Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Shines a Light on the Positive in the form of Denard Robinson

In a world where most of us can only talk about whether Rich Rodriguez is getting fired or not, sits a very humble young man with another piece of hardware from his first season as Michigan's starting QB.  

I don't know Denard, but I have watched him close up this year after he has left the field in a win and a loss.   In a win he is the happiest guy on the field, hugging his friends and teammates.  You would of thought the young man had just won the lottery or was a 7 year old  kid again on Christmas morning.   He has a smile from ear to ear.

After a loss it's just the opposite.  He walks with his head down like the entire loss was his fault and knowing he has to address the media in a few minutes.  I'm pretty sure the last place on earth Denard wants to be is in a small room at Crisler Arena addressing what went wrong in this painful loss.   When he takes the podium you see the emotion in his eyes.  The loss is hurting him more then the other players.  He feels he has let his coach and his teammates down by making a mistake that most any first year sophomore QB's do.  He answer questions quietly and sometimes with one word answers.  He will say the "offense came out flat" but doesn't give a reason why.  He talks about his interceptions as bad reads or poor throws.  He spends 5 un-comfortable minutes with the press and then heads back to be with his teammates.   A place where he is comfortable.

Denard is a quiet competitor, he prefers to lead with his actions and not his voice.  Many players even say they have to look to sideline for the correct call because they just can't hear Denard when he is saying the play in the shotgun.   You also see him take a moment to give thanks, when he scores a touchdown.  He is not showing a logo on his gloves or jumping into the stands, he is just taking a second to give thanks to his higher power that gave him the skills to be able to play this great game.

Sometimes, I think the important things get away from us when are looking at this program with Rose Bowl colored glasses.  We miss the special opportunity we have to watch a special young man transform the QB position not just at Michigan but for the entire country.   Denard broke the all time QB NCAA Rushing record in the Wisconsin game and it was just a footnote.  A guy in the press box said to me that he still has one more game to play.  I actually corrected him and said, 2 with the bowl game.  He could destroy that record with a big day on the ground in late December or early January.

So yes, we are all worried about whether RR will keep his job in Ann Arbor when we should be celebrating Denard being named the Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year, but again nobody really notices.   I could barley find the story on the Detroit News website.  Which is perfectly fine with Denard.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Michigan Monday: The People vs RR as Michigan's Head Coach

Welcome to the Big House Court Room.  Today we will hear the case for or against keeping Rich Rodriguez as Michigan's head coach.  Over seeing today's court room will be the semi-honorable Judge Big House Bob.  (BHB)  

BHB:  Welcome to today's proceedings, I will hear both sides and then make my judgement.  The case against Mr. Rodriguez will be levied by Traditional Michigan Fan (TMF) and Mr. Rodriguez will be represented by his attorney. (ARR)

BHB:  Let's start out with the defense, ARR you have the floor.

TMF:  Objection your honor!  Michigan hasn't had a defense all year. 

BHB:  Even though that is funny, one more outburst like that will get you thrown out of here! ARR please proceed.

ARR: Thank you, Today I would like to state my case on why Michigan should keep Rich Rodriguez as head coach for at least another year.    Rich came to Ann Arbor 3 years ago and inherited a team where all the offensive skill players went to the NFL and the back up QB already had a foot out the door to Arkansas.   This team had no quarterbacks and lacked serious depth on the defensive side of the ball.  It needed to be re-built from the ground up.

Yes, the team has struggled but it has showed improvement over his 3 years as this program re-builds itself.   Each year Michigan has continued to win more games and this year has qualified for a Bowl Game.   The wins have gone from 3 to 5 and now to 7 wins.  I was told there would be no math, but from my calculations that is 2 more wins every year.     I know TMF will argue that Jim Harbaugh should come to Michigan to replace my client.  With that in mind, I enclose document #1 to the court which includes Mr. Harbaugh's record at Stanford.

Year 1: 4-8
Year 2: 5-7
Year 3: 8-5
Year 4: 11-1

I ask the court, how is his record any different then my clients?  In fact, if Michigan wins it's bowl game it will have the same record as Mr. Harbaugh in year 2 and 3.   Shouldn't RR be given the 4th year to see if he can make a similar jump?

Yes, the Michigan defense has struggled while RR has been running the Michigan program.  He has admittedly made two poor decisions for defensive coordinator and plans to make a change in that position in 2011.  My clients expertise lies on the offensive side of the ball and Michigan currently has a top 10 offense and Heisman Trophy candidate under center for the next 2 seasons.  Nobody can argue that Michigan has made big leaps on that side of the ball.

My final point is; how long does Michigan want to struggle?  A new coach will bring in a new system and need more time to make changes.  Players will leave and there will be more losses.  Do we really want to do that again? Do you really want to pay my client $4M to leave?  Bill Davidson has unfortunately passed away and while he was alive seemed to be a fan of Mr. Rodriguez.  So even if he was still with us, I don't think he would write a $4M check for Mr. Rodriguez to leave.    I think a program like Colorado would be very interested in a Mr. Rodriguez if he became available as they head into the PAC 12.

In summary, Mr. Rodriguez is on track to re-build this program back to elite status.  His record is similar to Mr. Harbaugh's and just needs a couple more years to really show the progress everyone expects.   Michigan has built depth on offense and needs more time to build it on defense.   He also is building a strong recruiting class this year and every year he has been here.   Not to forget the strides he has made with the Strength and Conditioning program at Michigan as well.   There are too many things going in the right direction to stop the train at this point.   Go Blue!

BHB:  Thank you ARR.  TMF the floor is yours.

TMF:  Thank you.  That was a compelling argument by what I will call "No" defense.  I think that plan would work if Michigan was in the Big East, but we play in the Big Ten.  Where the power run game is king.  Look at the 3 teams that spilt the title this year.  Wisconsin, Ohio State, and Michigan State all use the power run game.  Northwestern has run the "spread" for years and only plays well once every 5 years or so.  Is that what we want?  No way!

RR has made 2 huge mistakes with his defensive coordinators and now it looks like they will be looking for a third.  The Michigan football program is under probation for the first time in history, which happened under RR's watch.  He clearly has not been recruiting Michigan Men with some players not able to enroll each year due to not making it academically.  He broke Michigan's long standing bowl streak and this will be the first year Michigan has gone bowling in his 3 years.  

I could over look those things if this Michigan program had preformed well against our rivals.  Michigan is 0-3 to Michigan State and 0-3 against Ohio State under RR.  That is un-believable.  RR has only had limited success against Notre Dame.  His Big Ten record is 6-18 and his overall record is 15-21 at Michigan.  He is the highest paid Michigan Football coach ever and has one of the worst records ever.   Is this a good value, I ask you?  He must go and must go now.   It's time to welcome a new head coach and I believe Michigan Man Jim Harbaugh is the man for the job.

Thank you.

BHB:  You both have made compelling arguments, I will take it under advisement and give you my verdict in a few minutes. 

8 to 10 minutes go bye

BHB:  I know we live in a day and age where the coaches get the most blame.  Look at that fella that coached Minnesota's NFL team.  He was one pass away from the Super Bowl last year and now finds himself out of a job.   It's just the world we live in.   Coaches are hired to be fired. With that said, I would like to take you all down memory lane for a moment.

Jim Harbaugh is not stupid.  He sees the state the defense is in  and he also knows that there is a decent probability that skill players like Devin Gardner and Denard Robinson might transfer if he took over as head coach.  He also knows the time frame it takes to re-build a program like Michigan's because he has been living it at Stanford for the last 4 years.  What makes you think he wants this job?  If your remember he threw Michigan under the bus a few years ago and has a DUI on his record.   My point here is not to discount Harbaugh as coach or a person but to point out that he is not the perfect candidate.

Those that are calling for Harbaugh also seem to be the ones that wanted Les Miles 3 years ago.  As we now see, Les isn't an ideal candidate either due to his unique clock management techniques and his wiliness to over sign players and then cut them while they check into their dorm room.   Even with a good record this year, I believe LSU fans wouldn't mind if he found another gig.

What if Harbaugh doesn't want to come to Ann Arbor, then what?  Brady Hoke?  He has done a good job at San Diego State and Ball State but that isn't exactly the Big Ten is it?  Remember the last Michigan head coaching search and what a mess it was?  Brady was seen as a plan C or D candidate.   Is that the right strategy?  

If you remember way back,  Bo was very upset at Illinois when they fired Gary Moeller after 3 years.  He was admit that it took longer then 3 years to turn around a program. 

Yes, this program has seen some rough water over the past 3+ seasons.  Don't forget that in Carr's last year things weren't exactly great with losses to App. State and Oregon at home and fielding teams that were considered "slow" in comparison to other programs.  This downturn was something that would have happened no matter who the coach was.  It just has happened.  We all expected 7-5 this year and now we want to throw the "baby out with the bath water"?

