Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekly Flotsam and Jetsam

After a week in which England and Brasil played an incredibly boring, meaningless, dull, flat, Friendly in Dubai; Van Persie tore ligaments in another Int'l Friendly, rendering him unavailable for key games against Chelsea and Liverpool (does this even count as a key game anymore?); and Jay Cutlerthrew five picks against a shitty Niners team, I needed some distractions.  As usual, the intertube did not disappoint. 

First off, the Spanish region of Extramadura attempts to make the one-way a national pastime.
This is not necessarily sports-related, but since some of us make this a sport, I'm including it.  How stupid do people think the kids in this region are?  Were pamphlets really necessary?   

Speaking of acid, this is the best baseball-related thing I've seen in a while.  After Holliday took one in the nuts, and the NY All-Stars took the Fall Classic, I haven't been in much of a baseball mood, but the story of Doc Ellis' no hitter on a bunch of acid is from a better time, when men were men, there were no make-believe baseball teams like the Diamondbacks, Marlins, or Devil Rays (unless you count the Cubs), and the Atlanta Braves actually played in a geographical division that made sense. 

By now this is old news, but in case you missed it, Elisabeth Lambert was caught on video in some crazy girl-on-girl action.  

And, finally, it looks like Titans owner Bud Adams put some tips he picked up from the Flight of the Conchords to good use over the weekend.