Friday, June 3, 2011

Michigan Friday: Don't Think Too Long About Your Commitment

I love the way Texas recruits.  They invite all the top instate high school juniors to a camp on campus.  Then they hand out offers to the top guys (usually the top guys in the country as well) and give them a short timeline to commit.  Texas gets a ton of recruits right away and they always have a top 10 class.  What a luxury to have your class lineup and then you can cherry pick the rest of your class inside or outside of Texas.

Maybe someday Michigan can recruit like that and it's starting to trend that way.  The examples are how quickly this class if filling up and when one position guy goes the rest follows.  Monday, Michigan landed DB Gant and another followed on Wednesday (see below).   That is 3 DB's in the 2012 class and 5 in the 2011 class.  That is a lot of depth in a position of need, but is 8 enough?

I believe Michigan still wants one more DB in this class and probably a guy that can play safety.  So where does that leave Wayne Morgan and his announcement this week?  It means Wayne still wanted to think it over and now Michigan has gone in another direction.   Wayne was a silent commit to Michigan and was starting to get cold feet this week due to pressure "about rushing a decision"  from his coaches and family.

I feel bad for both parties because I think Wayne is a talented kid but the spots at Michigan are now at a premium in the 2012 class.  I think Ron Thomson and Wayne Morgan waited too long and other guys jumped in their positions.

So what's next at DB?

The word is the Michigan coaches are very high on Jarrod Wilson a safety prospect from Akron, Ohio.  Jarrod is 4 star prospect to Rivals and Scouts and comes in at 6'2 190 pounds.   Jarrod visited Ann Arbor on Monday and was said to be "blown away" with the experience.  His offer list is an impressive one with the likes of Penn State, ND, WVU, Pitt, UCLA, Stanford and many others.   His top 3 are Penn State, Michigan and ND.

I guess I left one thing out.  Jarrod's coach is a guy by the name of Ricky Powers.  Yes, that Ricky Powers.

After the next DB jumps on the Wolverines band wagon the top needs remain on the offensive and defensive lines.
  • Speaking of DLine:  DT Aziz Shittu is currently a Stanford commit is considering opening up his recruitment.  Aziz is rated one of the best prospects in the country and rated #12 overall by Rivals and a 5 star prospect.  If Aziz does re-open he is considering a Michigan visit this summer!