Friday, July 1, 2011

Michigan Friday: Looks at Hoke's First 6 months

When you take a leadership position one of the things you try to do is effect change early on in your role.   Most leadership changes come with big changes needed to be made in the organization.  Michigan's football program is no exception. 

One of the measuring points for a new leader is how much change and how well has the organization preformed in the first 6 months on the job.   Since today is July 1 and since Brady Hoke as been in the job for roughly 6 months, I will give you the Big House Blog's set of  year 1 commitments and will rate Brady with a score of: over achieved, achieved or under achieved.  

Brady Hoke's Michigan Football Mid-Year Commitment Review:
  • Finish off the 2011 Recruiting Class - Over Achieved.  Brady and Crew did a very good job of convincing kids to come to Ann Arbor with only a little over 2 weeks to do it.

  • Get a good start to the 2012 Recruiting Class -  Over Achieved - Max Preps ranks Michigan's current 2012 class #2 in the nation.  Enough said.

  • Unite the Michigan Fan Base - Achieved.  From his first press conference and his first sound bite ("we would of walked to Michigan") Brady has united the Michigan fan base again.  The hiring of Greg Mattison was huge and their joint recruiting is stronger then ever.  He has been a bit lucky, with the potential collapse of Ohio State program and MSU whiffing on the recruiting trial.   With that great start, Brady still has some work to do on the field to get all the Wolverine fans to buy in.  He clearly has much more support from the former players then RR ever did.   Either way, he is off to a great start!

  • Win Games and Championships:  TBD
Overall Mid Year Rating:  Over Achieved

This is clearly Brady's dream job and he is preforming like he has been preparing for Michigan since he left Ann Arbor for Ball State.  With that said, the proof will be on the field this Fall.   The last bullet above is the most important but Brady clearly has done a wonderful job since getting the job.   I will be the first to say, I wasn't the biggest fan of the hire, but Brady has impressed me pretty much every week since he has gotten the job.  

Let's hope all this good will translates to wins on Saturdays.  

Have a great holiday weekend!  Feel confident that the Michigan program is back on track.