I am ruling in favor of Rich Rodriguez staying another year, seeing Denard has a Junior, seeing if Dee Hart can give the RB position some stability, and seeing if a healthy defense with a year's experience can be better.  I sure don't have $4M to fire him, do you?

We are adjourned!   Coach Rod continue with recruiting and Bowl preparations.

Side note:  RR's buyout goes from $4M to $2.5M on 1/1/11

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michigan Post Game: Wolverines Played UNLV Today

It's 2:30 EST and I have had enough.  The Indiana - Purdue match up is more interesting to me then watching Michael Jordan playing one on one with a 12 year old. 

First off: OSU those jerseys were terrible and should have stayed in the locker room.  The reds don't even match.  You look more like UNLV then you do Ohio State.  Lucky for you, it was your only mistake of the day.  Don't let Nike force you to do anything. 
  • Its a complete embarrassment that Michigan doesn't have a kicker or punter on the trip.  Hagerup what ever you did, you cost your team at least 14 points in the first half. 
  • Roy Roundtree, your 5 drops cost your team a closer game in the first half. Congratulations.
  • Turnovers are what they are, game killers.
  • Isn't it nice for Tate Forcier to remind us what 2009 felt like in the first series of the second half 
  • The defense did all they could in the first half and the offense just shot itself in the foot every time.
  • Michigan could have had the lead in the first half just by catching the ball, not fumbling, and being able to punt.  Was that too much to ask?  I guess it was.
  • I was proud of the Michigan Defense in the first half but the game sort of had the feeling of the Lions- Patriots game on Thanksgiving.
  • I thought the game was poorly officiated.
At the end of the day this game didn't matter to the 2010 Wolverines, 7-5 or 8-4 =  bowl game which was the goal for these young Wolverines.  It was clear Michigan had zero chance to win this game with the youth, injuries, and overall skill level it currently has.  It was the only game this year that I felt Michigan really didn't have a chance to win. 

Now the Wolverines can heal, recruit, and use the 2 weeks of bowl practice to get better.  I don't expect RR will be fired but he could.  RR you better find away to play some defense and beat the Buckeyes or your stay in Ann Arbor won't be too much longer. 

On a side note: When RR was at WVU it always seemed to me that his teams lost the big games,  I could be wrong but that was my impression.

One more game before the 2011 Dee and Denard show begins.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Michigan - Ohio State Preview

Time: 12:00 EST
Location: The Shoe
Line: -16.5 OSU
Weather:  Partly Cloudy 40/25

Today is Black Friday and tomorrow Michigan and Ohio State renew their yearly rivalry, which for the last 6 years has been one sided in favor of the Buckeyes.    These long win streaks for each side are not good for the rivalry in my opinion, I much prefer when both teams are evenly matched.   This match up used to be called: "The Game", which it really hasn't been since 2006.

This year Ohio State is ranked #8 in the country and over a 2 touchdown favorite over the 4 loss Wolverines.  So the big question is; does Michigan have a chance to win in this mis-match on paper?

Let's take a look at what Michigan will have to do if they want to stay in this game:
  • Cam Gordon will have "spy" Pryor and play the game of his life.   After watching Wisconsin run all over the Wolverines last week.  Tressel will run, run, run, and then throw the deep ball.   Cam needs to be able to stop OSU's running backs and when Pryor keeps the ball on scrambles or designed runs.
  • Michigan can't turn the ball over at all.  
  • Michigan can't come out Flat again.   This has been a troubling trend in games against; MSU, Penn State, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
  • The game needs to be a "shoot out".  OSU will score and score often on Michigan's defense and Michigan will need to match them on offense.  
  • A "few" breaks for the Maize and Blue.  A blocked kick, a pick 6, or a key fumble recovery.  Michigan has to have a big break to be in this game late while they try to pull the upset. 
  • Play 60 minutes.  Penn State came in to the Shoe and was winning at half time to only get blown out in the second half.   
  • Denard needs to be great and healthy for the entire game.

So there you have it.  Those are my "keys" to a Wolverine upset.   I expect the "The Vest" to play this one close to the Vest and run the ball as much as he can.  Ohio State will try to power the young Wolverines off the ball and don't want to risk throwing the ball even against the Michigan freshman defensive backfield.

Tressel will take his shots deep and try to get a lead early, so he can run out the clock in the cold weather in Columbus.  Michigan on the other had will try to do anything they can to keep Ohio State out of the end zone on defense and will try to score quickly on offense with lots of Denard.

Sing Hail to the Victors if................... 
  • If Denard goes for 300 in the air and 200 on the ground
  • No turnovers
  • Michigan can hold OSU to field goals instead of touchdowns
  • Ohio State has "overlooked' the Wolverines on their way to a BCS game
  • This game is still in doubt in the 4th quarter
Is it really 7 in a row if.....................
  • Pryor is mistake free
  • OSU finds big holes in the Michigan D in the running game
  • As soon as Michigan sits on the run, OSU goes deep
  • OSU gets up 2+ scores on Michigan in the first half

This game worries me that it could be ugly early.   Michigan needs to play a flawless game on offense to stay close and even that might not be enough.   Michigan hasn't really played on complete game on both sides of the ball since UConn whose skill set is probably equal to OSU's second or third team.   I believe Greg Robinson is coaching for his job and even though some have reported Rich might be as well, I don't believe he will be fired even if Michigan goes down by 40.  My hope is Michigan does not come out flat and plays hard for 60 minutes and has a chance to win in the 4th.  My heart doesn't match my head.  Michigan 14 OSU 42

Go Blue!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Michigan Mash Report: Ohio State Game


Ferrara, John  Knee
Floyd, JT  Ankle
Jones, Mike  Leg
Jones, Teric  Knee
Odoms, Martavious  Foot
Van Slyke, Jared  Clavicle
Williams, Mike  Head
Woolfolk, Troy  Ankle

Hemingway, Junior  Head

Gallon, Jeremy  Shoulder
Martin, Mike  Ankle
Roh, Craig  Head
Smith, Vince  Head
Stonum, Darryl  Ankle

The probable list looks better then I thought.  I thought Stonum and Gallon were more towards questionable to out.  So that is a good sign.  Hemingway would be a loss since he is the kind of guy that could have a huge game against Ohio State and be a deep threat.   I would expect to see all the probables except Gallon. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy Tom Brady's homecoming today vs the Lions. 

This is one of my favorite days of the year.  Family, Food, and Football.  

Breaking News:  This Big Guy (below) was spotted near Columbus, Ohio today...............

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wolverine Wednesday: Recruiting Army/UA All Americans

Since this is Ohio State week everyone and their brother are "chiming in" about everything Michigan and wants wrong with the program.   Let me dispel one thing here quickly.  The offense is not the problem.  Yes, they have struggled at times but in a year or two these guys could be un-stoppable.  The 2010 Wolverines with a defense = 2010 Auburn Tigers (without the $$ controversy). End of story next topic.

Recruiting is another topic.  Yes, it could have been better on defense and mostly with some big guys on the defensive line.  With that said, Michigan has had a top 10 class every year RR has been here. 

Defense is the big issue and everyone knows it.  So how is Michigan going to be better?   Well, first off Michigan has played a lot of young players this year and they will only improve with their experience.  Michigan will also get back 5th year CB/Safety Troy Woolfolk next year, Junior CB JT Floyd and Michigan is developing some "Beef" on the defensive line with 320 pound Richard Ash, 315 pound Quinton Washington, and "putting on weight" Terry Talbott.  

That is the short term fix, long term you improve your team through recruiting and Michigan is in on a number of defensive All Americans that are still left on the board.

Army All Americans

#1: Kris Frost- would like a chance to play WR but Michigan needs him at LB.  Kris seems to have Michigan and Auburn as his leader.  I think Michigan has a great shot at this young man and they need him.

#2: Avery Walls, CB/Safety - who has been to Ann Arbor a couple of times.  Avery seemed to be a very strong Michigan lean until he visited Oregon which "started to make him think" about his options.  He hasn't been involved in recruiting the last few weeks due to some family issues, but I continue to expect the Wolverines to recruit him hard to Ann Arbor. 

#3: Blake Countness, CB - is fairly new on the Michigan radar but the Wolverines have already made a big splash.   Blake hasn't been to A2 yet but he has the Wolverines near the top of his list with Georgia Tech.  Blake grew up a Michigan fan so getting him on campus soon will be key in getting Blake in the 2011 class.

#4: Tim Jernigan, DT - Is a big time DT prospect out of Florida.  Tim continues to keep Michigan in his top 5 when many experts don't expect him to leave Florida or the South.   Tim would be a huge catch for the Wolverines but it seems un-likely.

