Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: Pitt Keeps Mowing The Wolverines Lawn

Michigan fired Rich Rodriguez and staff in early January after 3 years of embarrassing football.  The Bowl Game on January 1 was the final straw.   RR seems to be spending some time with CBS College Sports TV and Web and a number of coaches from his staff went to Pitt.   No big deal right?  Right. 

Then Ray Vinopal transferred before spring practice so he could get back home for some family issues.  Home is an hour away from Pitt so no big deal he decided to transfer there.   Then Cullen Christian who couldn't get time on the worst defensive backfield in the Big Ten decides after spring ball to transfer away from Ann Arbor.  Guess where he ends up?  You got it:

"I'm coming home and I am going to be a Pittsburgh Panther," Christian said. "Pittsburgh got my release and all that is left for me to do is to give them my transcripts and fill out paperwork. I'm leaving here on Tuesday after finals, so I might stop down this week, but I am supposed to go down May 9th and meet with the staff and do all the paperwork."

"It feels real good to get a fresh start," Christian continued. "I'm just happy to be coming home. Coach (Tony) Gibson is at Pitt and he was the main reason why I chose Michigan. I just feel like I will enjoy it being home. I wasn't enjoying myself here at Michigan."

"I was thinking about WVU," he said when asked about what other schools he considered. "I wanted to be closer to home and being back with Coach Gibby is too much to pass up. I know what he expects from his players and I know how he coaches. I am also familiar with Tony Dews and Calvin Magee."

I'm not accusing anyone of tampering, but where there's smoke..................

(BTW: I am not saying that RR's former coaches don't have a right to make a living, they do.  I'm also not saying that Cullen and Ray don't have a similar right to transfer.  I'm just saying there seems to be a lot of coincidences with Michigan's 2 transfers going to the same school)

  • With Zeke Pike lost to Auburn, Michigan is now looking at a couple of new names at QB.  Chad Kelly who is related Jim Kelly is one and  another name to keep an eye on is Tyler O'Connor.

  • There have been a number of questions on rather Michigan would still recruit TE Ron Thompson after they got verbals from two TE's on Friday.  Reports were that Fred Jackson was out to meet with Ron at his school yesterday.  So it looks like they still want Ron to join the 2012 class.

  • TomVH reports Pennsylvania RB Greg Garmon is planing a visit to Ann Arbor in the next couple of weeks.

  • Instate DE Matt Godin is planning to make his announcement on May 12th.  Michigan seems to be in good shape in his recruitment.