Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hating The French Just Got Easier

He is no Maradona, unless he has a post-game rant worthy of a two-month ban, but Thierry Henry did himself and the French no favors today. It wasn't as blatant as the Hand Of God, but it was certainly disappointing. Henry's handball and assist eliminated Ireland with a 2-1 aggregate win, and punches France's ticket to South Africa.

If you haven't seen the incident yet, here is a clip showing it from a number of angles. Its no Zapruder film, but I think you can see the offending gesture. (I'm sorry about the song.  If you are a Family Guy fan it might be a bit amusing, but if not I'm sorry).  Sorry, but other half of the duumvirate known as The SportsOptimator must interject here: this song is awesome!  I'll always associate it with Full Metal Jacket, one of the classics, so the song is a bonus.  De gustibus non disputandum est

As a side story this game was also a dominated by a not-so-obvious dirty trick: France's horrific jerseys.  One member of this blog likened the back design to a Baby Björn.  It looks like Adidas is doing its best to make the French look like clowns; hopefully they save the headbutts for South Africa.