Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wolverine Wednesday: Waiting on Wormley, Washington and a WR

You can also add Diamond and Pipkins to that list (it just didn't fit the "W" title).

The next big recruiting event for the Wolverines is the BBQ at the Big House.   This is an event that Rich Rod created and a chance for current commits to meet each other, 2013 commits to visit and a few 2012 recruits to visit as well.  TomVH gives us an update on who is attending and who is tentative at this point. 

The guys that are planning on attending the event that are important prospects are Chris Wormley and Danny O'Brien.  Ondre Pipkins is expected to be on campus in that time frame as well but we are not sure if it will be for the BBQ or another weekend.  Jordan Diamond is also tentative. 

This is purely speculation but I am wondering if the commitments of Kalis and Magnuson have made Jordan soften a bit on the Wolverines?  I hope not since Jordan is a great prospect (5 stars to Scouts) but you have to wonder. 

The Cincinnati teammates of Washington and Stanford are not expected to take any visits until AAU Basketball is over.  Which probably means not until football season starts.  I would guess they would like to make it up for a game, the problem is will there still be spots.   Michigan continues to offer WR's and they already have a boat load of DE's and a strong possibility that Wormley will join the class in the short term. 

Michigan seems very interested in taking a FB in this class as well and their target seems to be Texas F EJ Fatu who is a 3 star prospect to Rivals and has an offer list of Arizona State, Utah, Arkansas and Syracuse.   If it comes down to a guy like Washington/O'Brien or a FB, I'm guessing the Michigan coaches will lean towards defense but I also think it's first come first serve.

Look for Michigan to get one or maybe two commitments from the BBQ.   BTW, the set up is that Michigan charges the family members and recruits to attend the event, because it would be an NCAA violation if they didn't.  The charge in the past was a few dollars and this seems to be a invitation only event.