Monday, November 15, 2010

Michigan Monday: Looks Forward and Back

7-5:  Many of us predicted in August this would be the Wolverines record at the end of the season.  The Wolverines are 7-3 right now and won't be favored in the next two weeks.  IMO, Michigan's best chance at an upset is against Wisconsin this week.  For some reason the Badgers don't play well at the Big House and RR and Steven Threet beat a top10 Wisconsin team two years ago.   So anything can happen.

Bowl Game Baby!:  Right now it looks like the Insight Bowl against a Big 12 team.   Gator is the next possibility. 

Big Ten Last Weekend:  It's clear that Northwestern does have some special mojo against Iowa.  I don't know what it is but they have it.  Dan Persea is pretty darn good and I'm sad to hear about his injury.   I didn't see the Illinois - Minnesota game but what happened there?  Did Illinois have a hang over from last week?  It sure sounded like it, if they lost to the worst team in the Big 10.  Does this put Zook back on the hot seat?  Which is funny because just two weeks ago, RR's seat was "hot" and Zook's was stable.  As they say on the field, REVERSE!

Wisconsin 83 points?  I didn't think that was possible.   Michigan fans were really thinking that loss to Penn State wasn't that bad if they watched the first half of the Ohio State game.  Then we changed our minds in the second half.  Michigan should have had at least one pick in the Penn State game.

Big Weekend for the Big Ten coming up:  OSU at Iowa,  Wisconsin at Michigan, MSU vs Easy Schedule, Illinois vs Northwestern at Wrigley, Penn State vs IU at FedEx Field.  What's the deal with neutral fields this week?  ND plays Army at Yankee Stadium as well.

Big Recruiting Weekend for Big Blue:  This is the last home game for the Wolverines for the year and what I have as Michigan's #1 un-committed target Kris Frost is expected to make his official visit with his family.   I hope it's warm but does a guy named Frost really care?   Jack Tabb a TE from NJ is also expected to visit this weekend.  The Michigan coaches really want a TE in this class.  The Michigan TE's basically were the difference in the game on Saturday.   The next big recruiting weekend is 12/3 visitors include:  Wayne Lyons and Blake Countness both highly ranked DB's.    The Big Chill would be another good weekend. 

RR Press Conference Today:  Will need a big update on injuries.  We need to know the status of Mike Martin, Jonas Mouton and Mike Shaw.   Michigan will need Martin and Mouton against Wisconsin and Ohio State.