Saturday, July 16, 2011

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  • nozerd
    01-04 04:51 PM
    bump up.

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  • felix31
    12-21 01:57 PM
    You BET. I really hope for all our spouses sakes that the Congress DOES increase H1Bs as well

    I hope too, school districts hire teachers between june-sept and judging by the speed last years quota was gobbled up, I can hardly hope to get a job as a teacher 10 months in advance...

    THis is great news however as I hope to graduate in a year and than I can take advantage of the Masters quota

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  • chanduv23
    10-10 11:05 AM
    After folks start getting their EAD, God alone knows how many "New" desi bodyshopper's like this will spring up.

    All those so called "Enterpreneurs" a.k.a desi bodyshoppers...Perhaps if someone started a company that actually makes something rather than just contracting....more jobs, more value...

    I feel everyone of us has the potential to have such a vision...after all isn't this the land of opportunities

    Perhaps it is wise only to dream....

    H1b body shopping is not a proper business model, these people are utilizing the loophole in the skilled immigration system and making money and become rich overnight. Once the loophole is closed, they cannot survive. They do not have a business model or skill. Same goes with the Attorneys who associate with them. In fact it will get worse for those Attorneys as big companies only go to big law firms.

    Those who worked hard in their career path will never resort to such business model.

    What comes easily and fast also goes away easily and fast. Lets not worry much about them.

    A lot of hard working skilled workers do work with consulting companies. These people must know how to deal with these companies.

    I am contracting at a Startup - since its inception, I report directly to the company's boss. I see him go through so many things trying hard to beat competition, funding, road blocks, beurocracy, lobbying for clearances, marketing, it is extremely tough to come up with innovative business modal and then survive, but the best of the best survive and make it big. People learn quickly from mistakes and work their way up the ladder.

    The bodyshoppers do not go through this, they have just sprung up in thousands, figured out it is easy money. They never realised that things change and they must know how to survive these changes - and most of them wont.

    It would be interesting to see how Infy, Wipro etc... will do business when $ == 32 Rs, they will start looking for offshoring to African countries where $ is cheaper.

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  • pappu
    06-17 10:02 AM
    Thank you for taking this initiative


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  • vamsi_poondla
    09-28 01:04 AM
    look the same. From those Anti_immigrant, anti-foriegn programers group. Wake up buddy you should welcome new immigrants or you and your father won't get your social security payment. That's reality. Becoz all of your children are working in either Burger Kings or McDonald's without working hard for thier degrees. And I agree they work hard on asking you if it is TO GO or for here. You want any soda?
    Go Figure!

    In what way this is related to the post? You need not flare up and bring all this crap if someone like cnndwag wanted to say what he felt obvious.

    For me it looks like an honest mistake or intended mistake by someone who wants to get GC fast. (and getting GC in EB2 or EB1 is not a great just reduces the queue). If what IV is fighting for is achieved, nobody cares to switch the categories as everybody will get their GC on time.

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  • kshitijnt
    05-02 01:10 AM
    Here are details of my interview:

    VO: what do you do?
    I: Software engineer.
    VO: How many employees in your company?
    I: 20-25
    VO: I see your english is not good. How will you be able to do your job?
    I: You are the first person to tell me in last 4 years that I cant do my job due to poor english.
    [At this point I was ticked off]
    VO: How long did you work for last employer?
    I: 18 months
    VO: How many employees in previous company?
    I: 150
    VO: How many Indians?
    I: I dont know. Ask the employer.
    VO: Is this company owned by Indians?
    I: I dont ask my boss his citizenship status.
    VO: Have you worked with them before?
    I: Yes, I am here just to revalidate my visa.
    VO: Why you are working for a small company?
    I: My preference.
    VO: How much salary do you earn?
    I: XYZ USD per annum.
    VO: Thank you very much sir, your visa is approved.

    Didnt bother to thank her, just turned my back and walked away. Visa came by mail.


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  • stemcell
    01-10 11:04 AM

    Hospitals will NOT provide medical insurance. They can provide financial assistance based on your income if you do qualify. Usually it is a payment plan after some discounts on the total cost of the care provided.

    Secondly if you are looking for maternity coverage after getting pregnant the premiums are going to be high, and mostly the insurance companies deny coverage.

    Thirdly i would check with your local medicaid office which on occasion do provide emergency maternity coverage even for legal immigrants in some states.

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  • nozerd
    04-13 11:35 AM
    This basicalkly means that too many cases are stuck in name check at I 140 and I 485 stage or that USCIS is not processing as fast as it ought to.
    To give you an ex I have a friend with PD of Dec 1998 (original case not substitution) whose I 485 is stuck in name check., My friend is not a Muslim. There could be many others too.

