Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: Thinks the ESPN Kyle Kalis Story is Pretty Funny

We all know that ESPN isn't the greatest recruiting service out there.  They have been doing it for a few years, while Rivals and Scouts have been doing it for much longer.   The Kyle Kalis story has been a topic on SportsCenter and even on ESPN Radio the last couple of days. 

The premise of the story is the Kyle Kalis of course switched from OSU to Michigan and that he was OSU's only top 150 recruit.  ESPN has him ranked #140 overall.  Rivals has him ranked #18, Scouts #21 and new service 24/7 #52.  That is a pretty big difference.   ESPN has him as a mid 4 star and Scouts a 5 star and Rivals and 24/7 a high 4 star. 

The other thing on ESPN making news was this quote by Kyle"I believe the Michigan-Ohio border is now open. I think you're going to see eight or nine guys from the state of Ohio going over to Michigan this year."

ESPN's take is that many more Ohio players will now be going to play in Ann Arbor.  Really?  Maybe they should have looked at who is committed already, because there are 9 players from Ohio committed to playing for the Wolverines in the 2012 class. Many of these guys are 4 star players to Rivals and Scouts but since they don't hit ESPN's radar I guess they aren't news worthy.
  • Some had wondered if Jeremy Clark would keep his gray shirt commitment if Jarrod Wilson picked the Wolverines.  Jarrod did and Jeremy is still staying committed, which is pretty cool.  If Jeremy's stock rises during his senior year and he gets more BCS offers, I expect he might go elsewhere, which makes a lot of sense.  If he really wants to come to Ann Arbor, we would love to have him.  Either way it's pretty cool that Jeremy wants to be a Wolverine so bad.

  • Danny O'Brien will be working out at Tennessee's camp next week.

  • Big Al on the new Michigan offense:  "What we're trying to do as we go is take the next step, understanding what we want in the offense, and his skills are going to be explored," said Borges. "We're probably going to run the quarterback more than I ever have because he is so talented we have to explore that option, but then develop other parts of his game. Because he wants to be a next level player, he's been very receptive.

    "So much of what they've done in the past has been based on Denard's ability to run. He would pull up and then kind of play-pass underneath, or throw the ball down the seams. They kill people with that stuff. They managed their play-pass stuff around his running style, and we will do some of that also."