Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michigan Post Game: Wolverines Played UNLV Today

It's 2:30 EST and I have had enough.  The Indiana - Purdue match up is more interesting to me then watching Michael Jordan playing one on one with a 12 year old. 

First off: OSU those jerseys were terrible and should have stayed in the locker room.  The reds don't even match.  You look more like UNLV then you do Ohio State.  Lucky for you, it was your only mistake of the day.  Don't let Nike force you to do anything. 
  • Its a complete embarrassment that Michigan doesn't have a kicker or punter on the trip.  Hagerup what ever you did, you cost your team at least 14 points in the first half. 
  • Roy Roundtree, your 5 drops cost your team a closer game in the first half. Congratulations.
  • Turnovers are what they are, game killers.
  • Isn't it nice for Tate Forcier to remind us what 2009 felt like in the first series of the second half 
  • The defense did all they could in the first half and the offense just shot itself in the foot every time.
  • Michigan could have had the lead in the first half just by catching the ball, not fumbling, and being able to punt.  Was that too much to ask?  I guess it was.
  • I was proud of the Michigan Defense in the first half but the game sort of had the feeling of the Lions- Patriots game on Thanksgiving.
  • I thought the game was poorly officiated.
At the end of the day this game didn't matter to the 2010 Wolverines, 7-5 or 8-4 =  bowl game which was the goal for these young Wolverines.  It was clear Michigan had zero chance to win this game with the youth, injuries, and overall skill level it currently has.  It was the only game this year that I felt Michigan really didn't have a chance to win. 

Now the Wolverines can heal, recruit, and use the 2 weeks of bowl practice to get better.  I don't expect RR will be fired but he could.  RR you better find away to play some defense and beat the Buckeyes or your stay in Ann Arbor won't be too much longer. 

On a side note: When RR was at WVU it always seemed to me that his teams lost the big games,  I could be wrong but that was my impression.

One more game before the 2011 Dee and Denard show begins.