Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: Wonders if Tressel is Bigger Then the Program?

That's what it comes down to right?  Is the Vest more important then the Ohio State Football program?

Unless he is fired before August 12th, consider the answer to the above statement as YES.

Let's give some proof why he is:

#1: OSU hired a successful D1A coach that was just coming out of a similar NCAA problem at YSU.   Seems like a very strange hire when you look back at it.  How could a D1A coach handle being head coach at OSU and mostly with a bad track record with the NCAA.   Would Michigan hire Grand Valley's coach if he had issues with the NCAA?  Not a chance.

#2: JT won a National Championship and has only 1 loss against Michigan.   Everyone still remembers John Cooper in Columbus and can't stand the thought of another situation like that happening.

#3: The guy can recruit (maybe with a little help).  He consistently gets a top 10 classes.

#4: The OSU President who seems to consider himself a part time comedian said, "he hopes Jim doesn't fire me".

#5: The NCAA will come down even harder on OSU if they keep him as coach. Coaches don't survive this label from the NCAA.  If they don't fire him, they are willing to take a harder penalty if he continues as head coach. 

This is the decision that OSU is struggling with right now.  It's clear they don't want to let JT go, but do they really have a choice?  If they keep him, it's clear that he is bigger then the program.

(Memo to Urban Meyer: you don't want this head ache, stay retired enjoy your big contract from ESPN and working a couple days a week.  Look how happy Jon Gruden is)

Last point, would a CEO of a Fortune 500 company keep his job if he lied to the DOJ and his board of directors? Not a chance.

  • 5 Star RB from Ohio Bri'onte Dunn has re-opened his recruitment (verbal to OSU) and might visit Ann Arbor this weekend.  Even if he doesn't make it up on Saturday, it seems Michigan still has a great shot at getting a visit from him.