#5 Ray Drew, DT:  Similar to Tim above, Ray has interest in the Wolverines mostly because of his friend Avery Walls.  Ray hasn't been to Ann Arbor and if he doesn't visit, there isn't much of a chance him becoming a Wolverine.

Under Armour All Americans:

#1 Hasean Clinton-Dix, S: Is probably the best safety prospect in the country and is already committed to Alabama.  He has been to Ann Arbor once and is planning another visit.  Michigan's wild card in this situation is Dee Hart which is his best friend.  If the Michigan coaching staff could bring in another Dr. Phillips player, they might be able to sell Hasean on signing with the Wolverines and keeping the best players from his high school team together.

#2: Karlos Williams, S: Like Hasean above Karlos is a 5 star safety and is committed to another school - Florida State.   Karlos is still planning a Ann Arbor visit in January and when you get a prospect on campus you have a fighting chance.   One thing to think about:  If he wasn't seriously considering Michigan, why would he visit in January when it's cold?  Maybe he hasn't seen snow before. 

4 Star Guys Just Outside of those All Star Games:

Anthony Zettel, OL/DE - Is an instate guys that had always considered Michigan his top school.  He is currently doing some other visits to Penn State and just got back from Iowa.  

Deion Barnes, DE - Has Michigan in his top 5. 

Darin Cooper, DT- Has Michigan in his top group.  Planning a visit this winter.

Mikey Johnson, DT- Has Michigan in his top group, doesn't have a visit planned yet.

Wayne Lyons, S - Michigan will get one of his official visits next weekend 12/3.

My Take: I think the above list is pretty impressive but I would like to see Michigan in better position with the defensive tackles in this group.   I also think Michigan needs to land at least 2 of the DB's on the above list. 

Current Defensive Commits Include:
  • Brennen Beyer a 4 star DE 
  • Greg Brown, a 3 star DB (potential early enrollee)
  • Delonte Hollowell a 3/4 star DB
  • Chris Rock a 3 star DE
  • Kellen Jones a 4 star ILB
  • Dallas Crawford a 3 star CB from Florida
Michigan has the opportunity to have a huge year in defensive recruiting if they can land a handful of the players on the above All American list (and the 4 star guys outside that list).  I expect Michigan to have 9-10 spots left in this class.  All of them will be on defense unless a Sammy Watkins type changes his mind.

Big Ten Preview Week 12

With the holiday on Thursday, I know your week wouldn't be the same without my Big Ten weekend preview.  So I will bring it to you a day early and you now can rest easy on Thursday and enjoy your Turkey.

Big Ten Game of the Week:

Michigan State at Penn State:  Michigan State fans this week have become Wolverine fans for just one week.  They want Michigan to upset the Buckeyes so they can go to the Rose Bowl.   Which is funny on a number of levels: #1 Michigan State almost lost to Purdue last week #2 Ohio State is a 17 point favorite  #3 MSU hasn't played well on the road after their victory in Ann Arbor.   Sparty take care of business on Saturday and then see what happens.  I would actually like to see the Sabin Bowl 2 in the Capital One Bowl on New Years Day:  Alabama vs MSU rather then watching State get blown out in the Rose Bowl by TCU or Stanford. 

JoPa announced last night he is not ready to move to Florida and is coming back for another year.   Which will get the Penn State fans pumped up.  Beaver Stadium will be full of fans wanting nothing more then to ruin Spartys co-Big Ten Championships hopes in Happy Valley.   BTW:  This rivalry that the Big Ten forced on us, never did play out.   Penn State started to find it feet before they started throwing "picks" in the second half against Ohio State.  MSU on the other hand has struggled to win games against lesser opponents.   JoPa is a two point dog at home.  It wouldn't be that close.  Penn State 28 MSU 14

Indiana at Purdue:  Wow, this is not a good game.  IU hasn't had a Big Ten win this year and Purdue even though playing well last week in East Lansing is on a 5 game losing streak.   I know this is one of the rivalries that the Big Ten wanted to protect, are they sure they want to do that?  Purdue is favored by 3 at home.   This game has a coach with a mustache vs a coach that throws his gum. Stache wins Purdue 17 IU 10

Iowa at Minnesota:  Iowa has had a disappointing year.  The schedule set up for them, they won their toughest conference road game in Ann Arbor and still will end up 8-4 this year.   Iowa clearly had a chance to run the table in the Big Ten and didn't.  Minnesota on the other had also had a chance to run the table in the Big Ten but they beat Illinois two weeks ago.  The Golden Gophers just want the season to end so they can continue their coaching search.  The Hawkeyes just want to book their travel to the Outback Bowl.   Iowa is a 14.5 favorite.  Iowa 42 Minnesota 10

Northwestern at Wisconsin:  This would be a game if Northwestern had their QB.  They don't so it won't.  I'm guessing the Badgers start off slow in this game as they start thinking at the Rose Bowl but pull away for a the comfortable win in the second half.  Wisky is favored by 23 points.  Wisconsin 41 Northwestern 28

 Illinois is off this week and travels to Fresno State next week. 

I will preview the game in Columbus on Friday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Is there Justice in Ann Arbor? No then Yes

Recruiting is a strange thing; kids pick schools years early, kids pick schools on national TV, kids pick schools at All Star games, and kids change their minds. 

The latest player to change his mind is highly ranked in-state RB Justice Hayes.  Justice is a 5'10 175 pound 4 star RB (to Rivals), 3rd ranked all purpose RB in the country (#1 is Dee Hart)  and currently number 84 in Rivals top 100.  What makes this recruitment strange is that Justice had originally committed to Notre Dame months ago and had visited the Golden Domers a few weeks ago then de-committed just this past weekend.

Then last night he commits to the Wolverines.  Strange indeed.

Justice had a number of big offers including Tennessee, Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern and others.

This is Michigan's 13th commitment for the 2011 class and their 2nd running back.  

Monday, November 22, 2010

RR Press Conference - OSU Week

Injuries:  RR is optimistic that Mike Martin should be able to return while Jeremy Gallon (shoulder) and Darryl Stonum (ankle) might play.   More tests will be conducted today. 

Ohio State is a loud venue but it's their good players that will be the biggest challenge

Dane Sanzenbacher is one of the best WR's in the country
Best pair of the corners in the Big Ten
We are not practicing this week to just show up on Saturday, If we can execute offensively and get some stops defensively, along with some breaks, we could get the win.

Practice will be a little earlier this week due to no school on Thursday and Friday.  We will have a team meal on Thursday.

The history and intensity of this rivalry makes this the best rivalry in sports.

The program has come a long way offensively (since last year against OSU) defense hasn't made the strides they had hoped.  The attitude and growth of younger players have all been positive. 

Jordan Kovacs has been the most consistent player on defense.

We have recruited on both sides of the ball, younger players are playing due to injuries on defense.  Most of these freshman would have been red shirted.   Find another D1 program that is playing 5-6 true freshman.

Michigan playing dirty? That is funny. 

Martin when is healthy is our most dominate defensive player we have.   We are a different team when he is healthy.

Steve Schilling:
  • A win would mean a lot to this team and the other classes that haven't beat Ohio State.
  • Doesn't feel like he is playing for his head coaches job.
  • Played good football at times and need to put a complete game together.
  • Different intensity this week, everyone beat up but want to leave it out there on Saturday.
  • Heywood has the entire package and will be an NFL prospect
  • It's still a big rivalry
  • Deanrd is a guy that is always happy and a positive attitude.  Has fun playing football. 
Jordan Kovacs
  • Been to a lot of Michigan - OSU games.  Blood always ran blue.
  • Was in the stands when Michigan last beat the Buckeyes.
  • Converted a couple of friends but he still does have some friends that are buckeye fans
  • Become more comfortable with his role
  • OSU offense is tough to stop with Pryor at QB
  • Young guys have played well at times but look forward to their development
  • Played against Dane in high school, makes big catches
  • Have to play a flawless game on Saturday
  • Go into every game confident
Craig Roh

  • Trainers didn't clear Roh in the second half due to a head trauma, doesn't matter I will be playing on Saturday.
  •  We are a developing defense and working hard to fix mistakes
  • Goals are 6 3 and outs and 3 turnovers
  • Will be exciting game
  • Will be playing for each other - not for our head coaches job
  • It would be a great win for Rich Rod and the team in general
  • I love Rich Rod as a coach, always keeps a positive attitude
Ryan Van Bergen
  • Charles Woodson with his rose in his mouth was the imagine that stuck in his head
  • It would be important to end the streak, you never want seniors to leave the program with out beating Ohio State.
  • When you come to Michigan, you will be look down on if you don't preform against Ohio State.
  • Wish he could tell us, why they have started slow in big games. Need to motivate that guys to start playing on first series.
  • If we can adjust the scheme, feels like we can compete on Saturday
  • Feels like we are making big strides.  Feel good about being a contender next year. 
Mike Martin
  • Spending a lot of time in the training room with his ankle
  • The steak is tough, doing all we can to reverse it
  • It's about us and playing for each other
  • Does Michigan hate OSU?  It think they hate us and we hate them.  That is why each team plays so hard.
  • It's tough playing through the ankle injury.  Just got to play through it.
  • If you can't get motivated about this game, I don't know where your here
  • We won't stand down. 
  • They are going to play hard and there will be new plays. 
  • There is a thing in the defense about a stuff animal.
Kevin Koger
  • Doesn't remember 2003
  • Felt right here over Ohio State in recruiting
  • I could always do better, always room for improvement
  • Need to protect the ball.  Can't afford the turnovers
  • Execution and taking care of the ball
  • Pay attention to detail
  • When you grow up you want to play in this game
  • Would like to be remembered to be stopping the streak
  • This rivalry hasn't lost any luster
  • OSU wanted him as a DE or TE
  • Michigan was close to home and it just felt right
Denard spoke but I had to run to another meeting.............

