Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yankees Buy World Series Title, Country Yawns

Well the Yankees finally bought themselves a World Series title. I shouldn't say the country yawns, there is the state of New York and all the Yankee front runners out there that see this as a great opportunity to be more annoying. Just wait, over the next few weeks all those people you saw randomly wearing Phillies gear the past year will switch to Yankee's hats and shirts.

I know their fans will see it differently, but this is a perfect example of whats wrong with baseball today. MLB survived the steroids era and appears to be healthy again, but the state of the game for fans is on life support. I know the Yankees may not have literally bought the title, but their insane spending basically guarantees them the best chance at winning.

I normally watch the World Series all the way through, but I completely checked out after game four. Mostly I was sick of watching the Yankees, but for the most part I just couldn't listen to Joe Buck and Tim McCarver gush about the Yankees anymore. I'm somewhat sad I didn't watch game six, I'm sure McCarver had some real gems that would have kept me laughing for weeks.