Saturday, July 16, 2011

ounce of coke

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  • Powder cocaine packaged in

  • raysaikat
    04-10 10:11 AM
    Lol, they can.....and they'll charge like $200/hr for everything w/o H-1s willing to be relocated at moments notice.....the industry can't afford to pay someone higher just because they are 'American' if it is not profitable for them......leads back to the original point....

    And thus you are supporting the point made by anti-H1-B lobby that H1-B visas are being used for depressing wages. And secondly, what makes you think that an "american" will charge outrageously more compared to someone equally competent on H1-B?

    From a legislative point of view, a good law should have a good underlying policy designed to serve "most" (if not all), but it also must be easy to enforce. H1-B law already has "legal" safeguards like the employee must always be paid (even if there is no project to work on), employee must not pay for the H1-B fees, etc. These stipulations are blatantly violated by software consultancies in general, and they do it because it has been proved to be very hard to catch (poor employees will say nothing in the fear of losing their job and worse, having to go back home). Thus the law is clearly not enforceable with the means available to DOL, USCIS or DOS. No doubt, there are very competent, high paid consultants on H1-B. If they were 90% of the people, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The situation in all likelihood is reversed (only a small percentage of consultants on H1-B are really competent and highly paid). Removing the privilege of H1-B from consultancies will remedy a lot of real and perception problems of H1-B at one go.

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  • one pure gram of cocaine

  • bluekayal
    07-13 03:28 PM
    Congratulations Dinesh Sharma. I had Sch A II - that got retrogressed -- and now job loss, so I am stuck. But I am happy for you. All the best.

    ounce of coke. How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine
  • How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine

  • alex99
    11-25 12:02 PM
    Good JOB IV CORE and Other Senior Members working on this.

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  • 7+gram+rock+of+coke

  • meridiani.planum
    12-19 11:28 AM
    How long does it usually take USCIS to accept the MTR. I am assuming if it's less than 6 months then we don't have to worry about being out of status?

    wish life were simple huh?

    Attorney_11"The appeal of an I-485 denial can take several months, or even a year or more. "


    ounce of coke. How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine
  • How Much Is A Gram Of Cocaine

  • amoljak
    05-15 07:49 AM
    This is just some cheap theatrics by Durbin Grassley in preparation to attach their anti H1B restrictionist bill to CIR. Read more here:

    ounce of coke. what Maggots in an ounce x
  • what Maggots in an ounce x

  • thakurrajiv
    07-17 07:16 AM
    I just don't like the tone of after getting work with a valid permit, then suddenly, one turns against those who are applying for work permit for the fear that they may take his job.

    The anti-immigrants also fear that the immigrants are taking their jobs or lowering their wages atleast.

    I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but that's what I think and just my opinion.
    I agree with you. I just don't like the attitude of people who have got green card or EAD. Once they have it they want to stop all the immigration. Try too have a conversation with GC or EAD holder !!
    BTW, people forget to take family based GC into account. If you think about it, around 500k GC are given every year. This means during my stay in US, around 3.5 million people have got GC, but I still never had problem in finding job with H1. Yes it is more difficult but definately possible. As someone mentioned , as long as one brings skills on table, the person will have job.
    Most of the July filers have 140 approved and working in a full time job.So I think there will be little impact.


    ounce of coke. ounces — of Coke per year.
  • ounces — of Coke per year.

  • MerciesOfInjustices
    02-20 07:54 PM
    There is a post at ImmigrationPortal by a guy claiming that IV's ability to hire lobbyists is bogus! I would like this guy's questions anwered here as well as at his post on the "EB Retrogression - HOT News" thread if possible!
    These are the posts by the user hadron:
    For anyone intending to 'vote with their wallet', please keep the following in mind:
    - Only US citizens are allowed to contribute to political campaigns (it is even illegal to give money to a citizen friend and have him contribute as a straw-man)
    - there are regulations regarding political action committees (PAC) controlled by 'agents of a foreign power'

    While I appreciate the enthusiasm of the folks setting up (and I have no reason to doubt the sincerity and honesty of their efforts), I don't see a whole lot on the groups website dealing with the legal aspects noted above.
    And then when I posted:
    A lot of foreign governments and entities legally employ lobbyists in Washington. They are merely getting your voice heard by the people's representatives!
    I am not a US Civics expert, but neither can be everybody else here!
    hadron, just because somebody is Board-certified in one field of Medicine does not make them experts in everything else!
    Please expound your expert views on how to win this battle, and we will follow you if that is the better way! Otherwise, please remember that those who forget the lessons of history (i.e. S 1932 defeat) will have to see them repeated!
    This was what he posted:
    Correct, and they are very careful to be registered with the secretary of state as a PAC or public interest lobbying organization. As you point out I am certainly not an expert on the law in this area, but before you start collecting a lot of money, make sure you have competent advice from someone who is (I looked into registering an immigration related PAC a year ago, after realizing the red-tape and political minefields involved I decided not to do so).

    Please expound your expert views on how to win this battle, and we will follow you if that is the better way!

    I actually don't know how to do that.