Breaking News: Help Wanted in Minnesota

If you are a head football coach, I would suggest networking the greater Minneapolis area with your resume.  Now both football programs (Vikings and Golden Gophers) in Minneapolis are without head football coaches. 

Michigan Monday: Doesn't Feel Like a Rivalry Week

Do you remember the last time you were excited about the Michigan - Ohio State game?  I do, 2006*.   The day after Bo died.  Michigan was a personal foul penalty away from being in the National Championship game.   That was a very emotional week for many Michigan fans.    This week doesn't have the same feel and it shouldn't.  Michigan needs to be better to get this rivalry back on track, right now it's just a one sided football game.   Similar to what we watched last weekend.  (*Michigan had a chance in 2007 but Mike Hart and Chad Henne were both injured and Michigan lost 14-3 at home)

The early line has Ohio State favored by close to 3 touchdowns or 18 points.   Doesn't feel like Ohio State week does it?  I am sure Bo is pissed and Woody is smiling.  

Brett Bielema should be fined and suspended by the Big Ten:  After the game Saturday, Bielema said his offensive line -- which grinds opposing defenses into dust by pulling its guards and ramming them into linebackers downfield -- was prevented from pulling by Michigan. He used the word "tactics," which is coaching code for "holding," to describe what Michigan's defensive line was doing. "But we rectified the situation," Bielema said. When asked how, Bielema recalled a chop-block penalty that went against his team -- and took a touchdown off the scoreboard -- in the second quarter. Wisconsin lost seven points but delivered a message.

So Bielema ordered an illegal chop block on Mike Martin.  So let me understand this, your team is dominating Michigan in the first half and your about to score another touchdown and you order a chop block on Michigan's best defensive player? What a classless move. The Big Ten better come down hard on him, this type of activity doesn't have any place in college football.   I hope all the parents of Wisconsin 2011 recruits read that quote before they sign up to play for that head coach.  What an (insert your own expletive here). 

What the hell as happened to college football coaching profession?  This year alone we have seen a coach have his QB re-enter a game after a concussion, that same coach made a terrible decision later in the year to practice outside in un-safe conditions which caused a student to lose his life.  We have seen a coach let a player walk out of jail and on to the field and now we have had a coach order a potential career ending penalty in a game where they are blowing out their opponent.  This activity come after a year two coaches are fired for being too physical with a player and another coach locking a player in the closet.   None of it makes sense to me and these guys need to start to understand that they are here to teach and protect young men - not injury them. 

Quick Recruiting Updates:
  • Update: Sammy Watkins has committed to Clemson. 

  • Kris Frost seemed to enjoy his Michigan visit this weekend.  The Wolverines need him badly in this class and he should be Michigan's #1 priority.  They will need to beat out Auburn.

  • 2011 Michigan running back Justice Hayes has de-committed from ND and has re-opened his recruitment.  He lists Tennessee, ND, and Michigan as his top group.  We will see what happens here.

  • 2011 Florida LB Ryan Petro 6'3", 205 lbs. also enjoyed his visit.  He is currently one of those late bloomers to the recruiting arena and doesn't have any offers yet but is getting interest from Michigan, Nebraska, and Pittsburgh.

  • 2011 TE Jack Tabb also visited Ann Arbor and has Michigan near the top of his list.  He will make his decision is a month or so.    

Former Michigan great running back Rob Lytle died on Saturday at the age of 56 due to a heart attack.   RIP Michigan Man. RIP.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Michigan - Wisconsin Post Game: No Surprise

Well, I guess most of us expected that.  We thought Michigan might have a chance to pull an upset but it was clear after Michigan ran out of the tunnel that wasn't going to happen.  (I will address that in a minute)

If Michigan had a bad defense or even an average defense they would be in these games.  They have an awful defense that is lined with true freshman doing the best they can against a very well balanced offense, where the QB only missed a couple of throws all day.   Mix that accuracy in with a power running game and you have yourself a huge miss match. 

7-5 is Michigan's record this year heading into the Bowl Game.   You could see it in the eyes of RR after the game in his press conference that this year is really wearing on him.  A defense that has only stopped UConn and Purdue and a list of injuries that would make your head spin.   So you think the Wolverines are going to be able to be competitive in C-Bus next week with these potential players either out or coming back from injury:  Lewan, Roh, Stonum, Martin, Gallon, not to mention the guys that are already out for the year? 

We all sort of expected 7-5 at the beginning of the year and this team delivered just that.  7-5 = a Bowl Game, 8-4 = a Bowl Game, 9-3 = a Bowl Game.  So does it really matter?

Here are the things that concerned me watching the game at the Big House yesterday:

  • RR continues to coach like he has a defense or kicking game.  Which really confuses me.  The play calling was way too predictable in the first half.  Wisconsin was putting a safety in the box and basically letting Michigan's talented WR's be down field in single coverage and Michigan continued to run the ball  or throw short slants with very little luck.   I mentioned this early in the year: THIS TEAM CAN'T WASTE OFFENSIVE POSSESSIONS AND THINK THEY WILL WIN THE GAME.   It's not possible.  Michigan can't come from behind because the defense can't stop anyone.   A field goal on 4th and 6?  Really?  I would rather have Denard running or throwing then kicking a field goal of any length.   3 doesn't help anyway because a Michigan defensive stop means the other team kicked a field goal.   If Michigan is going to win games, they are going to be shoot outs. 

  • Coming out Flat:  This is a huge problem.  Ever since the Michigan State game, Michigan has come out flat in every big game.   I'm not sure if it's practice, pre-game speech, the night before, warm ups, youth, but this needs to change.   You can see it when they come out of the locker room that they are not ready to play.  Which in turn equals, drop balls, interceptions, fumbles, and 3 and outs on offense.   This is on RR and staff.  This team was ready to play coming out against UConn and ND but ever since then this has been a huge issue.  You can tell a lot about a team on how they run out of the tunnel.  

  • Defense - I'm getting a little tired hearing about the youth on defense.  RR and Staff have been here 3 years now and they should have recruited many more defensive players if they saw this would be an issue two years ago.   I agree that Carr didn't recruit defense like he should have in his last few years, but depth issues on defense now are clearly on RR.   There should be a lot more sophomores or juniors playing and there just isn't.  This team couldn't tackle at all yesterday.  Does Greg Robinson make it to the Bowl Game?  I'm not sure he should. 

  • Did Wisconsin beat Michigan once, twice or three times?  Wisconsin man handled the Wolverines physically.   Michigan can expect the same treatment next Saturday as well.   The Wolverines are injured physically and mentally and I think they will have a hard time finding the motivation to pull an upset next weekend.  These players haven't beat Ohio State and if they continue to come out of the locker room without any confidence, it will get real ugly early next weekend.   I'm betting the Vest is having a discussion right now with his assistants, "should we have Pryor throw the ball at all? I think we could put 42 on them without ever putting the ball in the air."   At this point, the Wolverines can look forward the 2 weeks of bowl practice, getting healthy and hopefully getting better.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ugly First Half

I knew Michigan was in trouble when Dr. Lou predicted a Michigan upset.

Game Day Video: Michigan vs Wisconsin 2008

This was a no brainer on what to put up here today.  It's the Michigan 19 point second half comeback against Wisconsin in 2008.  It's Michigan first year under Rich Rod and the 500th game at the Big House. 

Like the game today, you can enjoy it in HD!

Enjoy Michigan's last home game of the year.  (side note: Where did this season go?  It seems like Michigan was just in fall camp a few weeks ago).  

