoo Sports investigation, my reaction was "that has been going on since the days of Michael Irvin".   I can't believe it took this long to get out.   (yes, I know about Luther Campbell)

Couple of thoughts on Miami.   #1 As Michigan fans lets all be happy that is was the Freep that was on a "witch hunt" a couple of years ago in Ann Arbor and not Yahoo Sports.  If I'm David Brandon, I'm not sure I would grant a press pass from anyone from Yahoo Sports for the Michigan - ND game.   Memo to college AD's and head coaches, if Yahoo sports comes knocking you better not answer the door.  You might just want to resign now.   They have taken down Minnesota Basketball, Ohio State Football and now Miami Football (I am sure there are other examples). 

#2:  Anyone want to speculate, how would Tate Forcier would have done in the Miami environment?  That is a scary thought. 

I wanted to see if some "football" guys had any reactions to Miami, this is what I got: (thanks to Mgoblog and for the pictures)

Danny Hope, Head Football Coach Purdue

BHB: Coach Hope, any reaction to the Miami situation?
Hope:  I hate Michigan

BHB: Why are you looking at me like that?
Hope: Because I hate Michigan.

Hope: This doesn't effect my starting QB Robert Marve who transferred from Miami does it?
BHB: Dude you are looking right through me.  It's sort of creepy.

Al Borges, Michigan Offensive Coordinator

BHB: Coach Borges, Did you hear about Miami?
Borges:  Denard is learning the offense and we haven't found a RB back.  I prefer 1 RB step up but  we have a lot of depth at that position.

BHB:  Coach are you ok?
Borges:  Denard was under center in High School and he is adjusting to the pro style offense.   It's a process and we are gaining ground every day. 

BHB: Coach I am asking about Miami and the Yahoo Sports story?
Borges:  I hope to retire there someday.  I would like to take my talents and my firm hat to South Beach.

BHB:  Thanks coach

Stephen Hopkins, Michigan Running Back

BHB: Stephen do you have any friends at Miami?
Hopkins: Do you see how big Wisconsin's defensive lineman are?

BHB: Sure they are big but I am asking about Miami?
Hopkins:  Wait, those guys over there are trying to tackle me?

BHB:  I believe that is correct, back to Mia...
Hopkins:  Is that a 6 foot party sub over there?

BHB: Wait a second, where is that sub?

Antonio Brown, NFL Pittsburgh Steelers
BHB: Antonio Brown, your a former Central Michigan Chip and now with the Pittsburgh Steelers.
You played for a Rich Rodriguez disciple Butch Jones and you grew up in Miami, what is your take on the U?

Brown:  I am focused on training camp and making a big impact for the Steelers this season. 

BHB:  Did the University of Miami recruit you?
Brown:  Did Mike Tyson knock out Michael Spinks?

BHB: Yes, he did.  Are you surprised what happended at Univeristy of Miami?
Brown: NOPE

BHB: Ok, lets change subjects, you were always open at CMU.  How did you get that open?
Brown:  I showed the MAC CB's this look.   I was always open by 5 yards.

BHB: I bet