    The reality is, in washington there are two things that open the door of a lawmakers office to a lobbyist:
    - a check from the PAC aligned with his cause
    - evidence that he represents measurable share of voting citizens in the home district of the representative or senator

    And do you see the problem here?

    You guys can't legally contribute to political campaigns and you don't represent voting citizens. So, having a lobbyist might be a first step, but it doesn't mean that your cause will be heard.

    Our main ally in the immigration arena is the US chamber of commerce. They are spending considerable money on advocating for employment based immigration reform (their main thrust however is getting access to unskilled workers, either through a guest worker program or through legalization. in a secondary way they are interested in higher H1b quotas to get access to cheap professionals, fixing retrogression is not very high on their agenda). Have you talked to other organizations classically on our side yet ?

    Otherwise, please remember that those who forget the lessons of history (i.e. S 1932 defeat) will have to see them repeated!

    Please, save me the melodramatics.

    Immigration bills get introduced by the dozen every year, most of them don't even make it into committee (but every time one gets introduced, people here on this board get all excited that finally 'relief is here'.) Even if a coalition of influential senators picks up the issue, there is no guarantee that it will go anywhere.

    This is last post:
    I am not angry at anyone, and I don't think that any of my posts can be misconstrued to convey that impression.

    I think it is a good idea to start (another) lobbying organization for immigrant rights as the existing ones have a interests very different from us. All the latino groups are only interested in family immigration and legalization of illegals, employment based immigration is only a little blip on their radar screen. Industry on the other hand has their own agenda, again not one coinciding with our issues.

    I just think that some of the people involved in are taking step2 before they have taken step1. They have a nice website (no big suprise with a project run by IT professionals) and are already soliciting contributions, but some aspects of it make me wonder about the level of professionalism involved.

    So as apparently some of the founders of this organization are present on this board, I would like the following questions answered:

    - what is the legal form of your non-profit organization ?
    - is this entity registered in any state, if yes in which ?
    - who is registered as the owner of the organizations bank account ?
    - what is the structure of the organization ? Do you have dues paying members, is there a board of directors, trustees ??
    - who are the officers of the organization ?

    Collecting contributions and spending them on political influence activities without making sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled is a dangerous endeavour. I hope you have everything set up the right way so you don't run afoul of the law (fixing retrogression is not going to do you any good if you are fighting a federal wire-fraud indictment at the time of your adjustment interview).

    Also, if you want to collect significant contributions, you have to instill some trust into the donors that their money will be used for the intended cause and can't be siphoned off by a member of the organization.

    So, before anyone decides to attack me personally, please come back with answers to these questions (or better, put them on the website for any potential contributor to see).
    There will always be naysayers for everything! But I would like to clarify if IV can legally get representation from QGA, provided we do get the money collected? That will be the critical difference between our previous efforts and IV!!!
    Admin / moderators please answer!

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  • ounce of coke.

  • rdoib
    08-23 10:31 PM
    We got to get it done and make solid impact rest is futile


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  • Coke cup

  • Lasantha
    01-04 10:39 AM
    So do you mean to say that this is allowed in India? I mean polygamy. I never knew that.

    A freind of mine came across a gentleman, who is here on work visa and he is facing a unique problem. He is married to two persons and wants to bring his whole family here in the USA. He was looking for answer if he can get both his spouses and kids here on H4 visas. Currently both of them and his kids are in India. Interesting hmmm :D

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  • TWO 20-oz bottles of Coke

  • bailoor
    01-15 02:47 PM
    First of all, we would like to know whether your wife is pregnant or you are trying to know all the possible option for pregnancy.

    If you are trying to know the option,

    1) you can choose any individual health insurance provider(like blue cross or Aetna or State Farm etc) with maternity option. They expect to have coverage for 18 months before they accept any claims on maternity.
    2) Also, ensure that the health insurance provider is coverage in complete US. Some of them have coverage only in west coast or tri state or midwest etc. In case of IT job, we can relcoate anywhere in US.

    If pregnant, try these options.

    a) Try to change to another employer who have GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE. Group health insurance cover pre-existing condition and hence no need to worry. Take HIGH premium option so that out-of-pocket is less and your expenses are less.

    b) If you cannot change the employer, visit the reasonable cost hospitals around your neighbourhood , talk to the billing staff and ask for discounts. Usually, they give 30% discounts on the total cost. Otherwise, you can talk to the management staff(or write a letter) and get around 30-40% discount.

    c) Ensure that you always visit the hospital, doctors, ob/gyn who are covered under your insurance provide network. Though your wife is not covered under maternity, they will work with their network doctor to get the discounted rate. Once you get that rate, ask for additional discount. Surely, you will get around 20-30% discount.

    d) Based on my experience, here are the expenses cost....

    ob/gyn - around 8k (prenatal to delivery)

    pediatrician - around 1k ( from child birth to 2 month)

    delivery expenses - around 8k (normal delivery)
    - around 18 k ( c section)

    scanning expenses - around 3k( depends on the conditions - sometimes, they
    expect weekly scanning during 9th month).

    Govt provides financial aid provide the total house income is less than 25k which
    will not work for any IT professional.