Friday, November 19, 2010

Michigan - Wisconsin Preview

Time: 12:00 EST
Location: Big House
Line: Wisconsin -4
Weather:  43/34 Partly Cloudy

Wisconsin again enters the Big House as a top 10 team in the nation.   They have already beat the "Eyes" of the (Buckeyes and Hawkeyes) Big Ten with their only loss (in the State of Michigan) to the Spartans.   Everyone and their brother knows what to expect from the Badgers on Saturday.  They will run the ball but are a pretty balanced offense averaging 200 yards in the air and 228 on the ground.   Like most years they have a strong offensive and defensive lines and want to play power football and solid defense.   That formula has lead them to a 5 game win streak with a BCS Rose Bowl birth dancing in their heads.

Michigan is almost the exact opposite of Wisconsin.  They have a high powered fast offense that prefers to spread you out and run and throw in space.  Michigan's defense won't win any awards this year but is clearly playing better in the last two weeks (yes even after giving up 65 points).  Michigan prefers quick scores and Wisconsin prefers long drives.   This could be an interesting game.

Big House of Horrors:  Last week in my Big Ten preview we discussed the strange mojo that Northwestern has over Iowa.  Wisconsin seems to have a similar Michigan complex.   The Badgers haven't won in the state of Michigan since 2004 and hasn't won a game at the Big House since 1994.  Two years ago, Wisconsin was up 19-0 in RR's first year and the Michigan defense and Steven Threet brought the Wolverines back to win the game in the second half.   Spooky Stuff

Tale of the Tape

Michigan Offense vs Wisconsin D = DAD  Denard All Day

Wisconsin Offense vs Michigan D = Way too Ezeh

Special Team =  Stop kicking field goals!

Intangibles = Michigan "Spooky" Mojo

I would be remiss, if I didn't take a few minutes to thank all the seniors for sticking and staying with this program when the program was clearly re-building.   Thank you to:  Martell Webb, Perry Dorrestein, Steve Schilling, John Ferrara, Greg Banks, Adam Patterson, Renaldo Sagesse, Obi Ezeh, Jonus Mouton, Mark Moundrous, and James Rodgers.  You all have contributed to this years squad and I hope you enjoy your final home game, last game against Ohio State, and your well deserved Bowl Game.   You are true Michigan Men!  Congratulations.

Michigan has won 2 games in a row and Wisconsin has won 5.  A steak will come to end on Saturday. Which one will it be?  Let me give you a hint, the key is turnovers.

Sing Hail to the Victors if..............
  • Michigan protects the damn ball
  • Denard is effective in both running and passing (no picks!)
  • Michigan's Defense forces some stops and field goals
  • Martin and Mouton are healthy and effective
  • Michigan gets production out of it's running backs
  • Michigan's offensive line plays very well
Ask what happened to our Wisconsin Mojo if....................
  • Wisconsin wins the turnover battle
  • Clays backup are better then John Clay
  • Michigan young defense gets confused with Wisconsin's balance
  • Wisconsin's Defense has Denard figured out
  • The cold weather favors Wisconsin

The boys from Florida and California had some issues with the cold rain last weekend.  Will they have the same issues in 40 degree weather?  It's probably already snowed in Wisconsin so they are used to it. 

This is one of those match ups you could call either way.  Wisconsin doesn't play well in Ann Arbor but are clearly the better team.  They will try to pound the Wolverines into submission with the run game and just when Michigan plays the run, they will hit Toon at WR for a long gain.   Michigan has seemed to play confident football since the Bowl Game Monkey is now off their back.  Are they good enough to beat the 7th ranked team in the country?  That is the big question.  Will senior day give the Wolverines the emotion they need to beat a better team?  If Michigan protects the ball they should be in the game.  If they don't they won't.  Wisconsin 32  Michigan 21


Lights on at the Big House

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Michigan Thursday: Catching Up with 3 Michigan Transfers

Editors Note: Today is a little light on actual Michigan Football news.  (The basketball team plays Bowling Green tonight!) 

At 7:00 tonight this weeks Michigan's injury report will come out and expect to see Martin and Mouton probable and Taylor Lewan and Mike Shaw questionable.   Hopefully Fitz Toussaint didn't hurt himself in practice and can go if needed. 

With that said, here is a look at how a few Michigan transfers are doing at their new schools....

As a Michigan fan we can hardly believe why anyone would ever want to leave Ann Arbor and the most storied college football program ever.  Sadly, some guys just don't "buy in" or think they will get more playing time at another institution.  There are players every year that make the decision to leave but rarely do they become successful like Justin Fargas or Ryan Mallett.    We know Ryan is doing well Arkansas and Boren is starting for Ohio State, but let's catch up on guys not on SportsCenter too often:

photo by Michael DeMocker, The Times-Picayune

Sam McGuffie, RB Rice Owls:  Sam had the best game of his career two weeks ago against Tulsa.   Where he ran for 178 yards on 22 carries and scored a touchdown.   In 2010 he has had 149 attempts and 642 yards with 3 touchdowns.  He also has had 32 catches for 275 yards and 1 TD.  Sam seems to be getting better as the year goes on, but you can't say that for the Rice Owls who have only won 2 games this year.

Let's hope Sam hasn't received any concussion this year and still has a successful college career in front of him.

Steven Threet, QB Arizona State:  Trick or Threet would be a good slogan for the Sun Devils this year.   While leading the ASU offense, Steve is 207-333 with 2530 passing yards with 18 touchdowns.   The problem is, he has thrown 16 picks and been sacked 22 times.  After starting the year 2-0, ASU has gone 2-6 in their last 8 games and will have to beat UCLA and Arizona to get bowl eligible.  Steve is currently sharing first team reps with sophomore quarterback Brock Osweiler during the bye week.

Threet was also named to the PAC 10 All Academic team this week with a  3.82 grade-point average in general studies. 

Toney Clemons, WR Colorado:  Toney has had a nice season for the Buffalo's.  He has had 40 catches for 426 yards and 2 touchdowns.  He is the second leading receiver for Colorado who is just 4-6 on the year and with out a head coach that was just fired two weeks ago.    Clemons had a good game this past Saturday as he had four catches for 55 yards, including a 26-yard touchdown, as Colorado defeated Iowa State, 34-14.

Safety Vlad Emilien who recently transferred from Michigan will be joining Toney next year at Colorado as they enter PAC 12 country.

Big Ten Preview Week 11

With some of the top teams in the nation on a bye week, this is a big weekend for the Big Ten with a number of high profile games. 

With out further adieu lets get right to it!

Big Ten Game of the Week:

OSU at Iowa:  This game would have been off the hype charts if Iowa didn't get tripped up at Northwestern last week.   Ohio State has been one of the most quiet 1 loss teams in the nation.  After their Wisconsin loss they have played pretty much the worst teams in the Big Ten and really haven't been making nation news.  I guess the media are pretty bored of just another Tressel year.  Lose a high profile game early and then run the table the rest of the year.   Iowa has been up and down at home this year.  They have a loss to Wisconsin but took MSU to the woodshed.   So which Iowa team will show up on Saturday.  Ohio State has struggled a bit on the road as well with the loss to Wisconsin and a close game against Illinois.   The "vest" is favored by 3 points.   This will be a close game and look for the weather to be the difference on the field.  Iowa 24 Ohio State 20

Illinois vs Northwestern at Wrigley Field:  ESPN Gameday will be at this historic game.  It will be fun to see football at Wrigley for the first time in my lifetime.   I hope nobody gets hurt with the lack of room at the back of the end zones.   Michigan beat Illinois twice after it's 3 OT game.   Meaning they lost to Michigan and then the next weekend had a hang over and lost to the 1 win Minnesota Gophers (who now have 2).   Northwestern on the other hand finally finished a game (were way ahead of MSU and PSU and lost) and beat a highly ranked Iowa team.  I think Northwestern is the better team right now, even if Illinois is the better team on paper.  Zook and Company are 8 points favorites, which is a bit shocking to me.  I think Northwestern wins this game.   NW 31 ILL 28  (a 3 run home run in the 9th for the win)

Purdue at Michigan State:  MSU has a very nice schedule and this week they host Boilermakers.  MSU had a bye last week and Purdue got beat at home in a rain storm against Michigan.   Purdue is just too injured and banged to be real competitive in this game.  MSU will win another easy one and is favored by 19.5 points.  If it's a quick track look for a blow out.  MSU 41 Purdue 14

Penn State vs IU at FedEx Field:  Indiana sold their home game to FedEx Field so they are playing at another neutral field.   IU also gave up 83 points last week after having Iowa beat on a last second pass play the week before but it slipped through their fingers.  IU won't get their first win of the Big Ten season in this one.  Penn State is a questionable 10 point favorite which is strange because it's almost like a home game for them.   PSU 41 IU 7

Minnesota has a bye this week and I will preview the Michigan - Wisconsin game on Friday.

