Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wolverine Weekend: UConn Post Game

Now that's more like it.  Michigan found a QB and some toughness against UConn.  The defense played well in holding UConn to 10 points and the Michigan offense seemed un-stoppable.

Michigan was prepared to play on Saturday and the winter/summer of discontent clearly motivated the Wolverines.   We try not to get too up or down from the results of an opening game but if your a Michigan fan, the game on Saturday started to remind you of years past. 

Anyway you slice it, yesterday was a near prefect premier for the new Big House and the 2010 Michigan Wolverines.

Now on to the much anticipated first "Cheers" and "Jeers" of the 2010 season:

  • Clearly Denard Robinson played a near perfect game in his first start.  No turnovers or big mistakes was huge.
  • The bend but don't break Defense played well just giving up 10 points.
  • The offensive line dominated
  • No first game mistakes: 1 penalty and no team turnovers.
  • Over 113,000 at the Big House
  • Brock Mealer Walking!
  • James Rodgers at CB seemed like he has been playing CB for years.
  • Tate's sideline pouting and playing the "transfer card" as soon as he doesn't play.
  • The possibility of blowing Devin's redshirt for 2 plays.  (I believe he still is eligible to redshirt)
  • I thought the play calling got a bit stale at times in the 3rd quarter, I would like to see the WR's get more involved in the offense.
  • Kicking game.  I hope it was because of the wind more then Gibbons. 
  • Punt Return. Same as above.  I would really like to see Gallon return a kick but he made a couple poor decision.
Honorable Mention:
  • Carvin Johnson played well before going down with an MCL injury.
  • The linebackers were much improved in my mind.
  • Craig Roh played well
  • Jibreel Black didn't play a ton but got a couple QB pressures.
  • Cam Gordon had a couple good hits but he needs to wrap up on his tackles.
  • Mike Shaw and Vincent Smith combined for over 100 yards on the ground
Information from Tate's dad on him saying that "he is out" after the game on Saturday (courtesy of TomVH from Mgoblog):  "As Tate's father, and someone who would advise him, a transfer isn't something I want to be a part of. Sometimes you think, man, do they want him there, but we don't think that's the situation. Rich Rodriguez has also been straight with us."

"This is a good growing experience. The way I see it, it's a long season. You saw today that they're going to need two quarterbacks. The Big Ten schedule is a tough schedule."

"We knew some disciplinary actions were coming down the pipe, so we kind of saw some things that others didn't. Not everyone knows and sees everything that goes on on the inside."

Here is my take:  I think RR was sending a clear message to Tate by not playing him (when Denard went down).  The way Denard runs and runs so often, Michigan will need two QB's this year for sure.  Maybe Devin is the clear #2 or maybe it's the way RR is showing Tate that he has to work hard everyday.  Either way, I expect Michigan will need Tate and I believe Tate needs Michigan.  Leaving would be a huge mistake.   I'm still holding out hope that Devin can earn a redshirt this year. 

It's fun seeing Michigan play Michigan football again.  Let's hope that can continue against the 1-0 Irish next Saturday.   Go Blue!