Monday, May 30, 2011

Michigan Monday: Tressel is Done

Like I suggested months ago, Jim Tressel has decided to resign from Ohio State.   Many of you know the story and the crime, but do you?

Pultizer Prize winning SI writer George Dohrmann is about to release a story that is supposed to bring new allegations to light on the OSU program.   The story is expected to be released today/tonight.  The story was originally going to be released on Tuesday at 12:00.

So this firing/resignation was a clear attempt to get in front of that story. It seemed OSU was pretty intent on riding forward on the Tattoo-gate allegations with Tressel.

Is this a good day for Michigan?  I don't know.  It's clear our biggest rival hasn't been playing by the same rules.

Is Tressel's era at OSU a total fraud?  I think there can be a clear case for that.  His YSU allegations were known when OSU hired him.  OSU knew what they were getting when they hired him.  They danced with the devil and now they are in hell.

OSU has been owning the Wolverines for years and most years had the better team.  Now there will be an asterisk on all those games.  OSU and Tressel cheated and has been cheating for many years.  This isn't an isolated incident this has been going on for a number of years.

What is next for Tressel?  He is done in college football for a number of years.  He will get a "show" penalty from the NCAA and won't be able to coach in college until his NCAA suspension (TBD) is up.

Who is the next coach?  Luke Fickell will coach next year and then anything can happen after that.  A number of people are predicting Urban Meyer.   If I'm Urban why would I want to leave Florida for a school that is under a huge NCAA cloud?  I wouldn't count him out but I would be surprised if he took that job.   He has a new job at ESPN and will only work a couple of days a week.  He can work on his health and spend more time with his family with his current gig.  He turned down ND for Florida, I expect him to stay at ESPN for at least a couple of years.

I'm willing to bet Les Miles is trying to figure out at way to turn this situation into a raise or contract extension.  :)

How will this effect recruiting for the Wolverines in Ohio?  It won't hurt!  Expect the Wolverines to continue to do well in Ohio this year. 

Did he get fired or resign? Did Gary Moeller resign?  Clearly both were fired.  If Tressel was paid a "package" he was fired.  If OSU doesn't own him a dime he resigned.  OSU clearly wouldn't have to pay a severance package since Jim lied to the NCAA.

What makes me the most sick is Tressel came off as this high integrity, clean cut coach, who always did the right thing and clearly that was as far from the truth as possible.   

I will repeat my earlier statement:  OSU danced with the devil to beat Michigan and now they find themselves in HELL.

Last point to ponder:  Did Terrelle Pryor get two coaches fired?  Thank you for picking OSU TP, Thank you!