On a side note:  Fox Sports has won the bid on the Big Ten Championship Game.  This is not a big surprise since Fox Sports is already a partner with the Big Ten Network.   Fox will air the first 6 Championship games in prime time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will's Purdue Punt

HT to Mgoblog

In a season where special teams haven't been special.  Here is a highlight to make you smile.

Wolverine Wednesday: Too Many Concussions

Every time you watch a football game these days it seems somebody is going out with a concussion.  The Wolverines have been pretty lucky with concussions with only Mike Williams being the only one suffering with a concussion.  That luck has seemed to have run out on the Wolverines during last weeks game against Purdue when Michael Shaw went out with a concussion and now it seems Taylor Lewan is having concussion like symptoms this week.   Both are questionable for Wisconsin on Saturday.

Mouton and Martin practiced on Tuesday and are feeling better.  The Michigan coaches are hopeful they will play.

  • Amir Williams a high priority recruit for John Beilein picked the Buckeyes today. 

  • Denard Robinson is only 77 yard short of the NCAA record for most rushing yards by a QB.

  • Both Michigan kickers will continue to compete in practice for the starting gig on Saturday.  I can't watch when Michigan lines up for a field goal.

  • This isn't new news but Michigan DB recruit Blake Coutness will play in the Army All American game.

  • Kris Frost has a 7:30 game on Friday but is still planning on making it up to A2 this weekend.  That is a pretty quick turnaround, so let's hope it happens.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lord Ferg, Forgive Me

I'm sure Sir Alex Ferguson is sending his spies after me right now, and I'd like to beg for mercy. I've gone and helped the enemy, and to make it worse I didn't make any money.

A higher-up at the LA Gooners, an Arsenal supporters group, asked me to help him out with a few shirts and I forsook my allegiances in the name of comedy. You can buy the shirt through the LA Gooners, sadly none of the proceeds will find their way into my pockets.

The shirt in action.

For those of you that don't get it, Emmanuel Eboué is an unabashed Jesus freak who likes making shirts as well.

Bonus points for using the current EPL font.

David Brandon on Bo and the NCAA

For those that are still wondering if Michigan loses the next 2 weeks, will Coach Rod and Staff be let go? Here is some quick insight to what Michigan's Athletic Director might be thinking...............

On the NCAA...............

Michigan Tuesday: Recruiting Updates for Football and Basketball

Wisconsin's best running back might not be ready to play this weekend:  “Clay is still yet to be determined,” UW coach Bret Bielema said at his Monday news conference. “I haven’t seen him today but yesterday, he was moving as good as he has (since getting hurt against Purdue). I don’t know if we’ll have him for Tuesday, but we do expect him to get a limited amount of work this week.”

Recruiting Update:

  • A name I haven't heard of regarding Michigan is: QB Tanner McEvoy (6-6, 205) of Oradell, N.J.  He is considering a visit to Ann Arbor.  As a senior, he has over 1,600 passing yards and 19 touchdowns and has rushed for another 700 yards and 10 scores.

  • DE Ray Drew will shorten his list of 30+ offers to 5 this week or next.

  • Basketball Recruiting news:  Amir Williams has dropped the Wolverines from his list and will announce between Ohio State and Florida next week. 

  • Michigan has offered Glenbard West junior defensive tackle Tommy Schutt for the 2012 class

  • Recent Michigan visitor Marquise Williams is still with UNC: "My commitment is still firm," he said. "I just went to N.C. State to see how it was. I'm just weighing things out. I'm not really having second thoughts."
  • Carlton Brundidge will sign his LOI for Michigan Basketball today at 11:00.  

  • Instate LB Desmond Morgan visited Northwestern this weekend and was offered by the Wildcats.  Desmond's stock is very much on the rise.

Former Michigan coach finding success at Syracuse:  Coordinator Scott Shafer — who already was earning a reputation as a guru in previous stops at Northern Illinois, Western Michigan, Stanford and Michigan — has added to it with his SU group, which has been led by linebackers Derrell Smith and Doug Hogue. SU is ninth in the nation in total defense (297.10 yards per game), 32nd in rushing defense (128.8), 11th in pass defense (168.3), 16th in pass-efficiency defense (110.72), and 13th in scoring defense (17.8).  Tyrone Wheatley is also on this staff.

Gator Bowl wants teams on a roll:  "We like to get teams that finish well and have gotten their fan base excited," Gator Bowl president Rick Catlett said Monday. "We think we have enough teams under consideration to have a good chance of that."

Monday, November 15, 2010

RR Press Conference Notes

Today notes are provided by mgoblog.  I had a conflict during the press conference today. 

  • Mike Shaw will be evaluated and tested this week.  The coaches are hopeful he can play.  Here is my take:  I looked into his eyes when he was getting help going back to the locker room.  I think he had a serious concussion and he is at least a week away from playing.  I would expect that he might be out until the bowl game.  I have never seen anything like that before, it was really scary actually.  
  • Martin and Mouton "We're hopeful that both can play." They'll be evaluated tomorrow and Wednesday.
  • Roh will stay at DE, now at about 250 pounds, like to get him to 265.
  • Cam Gordon will stay at box safety - getting better
  • Vincent Smith - "He's probably been the most consistent back we've had" not just running, but blocking and catching, too. "It has been almost a year since he tore his knee" and is looking faster.
  • Carvin Johnson - "Really excited about him. Again, he's another true freshman that right now can play both safety positions."
  • Vinopal made a couple mistakes but kept plays in front of him.  He is getting better as well.
  • Team wasn't ready for the weather conditions and didn't play well in it.  Need to practice with a wet ball, conditions were a factor in the turnovers.
  • Kicking will continue to be competitive in practice.  Seth has kicked well in practice but not in the games.
  • Wisconsin last home game for the seniors, will do some special stuff during the week
  • Wisconsin is a top 5 team that uses the power run game but also has a balance offense. 
  • RR has been spending some more time with the defense.

Michigan Monday: Looks Forward and Back

7-5:  Many of us predicted in August this would be the Wolverines record at the end of the season.  The Wolverines are 7-3 right now and won't be favored in the next two weeks.  IMO, Michigan's best chance at an upset is against Wisconsin this week.  For some reason the Badgers don't play well at the Big House and RR and Steven Threet beat a top10 Wisconsin team two years ago.   So anything can happen.

Bowl Game Baby!:  Right now it looks like the Insight Bowl against a Big 12 team.   Gator is the next possibility. 

Big Ten Last Weekend:  It's clear that Northwestern does have some special mojo against Iowa.  I don't know what it is but they have it.  Dan Persea is pretty darn good and I'm sad to hear about his injury.   I didn't see the Illinois - Minnesota game but what happened there?  Did Illinois have a hang over from last week?  It sure sounded like it, if they lost to the worst team in the Big 10.  Does this put Zook back on the hot seat?  Which is funny because just two weeks ago, RR's seat was "hot" and Zook's was stable.  As they say on the field, REVERSE!

Wisconsin 83 points?  I didn't think that was possible.   Michigan fans were really thinking that loss to Penn State wasn't that bad if they watched the first half of the Ohio State game.  Then we changed our minds in the second half.  Michigan should have had at least one pick in the Penn State game.

Big Weekend for the Big Ten coming up:  OSU at Iowa,  Wisconsin at Michigan, MSU vs Easy Schedule, Illinois vs Northwestern at Wrigley, Penn State vs IU at FedEx Field.  What's the deal with neutral fields this week?  ND plays Army at Yankee Stadium as well.

Big Recruiting Weekend for Big Blue:  This is the last home game for the Wolverines for the year and what I have as Michigan's #1 un-committed target Kris Frost is expected to make his official visit with his family.   I hope it's warm but does a guy named Frost really care?   Jack Tabb a TE from NJ is also expected to visit this weekend.  The Michigan coaches really want a TE in this class.  The Michigan TE's basically were the difference in the game on Saturday.   The next big recruiting weekend is 12/3 visitors include:  Wayne Lyons and Blake Countness both highly ranked DB's.    The Big Chill would be another good weekend. 

RR Press Conference Today:  Will need a big update on injuries.  We need to know the status of Mike Martin, Jonas Mouton and Mike Shaw.   Michigan will need Martin and Mouton against Wisconsin and Ohio State.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Michigan Football: 3-0 in Indiana

If you were home on your coach watching the game yesterday, consider yourself lucky.  I was in West Lafayette and the 40% rain turned into 100% and the high of 70 degrees turned into cold.  

