Saturday, July 16, 2011

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  • sanju
    10-21 09:08 PM
    Look, everybody interprets and sees the way they like and the way they want. Like I only chose to respond to the red dot issue and it is my choice not to respond to the other part of what you wrote. If I "chose" not to respond to the other part, according to you, my interpretation is impaired, right? That means anytime someone doesn't respond according to the way you want them to respond, there is something inherently wrong with them or their interpretation or their understanding. Is that right? Hmmmm, let me think about this, and maybe you may also want to take a moment to think about it.

    About the red dot system, I don't care for the red dot system, but what I do is, I do not look at the comments, why, because I don't care what others on the anonymous forum have to say in my reputation. So I simply don't care. But if I would care my reputation score on the anonymous forum where no one knows me or for that matter you, then I would check how my reputation is doing every day, just my credit score. Did you think of the possibility that maybe folks at IV want to keep the red dots system the way it is and there is nothing to be fixed? But just because you do not like it, be default you think that something is broken and so it has to be fixed, and, if this is not fixed that means you are not happy, the entire immigration system will continue to be screwed up. Hmmmm, you know, I think some elements of string theory is true that everything is connected in someway, but I am 100% sure that immigration system can be fixed without any change to the red dot system.

    And if you think that you or your friends are losing "self-respect" when participating in any internet blogs/forum, and if you find anything offensive on the open internet forum, you are not cut-out for forums and blogs and you cannot help anyone, or, for that matter yourself. If your ego is so shallow that it hurts everytime someone writes anything on the open forum, in this situation, only 1 person needs help, that would be you.

    Good Night and Good Luck.



    There are two issues that I have posted on this thread.

    1. Interpretation/understanding a post.
    2. RED DOT issue ( this is not my priority) . If you read the post keenly.

    You, .. your self have made a mistake in Interpretating / understanding the post and reacted overly on the second issue by cornering the actual post.

    Do you call this as a Interpretation issue?. Did you get what am I saying. First , read and understand what others meant to be. Don't JUMP on it.

    If IV cannot fix this RED DOT issue, how could some one believe in IV would fight for FIXING broken immigration system?.

    Perspective is not always matters, there are times .... some thing else matter too. Which is called "Self Respect"

    When few people are spending time and knowledge on sharing their thoughts/ideas, how good it would to use F***words against them?.

    There are many BAD words ... that some members have used against of my friends. Who no more wanted to participate in IV?.

    Did you get what am I saying?

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  • PresidentO
    04-01 06:35 PM
    This is clearly crap.

    Either USCIS or your attorney screwed up.

    In either case, ask your former attorney to provide the letter he wrote to USCIS to withdraw his representation. If he did what you asked, good forward the same to USCIS with a MTR and then file a DHS7001 form (google if you dont know the form) with USCIS Ombudsman.

    if your attorney screwed up, hire another one first to file an MTR along with your communication to your attorney (also file DHS7001) showing that its the attorney who screwed up and not you. Next hire a good litigation attorney and beat the crap out of this slimy attorney and get him to pay some good $$$.

    I sincerely hope its the former and not the latter. Even if its the latter, stay positive and engage a good attorney and litigate. You sure will win some $$$. :)

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  • belmontboy
    02-27 06:47 PM
    this thread is useless. Please delete!

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  • Libra
    01-11 08:24 PM
    26000 members but only 33 voted so far, come on guys we can do better than this. spend 5 mins on weeked and send your letters to President and IV.


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  • write2amar
    09-22 04:47 PM

    CONGRATULATIONS for making the rally success!!!

    I just joined in this group. I want to be an active member in this chapter activities.


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  • nag2007
    10-11 05:07 PM
    Rest assured we are working to remove the root cause of visa retrogression.

    On a separate note, how can you start a thread demanding something from "IV" when you and few other people on this thread, stuck in backlog after 17th August, say that they don't want to volunteer for IV. Please explain why do you expect us to do all the work for you? If you aren't serious then please stop lamenting about your plight.

    Join your state chapter and get involved, your active participation is what will strengthen IV and enable us to fix this issue.

    I have sent a mail to the moderator of my region group to include my name and will particpate actively.


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  • mmj
    04-24 09:03 AM
    If this the kind of response we get for something as simple to do as this - either people have stopped visiting these forums or just plain not interested in doing anything about the situation they are in.

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  • imh1b
    04-29 12:59 PM
    Quick Chain of events .

    India rejected both Boeing and Lockheed Martin's proposal of fighters . I am not debating the reasons or the merits of this decision if this was right or wrong . I am just discussing the potential repercussions this has had so far and might have .

    'Exclusion of US firms from IAF jet deal a setback for ties' (

    1) The issue is so serious that Tim Roemer , US Ambassador to India submitted his resignation immediately since he was on the hook for making this deal work .This shows the measure of disappointment they had.

    2) India was seeking US assurances in security a Permanent Security council seat , which looks far fetched now .

