Monday, April 18, 2011

Michigan Monday: Likes the Recruiting Weekend Michigan Just Had

Michigan had it's Spring Game on Saturday and there were some highs and lows.  Those are expected during a Spring Scrimmage.  I think the 15 days of learning a new offense showed and 15 days of working on defensive fundamentals also showed.   What really impressed me was the ground the Michigan coaching staff is starting to make up with the 2012 recruiting class.

Michigan landed two 4 star LB's in Kaleb Ringer and Royce Jenkins-Stone.  Those were huge pick ups.  Michigan is expected to take 3 LB's in this class and the spot light now turns to Cincinnati's Joe Bolden and Detroit's James "Biggs" Ross to fill that last spot.  It seems Joe's timeline might make him the winner for the last spot but don't count out Biggs if he wants to be a Wolverine. 

Jordan Diamond the mega offensive line from Chicago was also in town with his QB.  He has been to Michigan a number of times and many consider the Wolverines to be his leader.  He plans on taking some more visits but the Michigan fans made a nice impression on him:   When we got there we came out on the field and there was a bunch of fans telling me Jordan we need you. To have them recognize an offensive lineman and ask me for autographs was pretty cool. I was getting stopped on the street and people were asking me if I was Jordan Diamond. I was signing autographs for little kids, and to have that happen at a big school was cool. Being with the players is always great too, they're exactly the same on and off the field. The character and attitude they have is always the same.   

Sheldon Day from Indy also made his second trip to Ann Arbor with his family.  If you haven't heard Sheldon is one of the top DT in the 2012 class (9th by Scouts) and this is his second trip to Ann Arbor.  His coaches even asked him to go to another Spring Game since he had been to A2 already and he told them: "No, I'm going up to Michigan this weekend".  

Michigan also made progress with visitors Mario Ojemudia a DE from Farmington and JJ Denman a huge offensive lineman from Pennsylvania.

5 Star QB from Kentucky Zeke Pike is planning to make his college decision on Wednesday.  His final group is Clemson, , , , , , .   Zeke enjoyed his Michigan visit and has been talking about Michigan since his visit.  He has also been a number of other places since then as well.   The rumor mill is saying Auburn but who knows.  Update: TomVH talked to Zeke and says his final 3 are Auburn, Michigan and Purdue.   Michigan and Purdue are with in driving distance for his family.  Auburn is the National Champion, so we will find out in two days. 

There is also speculation that Michigan got a "silent" commitment from a player this weekend as well.  We don't have a name to share but we believe it's a defensive player.   For those that don't know, silent commits are guys who want to make sure their spot is reserved at University X but still wants to take some visits to other places.  We should know who this "masked" defender is in the next 2-3 weeks. 

Could be a fun week, stayed tuned!