Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Tuesday Funny: Golden Gophers Coaching Search

I don't normally do this but this headline out of Minnesota made me laugh, so I wanted to share it:

If Gophers fire Brewster, Tony Dungy will be first on their list

I understand that Tony went to the University of Minnesota but do you honestly think he would head back to coaching for a chance to lead the Golden Gophers?  If they call, he doesn't have to answer. 

What Bill Parcells and Jon Gruden aren't options? I know everyone believes their program is the best job in the world, but there isn't even a 1% chance Tony would take that job.  He is well paid by NBC and I don't think he is interested in going out and recruiting every weekend.

The article also mentions, Marc Trestman who is currently coaching in the CFL.  That would be a better bet.   I will throw a wild card name out there, who would be a good fit and spent 6 seasons with the Vikings:  Brian Billick.  Having a guy with a Super Bowl ring would really help in recruiting. 

With Minnesota in Michigan's section of the new Big Ten Conference, maybe I should have kept that idea to myself.