Friday, April 15, 2011

Michigan Friday: Spring Game Wish List

I like the Michigan Spring Game, just because I really enjoy seeing the Maize and Blue on the field for another Saturday and know it's my last chance until September.   I don't really love it because it's a glorified practice which can give us some insight on who and where your favorite players might be next year. 

So if I was 6 years old and really wanted my wish list to come true on Saturday, here it is:

  • No major injuries of any sort
  • Denard looks comfortable under center
  • Denard has some nice completions
  • No fumbled snaps from anyone
  • The recruits are impressed and want to commit on the spot
  • The defense looks improved since the nightmare I had on 1/1/11
  • A couple of running backs look like good options this fall
  • Linebacker play is much improved with new players
  • Another starting safety whose name doesn't rhyme with "throwbacks"
  • WR's and TE's that catch the ball consistently (don't forget Michigan struggled with that last year)
  • A couple made field goals
  • A couple young DB's who show they can play
  • A Big Day for Big Will!  I want a QB pressure and a ton of stops of RB's for no gain or -2 yards.
  • Devin to play with confidence and throw the ball well
  • A 3rd String QB to stand out - Mr. President?  The Pioneer kid? 
  • #1 wish: That the right building blocks are in place to make this a championship team in the next couple of year.

Enjoy the game and I will do my MVP on Sunday Morning.   We just have 6 shirts so the first 6 with the right prediction will get them.   I have received hundreds of emails.

Don't forget, Michigan should get a 4 star LB recruit tonight at 6:00 PM!

Go Blue!