Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: Fun or Foolish?

I bleed maize and blue, I think many of you that read this blog do as well.  I also respect how a Michigan fan (usually) handles themselves in a big win or even in a big loss.   When you have the most victories and arguably the most tradition, youhave  the right to hold your head high as a Michigan fan.  

Michigan fans have had a difficult 3 years with the direction of our beloved program.  We have seen losses against MAC teams and struggling to beat the Indiana's of the world, while being dominated by Ohio and other major programs.  We have been down but Brady Hoke has brought hope back to the Wolverine Nation through strong recruiting and respecting Michigan's tradition.   Former players are back and Wolverines fans feel the comfort of something familiar out of Schembechler Hall.  Even our top rival OSU is in major trouble with the NCAA.   Seems the worm is starting to turn in Ann Arbor, which is good news for Wolverines fans everywhere.

With that said, we can't lose our cool or go to far.   We made fun of MSU the last couple of years when Dantonio installed count down clocks in his locker room for the Michigan game.  Sparty has 3 wins in a row over the Wolverines.  Now similar countdown clocks are in Michigan's locker room for MSU and OSU.  

Now comes a billboard on 94 that says, "Liar Liar Vest on Fire".   Funny, but does it go too far?

Billboards have become a regular occurrences for programs or fans, lately.  They buy billboards when they win a big game or have a Heisman Trophy contender, etc.    Not something I'm a big fan of, I prefer acting like you have been there before.  The Michigan Football Program has been there before.   Charles Woodson didn't need a Billboard for us to know he was the best college football player in 1997.

So where do we draw the line on these things?  OSU is in major trouble and they haven't been playing by the rules for probably many years.  The reason they turned "to the dark side" was due to "the team from up North" dominating them.   Now, I'm not saying we are going to break rules to get an un-fair advantage, I just prefer the Wolverines do their talking on the field and not on a billboard.

There is a Columbus on-line newspaper that has a regular area on their site that lists the number of days since OSU lost to Michigan.  It's a big number but is also low class.  Act like you have been there before!

Stay Classy Wolverine Billboard Guy! (if your looking to spend your money in support of the Wolverines, how about to Charles Woodson's Foundation that helps Mott's Children's hospital).