Monday, November 30, 2009

The Sports Optimator Salutes FOX News

The Sports Optimator is working hard to cover the world of sports and sports related stories, and like most writers we are heavily influenced by the best. We thought about the best ways to instill our opinions with integrity and report only the most reputable stories, and it didn't take long for us to come up with some names synonymous with great journalism; Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, etc. With this in mind we are proud to announce that the month of December is going to be FOX News month at the Sports Optimator. All month we are going to report from the world of sports in a style that really speaks to the heart of America, so start thumping your bibles and draw a Hitler moustache on Obama with a sharpie!

We know its not Obama, but I think you get the point (especially if you are an Irish fan).