Thursday, May 5, 2011

Denard Being Denard

Memo to other football programs:
Keep your 5 star QB's and high maintenance Pryor types.  The guy below is my QB and the definition of what a Michigan Man is.  

More players should be like Denard. 

From Mgoblog:
Brian -- my friend works for a Charter school in NYC. the students were all assigned to write to someone they consider a leader. not all of the leaders responded to the kids, but #16 did.

check out the attached: a nice break from our passing game concerns ... and also, at long last, a story about Leaders that doesn't involve Legends

Go Blue,

(Name removed),

Thank you for your letter and for asking me about how to be a leader. First of all, you need to believe in yourself and never just follow people. Always do what you think is right no matter what anyone else does or thinks.

Don’t forget to ask people for help and thank those who help you. Don’t be afraid to work hard, follow directions, and follow your dreams!

Good Luck and Go Blue!

BHB: If your son or daughter doesn't have a #16 jersey.  Make sure they get one.