Thursday, April 21, 2011

Breaking News: Strong Rumors Around Another DB Loss

Mgoblog is reporting sources that Cullen Christian a soon to be sophomore and former Army All American CB will be asking for his release from the Michigan Football Program today.  Cullen struggled last year at DB and the rumors were he had a back problem and that is why he didn't play in the Spring Game. 

This would be a big loss for the Wolverines in a few years.  Not so much this year with Woolfolk and Floyd coming back from injury.  CC should re-think his transfer and take a redshirt year if he needs it.  He won't find a better opportunity at playing time then he currently has at Michigan.   If you put together the losses of CC and Ray both this Spring, there really could be a big hole in the depth chart in the next few years.

Another one gone?   RR sort of took a flier scholarship offer a couple years ago on a track star more then a football player from Ohio named DJ Williamson.  There are also strong rumors that DJ might look to spin his records at another school next season.  I would consider his loss a minor one for contribution now and in the future.   

At this point both are rumors and things can change quickly.  Greg Brown earlier this year was rumored to had gone home for good and ended up playing pretty well in the Spring Game.  So you never know how these things will play out.  Carlos Brown was always rumored to have a foot out the door as well. 

Transfers after the Spring Game are not uncommon and in fact very common after a new coaching staff takes over.   Clear example, I wonder if Mike Cox would have been listed as a transfer candidate if RR was still the head coach.