    What does this mean? That there are not as many approved labor cases as anticipated originally by the USCIS????


    Recent discussions have indicated that both the Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) and the Department of Labor still have a significant amount of cases in their backlog reduction efforts. As a result, the anticipated increase in demand has not yet materialized and may not for some time. Therefore, in an effort to maximize number use under the annual numerical limit, the Worldwide and Philippines Employment Third preference cut-off dates have been advanced by one year.

    Unless there is a significant increase in Employment demand, it will be necessary to continue this rate of movement during the upcoming months. Such movement could be expanded to include other chargeability areas and preference categories.

    One consequence of rapid cut-off date advancement is the inevitable increase in demand for numbers as adjustment of status cases are brought to conclusion at CIS Offices. Such increased demand could have dramatic impact on the cut-off dates. Readers will be provided as much advance notice as possible should this occur."


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  • svr_76
    03-11 06:31 PM

    For a consulting company ( unless it is some outsourcing company like Infosys), a company cannot produce the following info for a first time H1B candidate

    A letter from the client company sponsoring the project and a copy of the contract between the U.S.-based petitioner and the client company, stating the timing, terms and agreement for your project.

    Consulting companies exists for the reason that clients won't make an offer to the candidate unless he is already in US.

    Before starting to blame consulting companies, ask yourself a question.
    How many of you got a job offer from a US company ( non-consulting) when you were in India ?

    Either you came to US through a consulting company or you were a student in US.

    Per your logic if someone tries to stop/end bribing in India, you will question them saying-

    Before starting to blame Bribe seeking entities, ask yourself a question.
    How many of you bribed an entity to get your work done, or asked for bribe to do the work for someone?

    What you are saying..about consulting companies not having a "job" at hand to offer is the mis-use of the Visa. This is the loop-hole that cause small time shops to jsut bring a lot of people onsite and then start sending resume arranging interviews etc....and then when this size increases they resort to means like not paying enough or providing them company guesthouse and kitchen + some money to buy grocery and few more buck but not the entire salary..... This is all how it started (the mis-use started)....and that is why consulates have imposed stricter checks.

    It same with the foreclosure crisis...uptil now Bank gave loans (equivalent to visa) w/o complete and proper documentation..which cause ppl getting loands/home when they cannot afford it... now when this whole mess is identified..they want to implement strict enforcement of not giving No-Document, 0-Zero payment loans etc... and you are suggesting to ask people the same question - Have you received such loans in the past ..if yes then why object now... ?

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  • svrk
    08-22 07:52 AM
    Hi SMohan,

    I am in the same situation as you are, hoping to file EB2 with a dependent who aged out just after EB3 filing. My lawyer yesterday (Fragomen) confirmed that the dependent will get included in the EB2 filing.

    Please verify with your lawyer too. Good luck!


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  • enthu999
    08-25 11:56 PM
    Hello Friends,

    As you might have guessed, I am on the EB3 bandwagon because of circumstances that were beyond my control [The filing attorney screwed up :( ]

    At the time of my EB3 filing (Feb. 2004) I did possess a Masters degree and more than 5 years of Work Experience and the job responsibility that my petition was filed for, did require a Senior worker with Masters experience. Unfortunately, things didn't go that way and here I am.

    I keep reading about some lucky souls [god bless their souls :) ] who have managed to retain their priority dates and converted to EB2.

    I really want to do that. I am not sure where to start.

    1. I used AC21 and took up a new job recently. Do I approach my new employer and talk to them to see whether they would be able to file my petition in EB2 category? The bad thing is, when I joined them, I told them I don't need any sponsorship or assistance from them. It would be a volte face to go back to them and request them to do something. And the best part is, there is no guarantee that my company would file my petition.

    2. Do I look for a new employment and if and when I clear the selection process, do I tell them that the only way I could join them is if they could file my EB2 petition? If they think that my services is a necessity, they might do it else they might look for other candidates. It s like throwing a dice.

    3. Do I look around for desi consulting companies that would file my EB2 and in return I work for them (using my EAD) through the EB2 petition/adjudication process. With this approach, the desi companies might do it, but like other people, I also think the reputation of these desi consulting companies is severely dented and there is all the more chance that the EB2 petition might get denied.

    Gurus...any help or advise or information is really appreciated.


    I filed my EB3 with PD of 2003; due the backlog my company filed EB2 Perm considering the costs for H1B costs and the constraints attached.

    If you are working in a full-time job and if they want to retain you on permenant basis considering the risk with EAD they might help you with the process. It is worth checking.

    If step # 1 doesn't work then obviously you might need to consider step#2. All desi consultancies are not bad..consider size of the company before you take up any thing..any thing with 300-500 employees might be good to consider.

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  • sparklinks
    07-27 02:27 PM
    From Murthy..