    4) Pentagon , Whitehouse and the DoD very upset that deal fell through . This sentiment will certainly percolate to the USCIS and the State department and might embolden Anti Immigration senators whose measures will get more support in the house and senate.

    5) Prosecution of companies entangled in cases like Infosys might find more support and favor with the Govt.

    Question is how/if there will be a backlash against India / Indian's get back at us at least in the short term .Increased scrutiny and visa denials , PoE Harassment , GC audits etc.

    Will the US take a Tit-for-Tat reaction on this issue is what remains to be seen.

    You guys only see your greencard hidden in every news story. At least you did not write now people will get more soft LUD because this deal fell through.

    The US India relationship will now get better.

    For once some Indian politician thought sensibily about India's interest.
    Read this news UPDATE 1-US to supply Pakistan with 85 mini-drones | Reuters (


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  • Sheila Danzig
    12-12 08:03 AM
    Almost all holders of the CA have a 3 year BCom. We have had, as far as we know, 100% approvals (for only a few cases) showing the CA = US Masters with the proper documentation and a professor's expert opinion letter. However the strong evidence points to the equivalency being a BA.


    From your reply, I get that you got your EB2 approved by equating CA to Masters degree. Can you let me know whether your bachelors degree was 3 years or 4 years?

    Also, could you let me know which month and year your appeal got cleared?

    Thanks a lot for your help.

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  • krishna_brc
    05-15 08:56 AM
    I think this has a better chance than rest of other EB bills, because US wants more skilled persons and by defintion advanced degree holders from US in STEM are. Congress extended 20,000 H1 visa for US masters and PhD graduates some years ago whereas they were and are loathe to extend the total H1 numbers.
    Going by this logic, I think this bill will go farther and gain traction. Lets's keep our fingers crossed.:)

    In one stroke, this bill helps both a) US advanced degree graduates and b)non US graduates (i.e, EB applicants), as 1) it puts EB1 and EB2 in non quota category (I,C,P,M and ROW) and 2) frees up EB1 and EB2 numbers for EB3.

    my 2 cents.

    What is the situation of foreign masters degrees who qualify for EB2.
    Do they fall in the quota limitation or out of quota.
    Please help me understand.


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  • ksircar
    07-28 01:26 PM

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  • VMH_GC
    07-02 06:25 PM
    Medical : 600 for both me and wife
    Photo: $16
    Lawyer fee: Company (may be $1500)
    Document preparation time : 30 Hours

    Total : approx: $2200


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  • niidawg3
    01-26 06:01 PM
    So my old company's lawyers got my Denial Notice today. USCIS is unbelievable in their incompetence. I got denied because apparently I filed when a visa date was not available. Why would i do such a stupid thing? Obviously the IO didnt take the time to do a little research to see why I filed when I did, nor did his Director who rubber-stamped the denial.

    My I-485 was filed on August 2nd, 2007. The August 2007 visa bulletin released on July 12th, 2007 did indicate UNAVAILABLE ( However, USCIS, amended that a few days later with an update allowing a month (through August 17, 2007) for all individuals who were current as of the July 2007 bulletin (including me) to file. See the attached link:, USCIS issues an update allowing

    It took me about 1.5 minutes on Google to locate the Update Memo. To think that an IO cannot locate this essential memo and would blatantly deny a valid application is beyond me. This is insane that an organization as important as the USCIS can be so inefficient.

    I called their customer service number to see if i could resolve it in a simple manner. The jerk of an IO I spoke to said "you are not going to like what I am going to say, but you are currently out of status (since I am on EAD and AP) and will need to file an MTR. People may tell you to not pay the fee for the MTR, but I recommend you do, since that is the only way your case will be reviewed"

    Thanks Jerk - i hope the Ombudsman's office gets to the bottom of these erroneous denials and fires all y'all.

    I know i would have lost my job if i made such a life-altering and blatant error!!

    I cant believe an Infopass can't resolve this, and I need to go down the MTR route.

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  • RDB
    01-06 03:08 AM
    Yes, completely agree....PMP is akin to CCNA type of certifications and MBA is akin to a MS in Computer Networking. I will not go into details explaining the difference but just getting CCNA only helps you get a job, not advance in your career - where as a MS degree will always help in advancement. Ofcourse, there are exceptions and nothing is set in stone but that's the general rule of thumb.

    I am not sure why the 2 are being compared. One is a professional degree while the other is a certification. MBA prepares you (in theory) for several different jobs (marketing, finance, ops, general mgmt etc.) while PMP is primarily to "check the box" on program management. With all due respect to the PMPs (and other PM credentials) I havent seen any additional skills that PMP provides.

    Yes- I have an MBA and a PM certification and work with several IT PMs/techies but an not in IT myself.



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  • 485Mbe4001
    01-31 12:49 PM
    if any GC applicants are contracted to write new code for their system, please remember to insert some logic to 'take care' of the visa number distribution algorithms :D ...( just a joke)

    The article doesnt use the word 'faster' :>

    "The increases, which have been under consideration for months, would raise nearly $1 billion for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The troubled $2 billion-a-year agency has antiquated paper systems that have fed years-long delays for applicants and fears that terrorists might slip through the cracks."