    As the expenses are HIGH, join some GOOD company for atleast 2 months, get their group health insurance and then quit and come back to your original company. After you
    quit that company, you can use the COBRA option and get the maternity coverage.

    GOOD LUCK...


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  • pictures ounce of coke.

  • snathan
    06-19 07:16 AM
    Would you like to send a mass mailer to all to generate momentum ???

    Can you please do that....

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  • ounce of coke.

  • franklin
    10-11 04:44 PM
    Its not all about being Wise. I was stuck in a BEC for some time, but my company refused to refile under PERM for me.

    Folks who missed the window - believe me, despite some insensitive remarks now, and in the past, IV is here for you and is working on your unfortunate predicament.

    My best advice to those affected by the continuing BEC mire is to join your state chapter, make sure your voice is heard on a local, grassroots level.


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  • qualified_trash
    12-13 04:07 PM
    That may be but do you actually think this practice is fair and should be legal. To me and hundreds of thousands of other folks who are patiently waiting in line, it is fraud because you are cutting in line. The sad part is we see that you are cutting in line but we can't do s**t about it just because it's legal.

    Why do we all start complaining when illegals get preferential treatment than us? We all start saying that we came here legally, we pay taxes, we waited in line, we did everything by the book.. bla bla bla. Well .. they are also getting their gc legally so the why do we complain?
    we complain about illegals because their very presence here without papers is ILLEGAL. what part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

    as far as I can tell, gmatch is not doing anything ILLEGAL. as for the practice being FAIR or NOT, that is a separate discussion.

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  • psaxena
    02-27 05:29 PM
    Please stop replying to these kind of post. Since these kind of post word illegal,marijuana and others, when somebody googles words related to that the IV page will get listed and first glance makes a bad reputation of IV. I would request the admin to take the thread off the site.

    Your replies fuel the searchability of these kind of threads.


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  • a 20 ounce bottle of Coke!

  • walking_dude
    11-21 03:15 PM
    You have some very valid points about community (non)participation in your post.

    I understand your point about having another rally. Make no mistake - IV core has no problems with planning and conducting another rally. So it's not a big issue to get them to agree. I can push IV core, and get another rally. Bigger issue is how many are going to turn up? If it's just 100-200 of us same-old folks, there is no point.

    Last year when we were bouyed by the success of July VB reversal, it was estimated that at least 10,000 would turn up. But, only 2000 did. I don't know how many will, if we hold another few months from now?

    IV can sponsor more ACTION (items). But what's point, if there is not enough participation? First step is the community needs to step up and make existing action items such as FOIA requests for backlog numbers, AC21 action items successful. This will motivate IV to launch more action items. No organization would want to be seen running too many campaigns with liitle or no community participation.

    We need the IV core team and the administrator to guide some big rally's. Guys nothing will happen until we are bold about our intentions.
    I noticed everyone comes up with their different ideas, but no one works to implement it. We need to stand together and do something big, when was the last time we had a big rally?

    And how many people actually showed up? Desi's wants everything fast and free, the problem is lately IV thinks too much and has less of ACTION

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  • ski_dude12
    07-07 07:23 PM
    Another one -


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  • Free ounce of coke.

  • americandesi
    10-11 05:56 PM
    One important issue is over looked here. Small employers will have a tough time in proving I-140 "ability to pay" for employees with older PD�s, whose labor got cleared after Aug 17 from BEC. Cuz the company has to prove its "ability to pay" the proffered wage starting from the date PD is established continuing until the adjudication of I-140.

    Suppose the PD for an employee is Oct 2001 and the proffered wage is 80K per annum, then the company should prove that its assets, net income or salary payments were >=80K starting from Oct2001 continuing until the adjudication of I-140.

    This is indeed an acid test for small employers.

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  • Cocaine UK prices by gram,

  • himu73
    10-01 08:51 PM
    I read on USCIS website update on Sept 28 that CSc is assisting TSC to enter the applications. My transfer notice states that application is still under TSC/ But I am also not sure which center will finally process
    ANYONE else in this queue.

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  • 2 for $2.00 20oz Coke

  • rangaswamy
    08-05 01:03 PM
    Filed paper renewal on june 12th, Received card production ordered email today.
    Ap was submitted 2 days ago. PD is May 06. Spouse's app was filed same time , no update yet. No FP notices.


    Received 2 year EAD card in email. Card is valid from jul 30th 2008 to jul 29th 2010. My PD is current.(May 06). Dont know if this is good news or bad news.


    09-04 08:24 PM
    - best place to stay, hopefully in proximity to the rally start point
    - best return flight time to get back
    - do I need to rent a car?

    Guys what airline could one fly from San Jose? Which one have best connecting times so one can reach and leave at decent time? which airport is close?

    Is there a Motel nearby at the relly start point, what time does the rally end, and what flight have people from CA booked for getting back?


    07-04 02:35 PM
    Medicals - $600
    Application fee = $1490
    Lawyer fees = $1500
    Certificates/copy/fedex/photos = $250
    Loss in pay (in gathering medical/certificates/mailing) = $500
    TOTAL = $4340