    Got Receipt

    Application Received on : 07/03/2007
    Agency : Nebraska
    Status : Delivered on 07/09/2007
    Case: EB3-India Jan 2004
    Returned/Rejected : Accepted, got Receipt # LIN xxx-xxx-xxxx.


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  • sravani
    05-22 04:33 PM
    This date is for those people who try to ebcome illegal ( like us , now we are thinkign to become one). Now you cant become illegal becos of this cut off date.

    :) We should find out a way to convince them we worked illegally for cash before Jan 1, 2007. Some one suggested before if we can find another H1B provide an affidavit that he/she did some lawn work at the house both of them will become eligible for the mighty 'Z' visa :D

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  • addsf345
    07-13 01:40 PM
    "Long Journey. Finally GC
    by J2GC
    Hi Guys,
    After a long journey of more than Sixteen years in this country, I finally received my GC.
    In short, I came in 1993 on J-1 for my training which took six years, followed by one year on O-1 visa and then J-1 waiver for three and half years in underserved area. Then applied for labor certification in Oct, 2003 EB2, through university, which was approved and then retrogressed. Applied Schedule IIA, approved but also got retrogressed. Got AILA liaison and Senetor involved.
    Applied for EB1 and NIW in July 2008.
    My lawyer was very much involved in the whole process, was very helpful at every step, and wrote letters to USCIS.
    Finally, GC came in April, 2009 and received the cards one week later. My PD Oct 2003.
    During these time, I actually had no problmes at my job or my my wife's job. Brought a house four years ago.
    The main problems were:
    Daughter and son could not apply to state colleges/ medical colleges. (daughter going to med school next month)
    Got stuck in India for renew of H-1 for 2 months!!! (worst time of my life, with my wife and kids in US) I tied every thing from writing letters to calling Ambasador. Not effective.
    Could not go to certain occasions, like death of very close family members, weddings etc.
    However, I kept my cool and prayed and got lot of support from Immigration voice.
    As a small token of appreciation, I am donating $500 .(and will keep on supporting)
    We all are going to get GC, some sooner some later. Just keep on doing you job.
    Thanks you all for all the information and support.
    J2GC (J-1 visa to GC)"

    Congrates, and thank you so much for supporting and appreciating IV. Your journey is inspirational to rest of us. God bless all.


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  • GCplease
    05-09 09:58 AM
    OMG, I am truly apalled by these stories. What is DOS upto.

    Reminds me of the movie Rendition where the guy will be taken to another country and physically tortured because he is an American Citizen but born in a Muslim country and he is a chemical Engineer.

    Here in these real life stories, the physical torture is not there (Thank God), but the emotional torture is equally worse. I still cannot believe something like this can happen in this century.

    People forced to have an extended stay in their home country, forced to let go of their belongings in US, not sure if their employer will preserve his job, this is ridiculous.

    Guys, I am really sorry for you. I would suggest, a bunch of you guys join together, contribute some money and consult with an Attorney like Sheila Murthy or Rajiv Khanna and try to coordinate things through Immigration Voice because our name could carry some weight. There should be atleast 10 of you guys so that there can be the desired impact. I am sure your Employers will be backing you. Get letters from them, document your sufferings and get in touch with Senators and congressmen.

    I sincerely hope your sufferings will come to an end in the near future.