    USCIS filing fees are a fraction of my attorney's fees. If this means faster processing, I am all for it.

    - gs

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  • enthu999
    08-25 11:56 PM
    Hello Friends,

    As you might have guessed, I am on the EB3 bandwagon because of circumstances that were beyond my control [The filing attorney screwed up :( ]

    At the time of my EB3 filing (Feb. 2004) I did possess a Masters degree and more than 5 years of Work Experience and the job responsibility that my petition was filed for, did require a Senior worker with Masters experience. Unfortunately, things didn't go that way and here I am.

    I keep reading about some lucky souls [god bless their souls :) ] who have managed to retain their priority dates and converted to EB2.

    I really want to do that. I am not sure where to start.

    1. I used AC21 and took up a new job recently. Do I approach my new employer and talk to them to see whether they would be able to file my petition in EB2 category? The bad thing is, when I joined them, I told them I don't need any sponsorship or assistance from them. It would be a volte face to go back to them and request them to do something. And the best part is, there is no guarantee that my company would file my petition.

    2. Do I look for a new employment and if and when I clear the selection process, do I tell them that the only way I could join them is if they could file my EB2 petition? If they think that my services is a necessity, they might do it else they might look for other candidates. It s like throwing a dice.

    3. Do I look around for desi consulting companies that would file my EB2 and in return I work for them (using my EAD) through the EB2 petition/adjudication process. With this approach, the desi companies might do it, but like other people, I also think the reputation of these desi consulting companies is severely dented and there is all the more chance that the EB2 petition might get denied.

    Gurus...any help or advise or information is really appreciated.


    I filed my EB3 with PD of 2003; due the backlog my company filed EB2 Perm considering the costs for H1B costs and the constraints attached.

    If you are working in a full-time job and if they want to retain you on permenant basis considering the risk with EAD they might help you with the process. It is worth checking.

    If step # 1 doesn't work then obviously you might need to consider step#2. All desi consultancies are not bad..consider size of the company before you take up any thing..any thing with 300-500 employees might be good to consider.


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  • H1bslave
    11-19 01:56 PM
    Is this still an active topic? or its dead? Are there people with US Master - STEM who are willing to come forward?
    I am just trying to gauge this? To me, looks perfect candidate for piece meal while waiting for CIR, justification could be same as 20K quota for H1b, keep US educated in the country and keep contributing to US economy & society. It has two benefits, a) direct to people who have US Master, b) there will xx less number of people in front of who don't qualify for this so their turn will come sooner.
    any leads?

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  • MerciesOfInjustices
    02-20 09:11 PM
    Here is the deal. I am tired of people afraid of doing something about what they wish to do but are afraid for reasons they themselves dont know. And I am not sure I am alone here and many people share this frustration.

    The issue of legality has been addressed 100 millino times here as well as on the immigration portal of Rajiv Khanna. The people whose names exist on legal documents to register this organization, to open the paypal account where the money is going, the contracts and legal documents signed with QGA are real humans with names, drivers license, H1B visas and jobs and families.

    Do you think they would be stupid to start an organization that would do anything illegal and hurt their own chances of getting a greencard?

    Use your common sense and you will find the answers. This organization is not an underground website. This organization, besides having a website is registered with directors, president, secretary, treasurer etc as a real org in the state of new jersey and those people who put their names down on Organization registration, Paypal account, contract with Quinn Gillespie etc. do want a greencard and dont want to go to jail or be deported or be denied a greencard and they are not stupid. The names and emails may be made public really soon but I cannot promise anything now.

    Still, if you are afraid, then my sincere advise and request to you is Go home and hide under your blanket and be afraid of everything and work 60 hours a week and you will get your greencard in 3-4 years time anyways.

    Thanks for scaring 100s of more people again.

    I got some answers from your post!
    But, you are carrying a lot of responsibility and must mantain your cool at all times now! Taunting people does not further any cause at all!
    I thank you for your time, but shouldn't somebody in the know counter the negative propaganda at the other website for the fence-sitters!
    I am not a fence-sitter, and will never be deterred by stupid taunts - but there are others who are not as committed!

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  • aspiration
    06-24 05:01 PM
    One more co-sponsor added for HR 5882.. from California's 5th district- Sacramento...

    Now total 23-Co-sponsors for HR 5882
    Rep Matsui, Doris O. [CA-5] - 6/23/2008

    08-20 04:01 PM
    I guess this link is for H1 violation.

    I knew that this is against the law to pay for GC expenses, but as you guys know we are all in the same boat. There is nothing I can do except to fight.

    01-26 10:30 PM
    Here it is

    Yeap, that's what I was talking about. Thanks.

    Looking back, I should've sued the company because it did not pay me full salary for the first month while I was on the "bench" (searching for a contract). ...

    lol, back than (speaking about myself - can't speak for everybody) I was naive. It is now we grew big teeth and became half-lawyers :)