Michigan was just as un-predictable as the weather.  They opened the game looking like they would put up 45 points and won by just 11.  Michigan has a serious issue with 10 turnovers in 2 games.  That will get you beat when your playing better teams.  The next two weeks, Michigan plays 2 top 10 teams and 10 more turnovers will equal two blowouts for the Wolverines. 

There's not much to say about the game on Saturday.  It was nasty weather and a win is a win.   Michigan this year as swept through the State of Indiana with a 3-0 record (ND, IU, and PU) and now has 7 wins with Wisconsin at home next week.   What's the deal with rain, Rich Rodriguez and the State of Indiana anyway?  Here are the games Michigan has played in the rain in Indiana the last 3 years:  2 games at ND, this year at IU and this year at Purdue.  

The Michigan defense gave up only 16 points which is the fewest since the UConn game (10).   The Michigan D was without maybe it's two best players in Mike Martin and Jonus Mouton but was still able to hold the Boilermakers to 256 total yards.  So the big question is: was it the weather, Michigan's D, or Purdue's offense?  I think the answer lies somewhere with all 3.   The Michigan Defense didn't give up anything easy, got some turnovers and even scored.  7 of Purdue's points came off a Denard pick 6.

It was an ugly win on an ugly day, but after the last two years I will take any win that Michigan can get.  It also gets Michigan's win total to 7 wins which many experts predicted at the beginning of the season. 

Now back to the famous "Cheers and Jeers":

  • Michigan was clearly the better team and played like it most of the time
  • The Michigan fans were louder then the Purdue fans for most of the game
  • Michigan won the game
  • 7 wins = winning season and better bowl game
  • Michigan was even in the turnover margin
  • The defense gave up just 16 points and under 300 total yards
  • A 72 yard punt.  Well done Hagerup!
  • Danny Hope lost
  • Turnovers is a huge issue
  • The only time a Michigan player should kick a ball is during an extra point, punt, or kickoff.   A missed extra point, really?
  • All Purdue points came off Michigan turnovers
  • The weather
  • Mike Shaw's injury.  I was in the second row in the end zone and the players had to walk right by us to get to the locker room.  Mike was being helped by two players and was clearly not looking good.  He seemed "drunk' which would lead me to believe he had a serious concussion.  I hope I'm wrong and Mike is doing well.
  • Taylor Lewan penalties.  Come on, bro.  Those are drive killers.

A win is a win and Michigan now has 7 of them.  I'm sure all of us Michigan fans slept well last night.  Now on to a Wisconsin a team that put up 83 points against IU.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Game Day Video: Michigan vs Purdue 2001

Enjoy this 2001 game where Purdue visited the Big House back in 2001.  Both teams were ranked, Michigan at #12 and Purdue at #16. 

Enjoy the memory and the game today!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Michigan Walk Through: Purdue

Michigan adds Dallas Crawford to It's 2011 Class

This recruitment wasn't a big mystery for sometime.  Dallas Crawford from Ft. Myers, Florida has made a couple of trips to Ann Arbor in the last 6 months and today his 18th birthday he made it official.    Hurray!  A Defensive Recruit!

Dallas is rated 3 stars by Scouts and Rivals but comes in as a 4 star on ESPN.   Here is what ESPN had to say about Mr. CrawfordCrawford is simply one of the more instinctive defensive backs we have seen around the football in this class. A great overall athlete with excellent footwork and ball skills. Is well-built with just adequate height but plays taller. Finds the ball very naturally in coverage.

Dallas is a natural athlete and plays QB and DB for his high school team.  He is lucky enough to throw the ball to teammate and borderline 5 star WR Sammy Watkins (who also have Michigan interest).  Dallas projects as a WR or DB in college.  Of course Michigan needs him as a CB or safety. 

The only knock on the young man is his size which is somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10 and 185 pounds. 
His offer list is pretty impressive with the likes of Georgia Tech, Iowa, Miami, N.C, Tennessee, Wake, and WVU.  LSU was looking at Dallas hard as well.

Dallas is Michigan's 12th commitment to the 2011 class and clearly is one of the better DB's Michigan has recruited in this group.  Let's hope there are even more to come.  Welcome to the Wolverines!

Dallas in Dallas vs. Alabama in 2012?  Michigan could play in the Dallas Classic this year?  :)

More on Dallas at Mgoblog.

Michigan vs Purdue Preview

Location:  Ross Aide Stadium
Time: 12:00 EST
TV: Big Ten Network
Line: Purdue + 12.5
Weather: High of 70, 40% chance of rain

Neither one of these teams are lighting up the Big Ten, both come into this match up with a 2-3 conference record.  Both teams have also had big losses at important positions:  Michigan in the defensive backfield and Purdue at the QB position.  Purdue has also had a strange string of ACL injuries that have hit other offensive positions as well, which has given the Boilermakers this new mascot (which I really like and you knew it was coming!)

Michigan is coming off a 3 game losing streak with the basketball score and triple overtime win last Saturday.   Purdue is currently on it's own 3 game losing streak but with Purdue's offense injuries it's really impressive they have won 2 Big Ten games.  They also played Wisconsin close for a half last weekend at home before the game got out of control.   Purdue is 2 wins away from a bowl game with Michigan, MSU, and IU still left on the schedule.   So do you think they want this game?

A bowl game isn't the only reason that Danny Hope and the Boilermakers are looking for a third straight win over the Wolverines.   They are still upset about 2 things the Wolverines did in the past 3 years.  #1 was the signing day change of heart from Purdue to Michigan from star WR Roy Roundtree.  #2 was that Danny Hope meet RR at mid field after their victory in the Big House last year and introduced him to the kid that Danny believed RR got suspended by the Big Ten.

So to say the least, there is zero love lost between these two schools right now.  RR says that incident last year was in the past but you know he just wants to take the Boilermakers to the woodshed.  Danny of course feels the same way.   So this should be a good hard hitting game.

Purdue on offense prefers to run the ball and ranks #39 in the nation in rushing.  They really don't prefer to throw the ball where they rank #114.   That strategy will be welcomed by the Wolverine defense that ranks 105 in points against with a lot of youth in the defensive backfield.

Michigan on the other hand has the #9 ranked rushing offense and the #28 passing offense in the country which matches well against the 79th Purdue "points against" defense.  This is where Michigan has a clear advantage and should put up a lot of points. 

Tale of the Tape:

Michigan Offense vs Purdue Defense =  Maybe 0 Punts

Purdue Offense vs Michigan Defense =  Second Team All Stars

Special Teams = Have you seen Michigan kick field goals?

Intangibles =  RR vs Hope in a steal cage match

If it wasn't for thie long line of coaches with full thick mustaches the Michigan faithful would have very little respect for Purdue.  With that said, Purdue has won 2 straight over Michigan and the last time the Wolverines were in West Lafayette a backup running back Justin Stiller played QB and ran through the Michigan defense like a rat through cheese.  Even Justin is banged up with a foot sprain, so he is questionable for the game as well. 

Purdue has a talented defensive line which will be a good match up with Michigan's talented offensive line.   Purdue is strong in their pass rush and Denard/Tate will have to get rid of the ball quickly during passing plays.  Look for more screens and slats for the Michigan offense, then deep balls.

Sing Hail to the Victors if.........
  • Michigan scores every time they touch the ball.
  • Denard stays healthy all game and goes for 200 and 300
  • Michigan gets stops on defense
  • More Mike Shaw and Stephen Hopkins
  • Roundtree has a big day catching the ball
Yell, Why do we play so bad on the Big Ten Network if..............
  • If this becomes a shoot out
  • Danny Hope has an RR magical formula
  • Michigan gets caught in mis-direction or trick plays
  • The Michigan defense continues to give up lots of points and lots of yards
  • Michigan loses the turnover margin

Purdue knows they need this win and they really dislike the Wolverines.    They will try to run the ball, control the clock, and will throw out all the trick plays to get a W.  Purdue will have to score way over 30 points to win this game.  Weather could be the difference if it rains and Michigan gets the turnover bug.

This will be an interesting challenge for the Michigan defense which hasn't played very well on the road since the ND game.  If Michigan plays smart on offense, protects the ball, and get some stops on defense this game shouldn't be close.  Though I'm still not sold on the Wolverines on the road yet.  I'm hoping for a Michigan blow out win but I think it will be closer then that.  I think RR really wants a win against Hope and will have the Wolverines ready to play.  Michigan 100 Purdue 65    Robbie Hummel goes for 25 - who blew out his ACL as well.

I will be at the game, so please think of me when you hear a hunderd train whistles, movie clips, and that guy hitting that big drum. 