    I think, getting my visa re-stamped has become the most inhuman experience. I received my visa renewal I-797 in January 2008 and since I was visiting India in Feb 2008, I decided to get the remaining period (2 years) of my H1B visa stamped. I was not expecting any trouble since I had received my 2nd visa stamp just last year in March 2007. I thought it was impossible for the visa officer's to not have my information since I have been through the drill two times before. Unfortunately, on the Feb 11th, when I went to get my passport stamped, the Visa Officer started giving out blue handouts (this one is not even listed on the New Delhi embassy website) one after the other and sure enough to me too. She wanted to know what I did (Quality Engineer in a biotech company) and even while I was explaining she started chit chatting and laughing with her superior (I assume). Then she wanted to know about my experience of over 4 years in just three words. I was completely shocked. How could I sum up my experience in 3 words. I gave her my answer but was bluntly told to take the blue handout and send the questionnaire and resume as listed to a given email ID. I did that the next day, having no idea what I was getting into. It has been over 2 and a half months now and till date I have no idea what exactly is my fault and what is happening with my visa. The visa officer kept my and my wife's passports and I-797 form and around march 11th asked for my i-129 and other documents which I promptly gave at the embassy. Every time i have called the embassy or the DOS, I get the same response that the application is pending security check and no more details can be given. They refuse to understand that I have a life and home there and i have to pay my bills. I have lived in US for 8 years now and have also completed my master's there. Every month I have to call the utility companies, insurance company, post office and phone company to know what my bills are and have to pay them. Every two months I have to spend close to Rs 1800 to fedex checks to my friends so that they can pay my rent. I have had to cancel my flight tickets and suffered losses there. I have not even filed my tax returns for the year. My life is thrown completely out of gear and i have no idea how i will pay my rent and bills if my company decides to put me on unpaid leave or just terminates my employment. The consulates refuse to issue even a visitor visa so that we can go to US and dispose off our properties. How inhuman and arrogant can the get? How could we possibly become criminals overnight? How can they expect our employer's to retain us after such long delays (so guys have been stuck for 8 or more months)? Aren't they forcing unemployment unjustly on us without any reason if they cannot find anything wrong with our background later? What national security secrets act is preventing the phone visa specialists from disclosing exactly where we are in the process and what is stopping the progress? There are so many questions that need answers and all of us feel helpless as we continue to witness DOS destroy our credibility, careers, our credit history...almost everything that we have worked so hard to earn. How can they expect to build bridges with the world when they are hurting unjustly so many people (29 pages worth of numbers at delhi website and some 59 pages worth of numbers at the chennai website and God knows how many on other consulates worldwide. I have heard people spending some $5000 every month in Canada. This is horrible and some community organizations and law firms must talk to the DOS/Whitehouse about this issue. National Security is must but there must be better way than playing with the future of so many innocent people (99% most likely of which will have acceptable backgrounds).

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  • 10dulkar
    09-27 10:02 PM
    look the same. From those Anti_immigrant, anti-foriegn programers group. Wake up buddy you should welcome new immigrants or you and your father won't get your social security payment. That's reality. Becoz all of your children are working in either Burger Kings or McDonald's without working hard for thier degrees. And I agree they work hard on asking you if it is TO GO or for here. You want any soda?
    Go Figure!


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  • MerciesOfInjustices
    02-21 07:44 AM

    We appreciate ur apprehension, but please do not sow unnecessary seeds of doubt. As it is, making most legal immigrants take part in this struggle, is like milking a male buffalo.

    If you feel that these efforts are being wasted, then you are free to watch from the sidelines. Pls do not take this as a personal attack on u, but you are one of many many such immigrants who are sitting on this fence.

    Regarding the professionalism shown by people here, i would really ask you not to attack without fully understanding the efforts taken by people who have formed this group. People have been travelling back and forth to DC to try and establish a lobbyist firm. Instead of criticizing please do your part by helping and doing something.

    People have been approaching their communities for help, researching pro-immigrant organizations and working with them to get support. Even arranging for news sites to do something for us.

    Please, we urge you not to sow seeds of doubt.
    Go read the posts on the other website, and you will see how important it was to counter this guy's posts that were raising basic doubts about IV.
    To have prompt responses is extremely important! If you brush aside negative comments from 'male buffalos' and not counter them - we will never be able to get them into action!
    Anyway, however clumsy my efforts, I could not just sit and watch & not try to get doubts addressed.

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  • GCwaitforever
    11-16 03:03 PM
    This is the section in EEOC web site.

    Coverage of foreign nationals

    Title VII and the other antidiscrimination laws prohibit discrimination against individuals employed in the United States, regardless of citizenship. However, relief may be limited if an individual does not have work authorization.

    As per legal definition, H-1B holders have work authorization. I am not sure of the extent of rights of H-1B holders, but people holding unrestricted EAD can definitely sue.

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  • hebbar77
    05-18 07:07 PM
    Hello Hebbar,

    :) Very few countries are free of quotas...they have them under one name or's just an age-old human power structure..

    The proposal is good, why not try it? What needs to be done?

    You made my day!

    01-28 08:52 AM
    Sad to see students being punished like this. They are just taking advantage of the system and make some money, but not doing anything illegal. That's what we are all here for right? Make some money. If enrolling for F1 and working somewhere else is against rules, then why did USCIS issue F1 and CPT to the students.

    Sorry all, i couldn't find video in english. But the video says it all.
    Chip locks which are normally used against terrorists and criminals are used
    on students of tri valley univeristy.

    It's a human rights, privacy issue at it's peak..

    It's heart breaking to see like this..

    There may be scam from students, university but it's also problem from consulate, USCIS etc.
    This is ridiculous..

    YouTube - AP students face US deportation (

    08-31 04:32 PM
    Media always narrates and presents it in a form where the commoner can understand, it needs spice.

    Let us hope that we get more media attention and people start listen to us.

    That’s the key hereGuys, this article is 100% correct. There are about 1 million people stuck at various stages of the green card process, H-4 dependents cannot work, and H-1Bs cannot get salary raises. Don't detract from such a good and accurate article.