Monday, September 13, 2010

Rich Rodriguez Monday Press Conference

Notes from today's presser:
  • Likes to mix up the run and pass in his spread.
  • There are good teams and good players in all divisions.  Players want to go where they can play.  FCS has good teams and good players.
  • ND had a bear front which covers all the Michigan offensive lineman to stop the run game. 
  • You learn a lot on the road.  Nobody was worried when ND hit a big play
  • Regarding Denard touches:  we will do what it takes to win.  Denard can handle it.
  • Hoping to get Junior back this week, don't know but it would help - he was having a great camp before he got hurt.
  • Rankings don't mater now didn't mater two weeks ago when they were 80th or something. 
  • Getting compliments are good and take them but they are like poison just don't drink them.  (or believe you are too good)
  • Hot seat question: Same guy he was two weeks ago.  Same team. 
  • Try to put kids in high pressure situations in camp so they are used to them in the game.  Denard has showed that the last two weeks.
  • Cullen's penalty was a freshman mistake
  • 3 interceptions from the defense was huge. 
  • Expecting a big crowd from the student try out today.  Maybe another Kovacs.  There should be plenty of kickers.
  • Place kicking is still open and not worried about Will's punting.
David Molk
  • Denard is the best person to handle this fame, he can handle it and he doesn't like it.  Doesn't like interviews or the media.
  • Running backs are preforming and will step up and be big.
  • Rather not be ranked, doesn't like the attention.
  • Being 20 gives them a bigger target - nothing they can't handle
  • Team is more mature, knows the play book and defenses.
  • Offensive line is doing well and can improve
  • Snap the ball and hit people
  • Got stronger as a group, when the offense started to stall or got behind
James Rodgers
  • Need to stay humble and will prepare the same way this week
  • Don't know much about UMass and will start to get the scouting report today
  • Just go out and have fun, doesn't have anything to lose
  • Prepared well for ND WR's and new their routes
  • Watch as much film as you can
  • Denard is a great kid, just a sophomore and leader.
  • Help young players learn the system
  • Secondary is young, just need to have fun and play.
  • Needed to pick up his leadership after Troy went down.
  • Cam is a hard worker and the biggest critic is himself and will watch film to get better
  • Denard is a speedster
JT Floyd
  • Denard competed every play
  • Seen positive things with James Rogers.  Just needed experience
  • Want to Win for Michigan - worked hard in summer.
  • This is a step in the right direction - still lots of work to do.
  • We accept each challenge each week.
  • ND most exciting game he has ever been a part of
  • Thought secondary did well, wish they could have a couple of big plays back by ND
  • Getting his first pick was a weight of his shoulders.
  • Secondary needs to prove themselves each week, group only has a few starts
  • Mouton is a strong communicator and he enjoys playing with him
Greg Banks
  • Doesn't look at rankings
  • Doesn't take any team lightly
  • Need to earn every one's respect back
  • 80th in the country motivates the team (to start the season)
  • Had to flush that long pass and move to the next play
  • Stay in the moment
  • UConn and ND had good offensive lines
  • ND is big every year
  • Dline is getting better and finding an identity as a team
  • Can't replace Brandon Graham, talks to him a lot.
  • BG is a great friend and a lifetime friend.
  • Always wants the line to get better
Denard Robinson (smiled the entire time)
  • Heard from his family to keep going, this is the start not the end
  • Mom raised me to be humble
  • The prize is winning for Michigan
  • A little sore but you have to get through it
  • When he was recruited by other teams to play WR or defense.  Michigan was one of the only schools that gave him a chance to play QB.
  • Looked up to Charles Woodson and some Florida guys like Peter Warrick
  • Doesn't like to punt but here at Michigan the QB has to be able to punt
  • RB's want to win so they aren't complaining about carries
  • Shaw is a tough dude, real good guy, tells him to make the read and go
  • Doesn't pay attention to Heisman talk, he doesn't have cable, doesn't get on the web. 
  • Likes the comparison to Pat White, likes that Pat was a difference maker
  • Classmates don't say too much
  • Stronger and faster since he got to college, can read defenses better, run the ball better
  • Michigan is one happy family.  Tate and Devin were happy after the game, we are all brothers.
  • Lots of people doubted me last year.
  • My whole family smiles
  • Desmond and Denard call each other twins