Michigan Mash Report: Purdue


Floyd, JT  Ankle
Jones, Mike  Leg
Jones, Teric Knee
Odoms,Martavious Foot
Van Slyke, Jared  Clavicle
Williams, Mike  Head
Woolfolk, Troy Ankle

Mouton, Jonas  Chest

Dorrestein, Perry  Knee
Toussaint, Fitzgerald  Shoulder

Looks like Fitz might be ready to play, but will he?  He is has 2 plays under his Michigan career.  The big question mark is Jonas Mouton at times looks great and other times like a freshman.   This could be concerning for the defense that is struggling to get stops. 

Purdue will try to run on the Michigan D, so LB play will be important. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Big Ten Weekend Preview Week 10

Last week had a bunch of not so exciting match ups that turned into some pretty exciting games.  Michigan and Illinois put up a basketball score, JoPa got #400 by coming back from 21 down, and Indiana had an upset of Iowa in their hands but couldn't hold it. 

Let's hope this week is just as exciting with the better match ups:

Big Ten Game of the Week

Penn State at Ohio State:  Penn State has a 3 game win streak under it's belt and Ohio State is doing what it does every year, winning Big Ten games.   On paper Ohio State clearly has an advantage in talent and playing at home.  Vegas agrees and has made them an 18 point favorite.   Matt McGloin is now the starter at QB for JoPa and has the confidence of beating Michigan and a come back win over Northwestern under his belt.  That will help the PSU stay close early but Michigan's and Northwestern Defense isn't close to Ohio State's.  Look for Matt to throw a couple of picks and the final score won't reflect a pretty close game. OSU 31 Penn State 13

Iowa at Northwestern:  This is a strange game for me.  Northwestern seems to play really well each year against the Hawkeyes and I'm not sure what causes that.  On the other hand, Northwestern had Michigan State and Penn State beat and let them both off the hook.  Iowa should have lost at IU last weekend but got a W after a dropped touchdown pass.   Will Northwestern continue to play it's best football against Iowa and will Iowa sleep through another road game?  Vegas has Iowa a 2 score favorite at 9.5 points.   I think this will be a close game but Iowa is clearly the better team.  Iowa 24 NW 20

Minnesota at Illinois:  I feel sorry for the Golden Gophers.  They don't have a Big Ten win and don't have a head coach.  They are also walking into a Gopher trap on Saturday.  Illinois is really mad after their top 20 defense in the country gave up 67 points and all most 700 yards to the Wolverines last week.  The Gophers are the perfect medicine for Zook and company to be bowl eligible. Illinois is favored by 21.  Illinois 42 Minn 17

Indiana at Wisconsin:  Wisky started a bit slow against Purdue last week but found their mojo and got in the winners circle.  IU almost had their biggest win of the season but dropped the ball.  Indiana doesn't play well on the road in the Big Ten and Wisconsin pretty good at home.  Look for 400 yards from Wisconsin on the ground.  Wisconsin is a 21.5 favorite.  Wisconsin 38 IU 21

I thought this weekend had better match-ups then last weekend but the lines are 9.5, 18, 21, and 21.5 points.  I guess I'm wrong.

MSU is off and I will preview the Michigan - Purdue game on Friday.   

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Arnett Update

DeAnthony picked Tennessee tonight.  That is all.

Wolverine Wednesday: Looks at Michigan Prospects in the Top 250

Update:  2011 CB from Florida Dallas Crawford might make his college decision known this Friday which is his 18th birthday.  All signs point to Dallas being a Michigan Wolverine.  For those that don't know, Dallas is a teammate of bigtime WR Sammy Watkins. 

Rivals new top 250 is now out and Michigan has plenty of prospects on the list including verbal commit Brennen Beyer from Plymouth at #194.   Other prospect that are considering Michigan between 100-250 include:
  • #222 Austin Traylor
  • #210 Darian Cooper
  • #196 Chris Bryant
  • #188 Mickey Johnson
  • #159 Avery Walls
  • #156 Blake Countess
  • #148 Deion Barnes
  • #127 Aundrey Walker

Michigan fans, don't hold your breath on the DeAnthony Arnett announcement tonight.   DeArnthony has been having some fun on Twitter that past couple of days, but expect an announcement for either MSU or Tennessee.   Tennesse looks to be the winner.

Today is the start of the early signing period for basketball.  Michigan is expected to sign 2 players:  Carlton Brundidge, a 6'1 200 pound shooting guard from Southfield, MI.  He is rated the #73 player in the country. 

Also Trey Burke, a 6'1 160 pound point guard from Columbus, OH.  He is a 3 star prospect to Scouts. 
Michigan's class might not be done with one big fish still in the pound with the #36 player in the country Amir Williams, a 4 Star center (6'9 210 lbs.) from Detroit Country Day.  Michigan has been recruiting him for awhile and was in town last Saturday.  He is visiting Ohio State this weekend and will announce his choice next week.  It seems down to Michigan, Purdue, Florida, and OSU.

Michigan has the 5th rated class in the Big Ten right now.

  • Sammy Watkins is a new Army All American and will play in the all star game.

  • Michigan's Football Facebook page has 300,000 likes. 

  • Roy Roundtree was the co-offensive Big Ten Player of the week.  This is big week for Roy, since he was orgnianlly committed to Purdue before changing his mind on signing day. 

  • Threet having an up and down year with ASU: Michigan transfer Steven Threet continues to produce mixed results in his first season with Arizona State. He threw three touchdowns for the fourth time, but had multiple interceptions for the fifth time."Just too much up and down," Threet said. "I just need to play more consistent and help the team more."

  • Dee Hart and his Dr. Phillips teammates are breaking records down in Florida Through nine games, Hart’s stats now read: 1,434 rushing yards to break the school single-season record of 1,351 set by Aaron Layne in 1992. He also now owns the Metro Conference career touchdown mark at 32 and he is closing in on a milestone 6,000 all-purpose yards with 5,999. Hart and his teammates have scored 476 points with only West Orange to go this Friday. Those numbers bring the Class 6A state scoring record, previously held by Miami Northwestern, to Orlando.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Michigan Tuesday: Recruiting Blitz

Walk On News:  Michigan got a verbal commitment for a preferred walk on spot for the 2011 class from Traverse City Fullback/Linebacker Joey Kerridge.  Joey is  6'1 230 pounds and runs a 4.7.  He is rated a 2 star prospects from Scouts.  He tore his ACL at the start of his senior year. Joey was expected to get some MAC offers and decided to walk on to Michigan.  From Scouts:  2009 - Junior: Started at fullback, outside linebacker and punter. Carried the ball 134 times, for 1223 yards (9 yard avg), 22 touchdowns and no fumbles.

Was named All-Conference, All-Region Free Dream Team and honorable mention All-State as a fullback, running back, linebacker and punter.

DeAnthony Arnett:  Will make his decision pubic at 7:00 PM on Wednesday of this week.  Most believe his top 3 to be Tennessee, MSU, and Michigan.   Tennessee seems to be the leader in the club house. 

Dee Hart is moving up the charts!  He jumped 20 spots in the new Rivals 100.  He is now rated #17 in nation and just outside the 5 star status.  "Dee Hart is the best back I have seen in person this season," said Every, who has seen many of the top backs in the country in games this year. "He is dangerous in space and catches the ball like a receiver. Hart is ideal for that Michigan offense, he's probably a better receiver than most of the guys they have already and he's perfect for the spread." 

Hasean Clinton-Dix a recent Michigan visitor and planning to come back to Ann Arbor with his best friend Dee Hart, is now ranked #6 in the Country by Rivals.

Karlos Williams is now ranked #11. 

Sammy Watkins is #25.

TomVH comes in for his regular weekly update on Dallas Crawford and Sammy Watkins from his head coach:  Dallas has Michigan as his number one school because of his two visits there and the atmosphere. Sammy still has Michigan in close second to Clemson. It's a little harder for me to get a read on him, but Michigan is close. They're in the hunt for both of them. I don't think it should matter, but I think it might matter how both teams finish for Sammy.

Desmond Morgan from Holland, MI visited the Big House on Saturday:  We met Coach Rodriguez and Frey, and that was the first time we've met both of them in person. We got a chance to walk around the locker room, and anytime you get a chance to walk through that tunnel it's pretty special. My dad liked it a lot.  This guy will be in the Maize and Blue next year, his family are huge Michigan fans and the rumor is he was named after a famous Wolverine. :)

2011 four star Maryland defensive back Blake Countess recently got a Michigan offer and seems interested in the Wolverines and making an official visit.

Ray Drew is a 4 star 6'5 240 pound DT that likes Michigan Academics.  “I like Michigan in the Big Ten,” Drew said. “I mostly looking at Michigan; they have a great football program but mainly looking at them for the educational standpoint.” Drew said.  “When I talk to the Michigan coaches they need me for the program and they want to turn the program around. I’m not sure If I will visit them it’s a possibility.” Drew said