Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Top 10 Questions That Need to Be Answered in College Football

10.  Will anyone introduce Nick Saban to a "baseball style" hat that he can wear in practice? 

9. Is it possible for ESPN to get a translator for Lou Holtz?  Will the SAP button work?

8. Is it me or is every program under NCAA investigation right now? 

7. Why do coaches wear wind shirts in practice when it's above 90 degrees? 

6.  If the injury bug hits UNC and USC, will their players have to play both ways?

5. Why is it every time I see Chris Peterson from Boise State, I get hungry for Domino's Pizza? 

4.  Will Les Miles ever clap with his fingers together?

 3.  Does USC and Reggie Bush need a receipt to return their Heisman's?  Or will they just get store credit for the next time USC wins one?  They must have a nice credit built up with OJ and now Bush.   We would like to returns these 2 Heisman's for a Walter Camp in 2012?  I'm going to need to talk to my manager.

2. I know Derek Dooley as a new coach wants to have a close team.  But does he really need to be in the shower with them?  That can't be good for recruiting. 

1. Will Denard Robinson break the sound barrier this year?