Friday, April 29, 2011

Michigan Friday: Wonders if Delany's hindsight is 20/20?

Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany should be applauded for the work he has done with the Big Ten Network and bringing in Nebraska.  Many has criticized his approach with a number of topics including: logos, legends and leaders.  He also hasn't been very aggressive in discipline for players and coaches off field actions.  He usually allows the teams or the NCAA to carry the big stick. 

Now he is sitting with a huge mess with one of his biggest name coaches getting deeper and deeper into more trouble as time goes on.  What should he do?  Nothing or Something like the SEC did to Bruce Pearl?

Here is what he said, yesterday at the BCS conference:  "Based on what we knew, we just spoke on behalf of the kids and the NCAA made the decision it made," Delany said Thursday at the annual Bowl Championship Series meetings in New Orleans. "But I don't think anybody had the knowledge that we have now."

The only new news is that JT knew about it and kept it quiet.  Would that fact made you take action against the players?  Of course it would have regarding Tressel. 

Jim what do think will happen with JT and OSU?

"I'm concerned about it. I think it's a serious situation," Delany said. "The facts are fairly well known and I think the institution will get in front of the infractions committee and then they'll render their opinion in a timely way."

Jim did you stick up for the players last December?

"I spoke on the fact that it wasn't a recruitment issue -- it wasn't an agent issue, it was an extra benefit issue, and it was an extra benefit issue that to our knowledge was isolated and confined," he said. "So it was on that basis that I appealed on behalf of the school. But we didn't have the information we have today."

That makes sense, these guys just picked a tattoo guy in Columbus and struck this one time deal.  I'm sure this never happened before in Columbus.  Great Take, Jim. 

In fact, the Columbus Dispatch is now reporting that there were more items and players involved in the selling of grear and bowl gifts.  I guess that is what Jim is referring to as "new information".

My take is Jim seems to be a very good business man and sells the Big Ten very well.   I'm concerned about the other part of his job and his inability to see the forest through the trees and mostly when it comes to his big name coaches.   His silence or lack of punishment in this matter speaks volumes.   Let the NCAA or the institution handle it, is a pretty weak stance for a serious situation in his own backyard.