Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Big Ten Fans Need a Couple TV's

Jim Delany, The Commissioner of the Big Ten has been the mad scientist lately.  His Big Ten Network turned out to be a huge success, he is bringing in Nebraska next year, he un-veiled the Big Ten Divisions without any fan base getting their nose bent out of shape, and will introduce a Big Ten Championship game in December 2011. 

Ohio State is playing well, Iowa will compete with them for a Big Ten Championship, Wisconsin is tough, and Michigan might be on the road back from two years in the graveyard.

Things are pretty close to perfect, right?  Wrong. 

Somehow this weekend, the Big Ten and the TV networks messed up and will split the national viewers for the Big Ten's 2 of 3 premier games this weekend. 

Michigan vs ND at 3:30 Eastern on NBC
Miami vs Ohio State at 3:30 on ESPN.

The third premier Big Ten game: Penn State vs Alabama will start at 7:00 following the Ohio State game.  To top it off the Florida State vs Oklahoma game is also at 3:30. 

How did Jim Delany let this happen?  If you had to, make the Miami/OSU game at 12:00.  So Big Ten fans could watch all 3 games.  I know TV/Money always get the last and final vote, but it seems to me 3:30 on Saturday is a Big Loss for Big Ten fans. 

Some might wonder why Miami vs Ohio State is not the ABC Saturday Night Game of the Week?  Becuase they are showing Nascar instead.