Thursday, June 2, 2011

Michigan Thursday: 2012 DB Waterfall Hitting Ann Arbor

This years 2012 recruiting has come in waves.  First it was linebacker recruiting, then tight ends, next was defensive ends, and now its defensive backs.   It seems the Michigan coaching staff is making it very clear to 2012 commits that if they want to be Wolverines they need to commit early so they can reserve their spot.

Terry Richardson started the waterfall at DB a couple of weeks ago.  Allen Gant jumped on board on Monday and last night Illinois CB Anthony Standifer visited Ann Arbor and gave his verbal pledge to become the Wolverines 14 verbal for the 2012 class and 3rd DB.

Anthony was bit under the radar early on in his recruitment with only two MAC offers.  Then Michigan saw his film and threw him an offer.  He was immediately interested in becoming a Wolverine.  Once the Michigan offer came in so did other schools like Cincy, Notre Dame, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado State, Boise State, Purdue and others.

Anthony is rated 3 stars by Scouts and 24/7 and clearly the services don't know much about him.  Rivals doesn't even have a picture up.  What seemed to have caught the Greg Mattison's eye was his size at 6'1 180 pounds which mostly likely would equal a sport at corner or free safety.

Here is what Alan Trieu had to say about AS:

A long, athletic 6'1 cornerback, he has picked up offer after offer of late. This was my first time seeing him in person, and it's easy to see why he has those offers. In addition to his size, he has legitimate speed and athleticism. He's not a 4.3 guy, but he can run with just about anyone, and his ball skills are top notch. He has some technical work to do still, but his anticipation and awareness is good. He did a good job of recognizing and jumping routes.

It is reported on 24/7 that he had 9 picks as a junior, which is a ton obviously.

What's next for the Wolverines at DB?  It seems Michigan now has maybe one spot left in class.  Wayne Morgan was set to announce today but there was some rumblings (before AS committed) that he might wait and take a few more visits.   I disagree with that strategy if he wants to wear a winged helmet in 2012.  Use Ron Thompson has an example, he was on the verge of committing for a long time and two guys jumped into his position while he was thinking.  He is still thinking.

The best canidates for the last spot are Wayne of course and Armani Reeves who recently said PSU has a slight lead over the Wolverines for his services.  Let's hope Wayne jumps on board today or Friday.