Monday, August 22, 2011

Michigan Monday: Gives 2nd Hand Scrimmage Updates

This past Saturday marked two weeks before the start of the season.  Which also meant a full contact scrimmage for the Wolverines.   This scrimmage will go a long way of creating the two deep for the Western Michigan game.  

Before we get into some of 2nd hand reports from the scrimmage, here are a couple of things I would like to give me two cents on. 

- Greg Mattison Defense:  One thing I think that hurt the Michigan Defense last year was the inability to play multiple players at the same position.  This year, I think Michigan will have more opportunities for players to sub back and forth.   For example, there is a ton of buzz around walk-on Nathan Brink taking over for Big Will Campbell.  We should not get too worried about who starts over who because I expect a lot of players to play and a ton of subs to keep players fresh.  Another example is Kovas and Marvin Robinson.  Want another? Thomas Gordon and Carvin Johnson.    So everyone that might be worried about these positions battles, don't because having a number of guys that can play is a good thing. 

I expect the locks to start on Defense are: Kenny Demens, Mike Martin, Troy Woolfolk, Ryan Van Bergen, Jordan Kovacs and Craig Roh.

The below buzz is from message boards and other Michigan sites on folks that saw the scrimmage.   I made sure I heard it from more then one source before it made the below list.  So take everything below with a grain of salt.

Scrimmage Buzz:
  • Running Backs:  Michael Shaw and Fitz Toussaint had good days.  Fitz was said to be very impressive.

  • Both Denard and Devin did well, made some mistakes but both had a good day.  (BTW: Isn't it nice to have a clear starter this year?  Haven't felt this way since Henne was on the team)

  • There continues to be a lot of hype for Jeremy Gallon at WR.  Which is great to hear!

  • It seems true freshman Desmond Morgan is getting a look at some playing time at LB.

  • Buzz around Van Bergen moving to DT and Brink going to DE.

  • Kenny Demens could be the star of this defense.

  • Matt Wile is looking great at kicking field goals.   Let's hope that translates to the game.  

  • Tackling was better and the defense brings a ton of people to the ball.

  • Desmond Howard thought Denard looked faster.  (For those that listened to my offensive preview on the Michigan Man podcast, this is exactly what I mean.  Denard is much more dangerous if you don't know when he is going to run.  Last year, he threw the ball on passing plays and ran the ball on running plays.   If you are an opposing LB, what are you going to do when Denard drops back to pass and decides to run? )

  • JT Floyd played well against the run (could be a battle between JT and Courtney Avery at the other CB position)

If you have heard other "highlights" please put them in the comments field so we can share them with all the Big House Blog Inmates. 

Today is the "last call" for the Next Two Recruits T-Shirt Contest.