Saturday, November 14, 2009

Scum Of The Earth : Rival Colored Apparel Wearers

You might be saying "what?" to the headline, but I don't know what else to call it. They are the people who wear "fashion" apparel for their "favorite" team in colors of their rival(s). To be honest, I can't imagine a better to way to show your complete lack of allegiance to your supposed team.

For anyone who hasn't seen this plague in person, just wait a few weeks. You will no doubt see local idiots, and even celebrities, sporting one of the most popular marks of a non-fan; the red Yankee's hat. The fact that these are even made is proof that either there is no God, or the Devil exists, and quite possibly both. To don a red Yankee's hat is to be completely unaware that their bitter rivals are the Red Sox, add to this list red Cal hats similar to the one pictured above. Stanfurd is your hated rival, so when did it become acceptable to wear their hat with the Cal logo?!