Sunday, November 14, 2010

Michigan Football: 3-0 in Indiana

If you were home on your coach watching the game yesterday, consider yourself lucky.  I was in West Lafayette and the 40% rain turned into 100% and the high of 70 degrees turned into cold.  

Michigan was just as un-predictable as the weather.  They opened the game looking like they would put up 45 points and won by just 11.  Michigan has a serious issue with 10 turnovers in 2 games.  That will get you beat when your playing better teams.  The next two weeks, Michigan plays 2 top 10 teams and 10 more turnovers will equal two blowouts for the Wolverines. 

There's not much to say about the game on Saturday.  It was nasty weather and a win is a win.   Michigan this year as swept through the State of Indiana with a 3-0 record (ND, IU, and PU) and now has 7 wins with Wisconsin at home next week.   What's the deal with rain, Rich Rodriguez and the State of Indiana anyway?  Here are the games Michigan has played in the rain in Indiana the last 3 years:  2 games at ND, this year at IU and this year at Purdue.  

The Michigan defense gave up only 16 points which is the fewest since the UConn game (10).   The Michigan D was without maybe it's two best players in Mike Martin and Jonus Mouton but was still able to hold the Boilermakers to 256 total yards.  So the big question is: was it the weather, Michigan's D, or Purdue's offense?  I think the answer lies somewhere with all 3.   The Michigan Defense didn't give up anything easy, got some turnovers and even scored.  7 of Purdue's points came off a Denard pick 6.

It was an ugly win on an ugly day, but after the last two years I will take any win that Michigan can get.  It also gets Michigan's win total to 7 wins which many experts predicted at the beginning of the season. 

Now back to the famous "Cheers and Jeers":

  • Michigan was clearly the better team and played like it most of the time
  • The Michigan fans were louder then the Purdue fans for most of the game
  • Michigan won the game
  • 7 wins = winning season and better bowl game
  • Michigan was even in the turnover margin
  • The defense gave up just 16 points and under 300 total yards
  • A 72 yard punt.  Well done Hagerup!
  • Danny Hope lost
  • Turnovers is a huge issue
  • The only time a Michigan player should kick a ball is during an extra point, punt, or kickoff.   A missed extra point, really?
  • All Purdue points came off Michigan turnovers
  • The weather
  • Mike Shaw's injury.  I was in the second row in the end zone and the players had to walk right by us to get to the locker room.  Mike was being helped by two players and was clearly not looking good.  He seemed "drunk' which would lead me to believe he had a serious concussion.  I hope I'm wrong and Mike is doing well.
  • Taylor Lewan penalties.  Come on, bro.  Those are drive killers.

A win is a win and Michigan now has 7 of them.  I'm sure all of us Michigan fans slept well last night.  Now on to a Wisconsin a team that put up 83 points against IU.